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Posts posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Vercingetorix Ekhart Tolle is an interesting example. After his first enlightenment he supposedly spent 2 YEARS full-time sitting on a park bench integrating it.

    For him, 2 years is equivalent to you doing 20 years of personal development work.

    And I bet Tolle still continues to work on himself.

    And just because 1 person in a billion has a deep breakthrough, doesn't mean that you will.

    And in point of fact we have no idea how deep his enlightenment or development really goes.

    It's not a good idea to use someone like Ekhart Tolle or Bill Gates as your benchmark, whether you're pursuing enlightenment or money. Hate to break it to ya, but you probably ain't Tolle or Gates.

    I disagree, we are all blessed to remember God if we just learn to let ourselves go, which just takes (a lot of) joyful practice, perhaps some psychedelics/weed in the proper setting. 

  2. If you need to prove the paranormal shared trips reports are the way. Though a dmt/meo breakthrough might also cut away all doubt.

    Aside from that, the evidence is indeed overwhelming ( It's just cultural bias belief that keep people from realizing this simple truth, it's really hiding in plain sight and shows how strong bias can act.

    Want another crazy one? The same goes for UFOs + aliens (

  3. Had a direct experience which proved the channelings of Bashar/Darryl Anka for me, fun to listen to the conversations and information/humor/charisma of the entity but I find it quite inferior to the books that he himself strongly recommended, namely 

    Conversations with God by Neale Walsch, free to read online and utterly amazing, it was also on the NYT best seller list for 137 weeks.

    Aside from that, psychedelic teachers.

  4. Indeed, never deny how you are feeling.

    The good news is however, your father won't die, he will merely pass into spirit.

    You will dream with him and if you become open enough, you will feel him and perhaps even communicate with him (perhaps in deep meditation and through the imagination), or during psychedelic ventures.

    By all means, be skeptical about my claims, yet I would suggest you to research ( and of course have your own experiences and see. :)

  5. Ramana Maharshi lived a pretty spectacular life.

    Had an awakening at 16. Walked away from home/school.

    Just sat in still for decades, bugs eating from his legs, other people fed him as he supposedly was immersed in God.

    He slowly attracted a lot of people and an Ashram was build around him.

    He did not held any possessions, any gifts he received he wanted shared with everyone, he discarded any privacy and slept in the hall so people could be near him as they traveled all the way for him.

    There is a whole book written with a lot of (prominent) people in it experiencing mystical experiences when just coming near him

    He's the inspiration of Papaji (also quite enlightened by the looks of it), who has been the inspiration for Mooji etc. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, 100rockets said:

    I'm having a little trouble with this though because beliefs aren't always fed to us by the environment, some are a result of a direct experience or multiple experiences. If direct experience is truth and you have had the same direct experience many times then can you conclude that this is the truth? Like the sun rising every morning.  Does it serve us at all to think we might be wrong about the sun rising every morning?

    Yeah, there might not be a border anymore between belief and knowing/direct experience then.

    Perhaps that's where the wisdom lies here though; why belief things in the first place?

    Perhaps creating the belief is the ego holding on to it's identity, whereas surrendering to just truth is letting it go and being free. 

    'Do we need beliefs to function?', indeed do we?

    I didn't watch the complete video, but one thing that struck me was that beliefs can really really hold us back when experiencing reality (saw this very clearly on weed once) and it reminds me of the quote in Conversations with God. God:

    "You cannot know God until you’ve stopped telling yourself that you already know God.

    You cannot hear God until you stop thinking that you’ve already heard God.

    I cannot tell you My Truth until you stop telling Me yours."

  7. 11 hours ago, Xpansion said:

    Yes it's all subjective however when you live in abject poverty and squalor and sell your own child  into prostitution so you can eat or when your family are blown up in a war or your sister gang raped etc  etc I'm pretty sure it's not going to feel very subjective.   Things happen in the world that cause a lot of pain. Ultimately yes it is up to us how we interpret such things. If we choose to stay stuck and wallow in the pain or if we can somehow integrate what has happened and keep finding a reason to live.  Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.       I'm not there yet. I'm nowhere near there. Are you?

    No I'm not there yet.