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Everything posted by Ry4n

  1. As someone who's experienced psychedelics with AND without foundation this cannot be overstated.
  2. Yes Ketamine is insanely effective for non-dual insight and super underrated for it, it probably is one of the best for these purposes especially because you are much less likely to panic in the midst of it which the ego loves to do when it's threatened in any way, and there isn't as much visual phenomena to distract you. Ketamine+cannabis was mind blowing for me as someone who's done a decent amount of LSD well before trying it. The ego death happened almost instantly, and yet the transition felt more seamless and less chaotic than LSD. I also think the "enlightened" state Ketamine produces is closer to what meditation induced awakenings are like. @Leo Gura THIS is definitely one psychedelic that I think would surprise you.
  3. L-theanine is the go if you're anxious with coffee; the concentration is far superior to caffeine alone
  4. Everything comes from the white light, it is your essence, your very being, it is love, it is peace, and there's nothing left to do then to simply abide in that knowing. Surrender all fear into love, surrender all mind into intuition, and you will know.
  5. I actually got MORE benefits from LSD when I stopped trying to "find all the answers man" and all that egotistical bullshit; the recreational attitude can be more appropriate if you're someone who tends to be uptight which I was back then. Just letting go of expectations and NEEDING anything from it paradoxically lead me to learn more. Granted I was still hoping for something spiritual but it wasn't done with a seriousness that I think some people in this forum have. A massive insight psychedelics teach you is to stop taking yourself and life so seriously; it makes the ego games people like politicians play become hilarious.
  6. he's used 5meo and other psychedelics, he just isn't doing them right now. He has been diagnosed bi-polar in the past so that probably complicates things. I don't deny he's had massive awakenings off meditation alone, but I'm sure his bi-polar influences this. It seems they are in fact at an advantage over "normal" people when it comes to awakening, however it doesn't seem like a healthy expression of it that's for sure lol.
  7. Is being asleep really embracing life though? Is that really life? "If we've been dead a long time, life feels like death."
  8. @Aaron p hahahaha "I just can't....stop.....self actualizing.....somebody help I need to improve on this!" *Other member* "But wouldn't that also be a form of self actualizing?" "GOD DAMMIT I CAN'T ESCAPE"
  9. The Universe/God is a single infinite consciousness experiencing itself subjectively through many different forms and finite minds. The end. Imagine thinking what you're currently experiencing through this finite mind is all there, not only is this incredibly boring but quite literally means all your past psychedelic awakenings didn't actually happen at all thus you've been wasting your time. Just.....lol. It's both unverifiable, boring and helps no one, all it really does is create more confusion around something that conceptually is ridiculously simple. Like Martin Ball says it's ultimately the ego that wants to deny this simplicity to instead try and be super conceptual. So one can debate this endlessly if they want but at the end of the day they are wasting their time.
  10. @Javfly33 Nevermind, I must have misinterpreted what you wrote beforehand. Would rather not go down that useless rabbit hole again anyway
  11. @nistake hahahaha facts my dude, he's my favourite right now
  12. You've clearly had some horrible relationship experiences, so I'm sorry about that. Moral of the story: Men and Women are cunts. Finding peace within oneself will engender a kind of giving that's not excessive and needy; the idea of this being true love is a Disney style lie. Men don't like it, and women CERTAINLY don't like it either, understandably so. Like all things in life, it's about balance.
  13. @Javfly33 I share your distaste for solipsism, doesn't match up with my experiences at all.
  14. Oh I'm certain there are women who won't give a fuck no matter how much the man loves them. Women do this to men all the time, "I gave them everything I could" sounds extremely needy and neurotic, people can't handle that kind of energy. No offence. Yea see most people would associate that with some clinical form of narcissism possibly stemming from a personality disorder, not just being an asshole. And from that description hearing you say you gave everything to a narcissist sounds like a codependent-narcissist relationship, if one doesn't fix that within themselves they will always attract these same destructive characters into their lives whether they realise it or not. It's a vicious cycle.
  15. I think narcissist fits that definition better, in my eyes an asshole is simply a dominant man who also speaks very bluntly and doesn't really give a fuck about the response, if you constantly cared about not offending anyone you'd just turn into a timid pussy, which is what most "nice" guys are. A lot of the time the nice guy act is just a facade stemming from selfishness with insecure overtones, which is why they are the most in denial about their selfishness; the "asshole" who just blurts it out usually has a lot less to hide; they can embrace the shitty side we all have instead of suppressing it. Just from my experience.
  16. @Snt_lk Don't focus so much on dissolving "others" without having first dissolved the one who is having experience. Once you awaken to your true self as this boundless empty infinite consciousness you will see this very same essence/soul in everything you experience, thus the belief in "others", "self", "objects" and "matter" is realised to be nothing more than this singular consciousness; the relativistic world is seen as merely a dream conjured up by it. I like to think of this illusory splitting into dualities as a means of the universe knowing itself; God is Love and Love can be seen as a shared dance. There's really nothing more to it than that other than to experience this directly for oneself; let go of all the stories you tell yourself, all thoughts and concepts will pull you further away from this ineffable Truth. “Never forget that the universe is a single living organism possessed of one substance and one soul, holding all things suspended in a single consciousness and creating all things with a single purpose that they might work together spinning and weaving and knotting whatever comes to pass.” Marcus Aurelius. I probably overly promote Adya's work in this forum but post my LSD awakenings this has been the best means to return to this eternal state, so it may work for you.
  17. Ketamine can cause powerful ego death, but if you have an addictive personality be careful in that regard. That being said it's psychologically easier than most psychedelics so you shouldn't have to worry about freaking out and traumatising yourself. It can be hedonistic in lower doses (although better that than alcohol imo) but the higher ego dissolving doses I wouldn't consider so hedonistic.
  18. "Most of what we call adults are actually just grown up children." Fucking facts, that statement is probably more relevant today than ever before.
  19. Mushrooms are amazing, my last trip took me out of my head and into my gut where these spirits came over basically doing soul surgery on me, radiating this healing energy towards that area that I now realise was a lot of stuck energy I was holding onto due to trauma, and opened that wound to healing that made me feel much more open. A lot of stuff came up and I was able to face it all; very cathartic. Coming out of the experience I felt brave, cleansed, open, present and deeply connected with nature.
  20. hahahaha damn, haven't had 5 meo yet... although I did go into a white light on LSD. Haven't been the same since (thank God....literally )
  21. You sure that isn't just mania? I guess everyone's idea of what that baseline state looks like is different. I'm sure there is much more healthy expressions of a different baseline state.