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Everything posted by Ry4n

  1. Even in scientific terms when two distinct things are broken down you're just left with basic elements to the point where you can't distinguish between the elements of one thing as opposed to the other that was so obvious previously. So yes these distinctions have some validity on the surface but at the deepest levels possible there is just consciousness and nothing but, anything masquerading as something else is merely occurring within it. A wave on the surface is seperate, beneath the surface there is just water. This is basically the doctrine of 2 truths in Buddhism. What I eat does not make you shit, and yet the consciousness that allows for both experiences is of the same substance, or at least this is what awakening reveals experientially, taking it on as a doctrine however will only lead to confusion. The unity is underlying the seeming seperate-ness, hence the phrase "the ground of all being". The reason the consciousness part is ultimately more true than the seperate forms is because without consciousness those forms cannot exist, but without the forms consciousness can still exist (ie cessation). The water of an ocean can exist without waves.
  2. I definitely feel that to be my default attitude these days, especially at 21 my mindset is so different than everyone else you can't help but notice these things. I guess I just miss some of that ruthless ambitious feeling even though a lot of it stemmed from fear and neuroses, but at the same time the meaning of life is to just live fully so sitting around doing nothing wouldn't be in accordance with that either. The lack of concern for proving anything to anyone definitely rings true for me, it shocks myself the most. Starting a business for ex when you're already so content inside is a weird journey, because beforehand certain personal problems could be used to motivate you. I hope that makes sense. IDK man...this stuff can sneak up on you in a way where before you know it you're there and there's no turning back, you have a new life now with a whole new way of permanent being, and especially being this young having gone so deep already your life feels finished before it even began. Your "homecoming" is essentially the start of a whole new life. I still can't believe it. How is this even real? Perhaps I should look to the "helping others" part for more of that drive? Sorry if this is too much of a vent lol, it's just such a transition. I guess at a certain point you just continue cos what else we gonna do? But that also enlightenment won't necessarily get your ass off the couch always. Goes to show the human self still needs work after "enlightenment".
  3. FACTS Do you still find ambition in life despite this? I'm in the process of embodying and it's hard because the source of motivation for a lot of things has to change after this work.
  4. Bruh the craziest shit is that's happening right now. If you've emptied your self out sufficiently it becomes so obvious. For me combining "headlessness" and do nothing/zen w/ basic mindfulness makes it seen, but that took over a year and half after to really actualise following the experience. I was literally just visualising/imagining how that experience felt alongside this stuff and never let it go; staying in that mindset and just going deeper and deeper in an extremely intuitive way rather than an intellectual way. Contemplation honestly isn't too useful for me but that's hard to say because it's basically my default. It's too intellectual, not intuitive enough. As long as our minds are sufficiently silent to stop making distinctions then more of this clarity is seen. Distinctions are the biggest distraction from this. It can get frustrating when people philosophise this stuff too much because it's just more distractions. "It gets simple when you get simple!" Sounds like an amazing experience. Also what a crazy dose you got balls man haha, nice work. I would never dare lol
  5. It's so interesting cos I found LSD more direct for oneness experiences in the beginning, but nowadays since that door is open mushrooms are better for it because the only thing holding me back is my own thoughts/distinctions getting in the way. Mushrooms can really help surrender the mind. Mushrooms are probably the most humbling of psychedelics. The best for general personal growth, you feel brave after. But yeah I agree those peak LSD moments are just so beautiful I will never forget em. Going back though?......not sure on that. Don't see the need.
  6. The idea someone could do so many psychedelics and still never have the slightest taste of non-dual awareness sober breaks my heart quite frankly. Or that some people can't be sane under such a condition, because for those who can they will be MORE sane and at peace. It's clear most people just aren't ready and that's ok. Doesn't make you as an individual special in any way though, it's just how it is really. And embodiment is almost an entirely different enterprise, it's like the pinnacle of self actualisation. That shit takes YEARS, and it is very obvious who's embodied and who isn't, regardless of their self acclaimed wokeness.
  7. All memories have varying degrees of falseness, it's just that some are closer to the actual event. This is a relative statement. Ruminating on memories will probably steer it even further from what happened. From the Absolute POV... well there's really nothing to say ahaha. It's all imagination like all phenomena, but you can't really do anything with that. Even though consensus reality is part of the dream it has its use. If you're looking for absolute truth getting lost in the phenomena of your experience will only make things worse.
  8. those are actually some pretty good images, especially the top one. From the light springs these infinite forms that are all made of and suspended in that one single substance. Or at least that was how the first one went. The deeper it gets the harder to describe it is. It feels like your coming home to something; there's a deja vu that I had the first time like I was returning to a place I forgot was even there, all the time inside me. A sense of "integrating" all things together into a sense of wholeness and completeness. There's a real sense of resolution to it, like all things lead to this and begin from this. You and the world (as the world) feel complete and together forever. Pure love and eternal peace will result. Beyond this stem even deeper levels of nothingness but I can't talk about it. It's divine imaginations go on and on forever whilst its nothingness that is its essence has eternal depths that no distinction can ever touch. The image below captures the mood of it for me as well, very inspiring no doubt but obviously not the real thing. No where close.
  9. As a guy if anything a woman is more likely too lol. Men are too in their heads and as a result cut off from their intuition which itself is crucial to enlightenment. Enlightenment may as well be the literal definition of the word "intuition"; it's a purely creative form of intelligence. Nothing intellectual about it all. It seems more women get into this stuff but the fewer men who do seem to go more hardcore with it. And even though less men would awaken their "headiness" may make talking about this stuff in a technical way somewhat easier (maybe). The intellectual contemplation of this stuff does still have its place I think. The embodiment process from my experience involves a lot of heart opening practice so again women would find this process easier. Take what I said here with a grain of salt though, it's mostly speculation and generalisations.
  10. Definitely, although I think for a lot of people experiencing that nothing on its own makes it easier to see how it relates to and is ultimately the same as the forms occurring within it.
  11. It can seriously suck, but God itself infinitely loves this ego that hating it would go against it and only aggravate it more, like pushing a beach ball under water only to have it slap you harder because of the force of the resistance. Love the ego first, then everything becomes easier. Everything you could ever need or want in life is already 100% within yourself, you are secure and complete inside now and forever. (Seriously) Getting to this mindset however is ridiculously hard but it IS possible, but it takes a lot of sacrifice, swallowing one’s pride, letting go of strong beliefs and having courage and straight up faith. That everything will be ok in the end, and if it’s not ok then it’s not the end. We are all just walking each other home as some wise dude said I think it was Ram Dass lol ?.
  12. Yeah I spent about all of 2020 with very little to no motivation on what used to excite me, my mind was 100% in the spiritual that everything else fell away for a bit and felt pointless. Thankfully it was just a phase that I’m out of now and I’m embodying this stuff nicely into human experience. It’s almost as if everything goes full circle from wanting to leave this painful human existence only to then see the true beauty of it having become “God” or whatever. From that limitless perspective, the meaning of having limitations is seen. Life would be utterly boring without it! (Eventually at least.) Leave the marketplace, get woke af, re-enter the marketplace. Theres no grandiose purpose, instead you just live because every moment is a blessing; that’s there something rather than nothing for a minuscule blip in illusory time. Compassion itself is all that’s needed to align oneself with it. Love itself is the meaning of life. A very beautiful existence I think.
  13. You have to have schizophrenia first, but yes the weed will trigger it. Do you really think psychedelics wouldn’t trigger that same person? Schizophrenia is a genetic disorder; an “enabler” would just be anything that exacerbates it rather than causes it. Sorry to sound like I’m lecturing but defs an important point.
  14. From the relative sense you’re in right now, no. Go outside and look haha. From the Absolute realm there is no room, no you, no anything. Don’t even try to imagine what that’s like because that won’t be it. Listening to the sound of silence for 1 minute would be better than a lifetime of fantasising. check out Douglas Harding’s “The headless Way” if you want a proper peek. Exploring that combined with meditation as you let go of concepts will help.
  15. This might sound odd but just spend a couple days conceptually in your mind pretending like all this spiritual stuff is pure horseshit and doesn’t exist at all; there is no God, separation is real and all of it’s material 100%. What that will do (or might) is help you weed out what’s true for your direct experience and what’s still subtly a belief held within your mind. I’m a huge fan of Douglas’ “headless way” as a means of experiencing non-dual awareness sober, as I feel having both the sober AND psychedelic realisations is what really provides that clarity as to what this is and how it relates to every other aspect of your experience. (Of course combined with meditation is what provides the most juice). I think you’d be surprised as to just how accessible this technique is. It can slap you out of nowhere. But I find this approach makes LIVING enlightenment more approachable. What can occur at some point of the path is that this awareness (to massively varying degrees) becomes a somewhat regular part of your life with or withOUT psychs. As Richard Lang said there’s this too and fro between the oneness and the separateness and you almost get acclimated to this (which might sound hard to believe ?) and that as an enlightened being you aren’t just in that state 24/7 because you’d be ga-ga! Rather when you’re out in the world doing things you can recognise duality and then once all is said and done and you can relax you naturally fall back into that open space that’s interconnected with all. Now as a matter of embodiment your job is to continually grow and heal yourself so as to further open up to God and live from that loving place more and more (but not in a fake people pleaser way, this compassion is purely authentic and needs no reward). This is combined with your own continuing investigations that you do to your hearts content. At the end of this what you SHOULD be left with is a deep sense of clarity as to who you are, what life is, your relationship to it combined with a deep sense of inner peace and love for all beings that you authentically live from in daily life. No small task though. There’s also a deep sense of inner security; you only look within for true satisfaction, thus people naturally attract to you because you couldn’t give a flying fuck whether or not they’re there, but still it’s nice they are. Inauthentic relationships will die surprisingly quickly however, and people may be shocked at how easily you can leave their toxicity. As far as career goes maybe life purpose course? Idk lol ? that’s a totally seperate area, but living in accordance with one’s personal values is a good start. “Mastery” by Robert Greene is an excellent read. A complete and total break from spirituality isn’t a bad idea though.
  16. Edibles with a pinch of caffeine before a heavy yoga session will have you fucking GONE I've seen and been to cartoon worlds on it, the sunset felt like a painting I was melting into. Do not underestimate edibles. Smoking on the other hand is fun but also much more addictive and nowhere near as psychedelic there really is no comparison (not to mention the shitty brain fog of smoking). TLDR: Take edibles, fuck smoking.
  17. Destroyed my traumas, helped me forgive and let go, love myself and the world more, open my mind, let go of my defences more, have more creativity, more connection to the world, more fulfillment, more present to the moment instead of ruminating, less depression, anxiety, insecurities, fear, neuroses and excessive attachments, helped me understand myself significantly more, have more understanding and clarity of life, why it is the way it is and my relationship to it, a deeper sense of purpose, more wisdom, kindness and inner peace.
  18. God is merely lost in its own creation in the same way an artist loses him/herself during the creative process. The infinite dreamer is simply having fun.
  19. at least I tried lol, couldn't leave people supporting it in good conscience.
  20. Yes there are infinite perspectives, all within one consciousness. The contents of this seperate ego's consciousness is different for everyone, but the light of that pure consciousness that allows for any experience at all is the exact same for me as it is for you as it is for all beings, or as Buddhists would say "all beings are buddha". Illusion/imagination is simply God's mechanism for creation, so dismissing anything by saying "it's just illusion" isn't very useful. So yes all these infinite perspectives are illusory (dreamt by God), but that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't valid if you get me. The contents of our own consciousness are equally as illusory as everything else in the sense that it's masquerading as something other than consciousness. Thus to be operating in subject-object duality saying "this perspective is all there is!" is false; rather "this consciousness is all there is" would be more accurate, and it's from this stillness that has no limitation literally anything is possible. THAT right there is the ground of all being. Any POV at all is operating within subject-object duality by definition. It would be better to find the source of all POVs. Now of course people could retort me saying "well form is emptiness isn't it?" and while yes that's true it is incredibly difficult to understand this without first seeing consciousness at its source independent of its contents, such that when it begins to dream again you see it as just that; a dream. This is often why cessation experiences can be so powerful. Whether it's a thought, feeling, memory, emotion, perception, or the experience of another being one thinks has their own experience...all of it is equally illusory, whether it's mine or yours. It all boils down to (you guessed it) consciousness, consciousness, and consciousness . It's so utterly simple and perfect, and yet because of its unlimited nature it can paradoxically manifest in the most complex ways, but don't get distracted by its manifestations, even if they feel like they belong to you (and that there is a you at all); go deeper into what underlies all experience. The entire world is God's mask; (sneaky little fucker quit hiding from me LOL ) Everything that consciousness dreams up is equally illusory. The words you are reading right now are imagination.
  21. Pure LSD 100 micrograms. Granted it didn't last forever, but that could be just my luck. I would then go on to take larger doses later in life with zero problems, and what we know about brain development combined with just basic common sense should tell anyone that waiting is wiser. 20-21. The difference in maturity in that time frame is massive (or at least it should be). The brain changes incredibly fast at that age so you saying you fail to see it ain't convincing. I did mention if he absolutely must a microdose at the very least so he can get a peak at how bad of an idea the full thing would have been, which seems to be the best case scenario if I can't convince him. Combined with meditation he would not need anymore. lol true, better than saying it should be beneficial, even if it was that still would not be worth the risk. There really is no actual point in the first place, and like he said himself it was clear he was avoiding "petty" parts of mundane life which is a horrible reason to trip. The bottom line is 99.9% of 16 year olds lack the sufficient foundation for a trip. End of story.