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Posts posted by Michael569

  1. @CarlosV  What are you interested in? What makes you passionate?  Which activity helps you forget about the world outside? 

    People around here are wired differently and everyone sees something else as important. It has to be something that deeply resonates within you only, nobody else can give it to you on a silver platter. 

    It may also help you to take the Life Purpose Course. 



  2. Romantic love is a conscious decision to extend oneself,  to nurture a spiritual growth of self or another person. The vibrant feeling we label as "being in love" is actually a sexual attraction disguised as this vivid feeling,  by which the nature is tricking us to find a mate and produce an offspring while we still can. Evolution is smart and beautiful and has ways to trick the mind. 

    This is why so many couples fail after years or months.  They seek "the feeling" that they had at the beginning. What they really seek is the sexual vibration they had and no longer have, it always passes with time.

    The real love is what comes after the sexual attraction is over, the real love is working on growing yourself and the other person, it is opening yourself to giving and getting while growing together.  



    There is a reason why the anxiety is there in the first place. Panic attacks don't come just like that. It is a body's way of communicating something to you. Your intuition is sending  you a message. In some way you are not being true to yourself.  There is always a message or a warning hidden with it.

    While calming your eyes with the tea might be a good way to suppress these symptoms, unless the root cause is addressed, they may come back. 

    However it is incredible that you found out the relaxing method because you can now work more consciously on finding the cause. Take a time along every day and really retrospect and meditate on what could be the cause of your addictions. 


  4. Perception is the key here.  First  to understand why he is the way he is. What makes him dress the way he does? What makes him neglect the car? What about relationships, maybe there is something in his past, a fierce rejection or a divorce that is damaging all his efforts. Before you criticise this guy and label him as "weird" or "bad" further because he does not match your perception of ideal companion and director, open yourself and give him love and understanding instead of judgement. That only hurts you back. 

    At the same time, if his negligence is a jeopardy to the business that you love and that makes you happy, consider follow up actions. Definitely talk to him. All 3 of you sit in a quiet room without distractions and talk it through. Chances are he doesn't realise that this is making you mad. Let him explain himself and than you tell him what is it that upsets you. Try to understand his point of view. Not just on a surface but really deeply feel for this guy. Maybe he doesn't know how to act like you guys do in the business since he never owned his business and he is shy to admit or afraid. Maybe he doesn't even want to be a director but now that he agreed, he does it for the purpose of not disappointing you. 

    That being said. If he is just being a lazy and is picking the fruits of your and the other guy's work, cut him off. If he is being negative and toxic, cut him off. 


    Just make sure you consider all alternatives before doing anything you might regret later. Some relationships are best cur off forever but sometimes a change of perspective is  a solution in itself. Scheming and manipulating is not the way he deserves to be treated. Be transparent whatever your decision even if it is painful. 




  5. @Algida

    Try to identify what exactly is is that you feel was the root cause. Draw a very clear margin around it. Describe it as vividly as you can for yourself. Write it down if it helps. In a simple but meaningful description. 

    Next step is to compliment yourself that you have finally identified it and to be thankful that you now have this wonderful opportunity to get it out of your way. 

    Next step is to forgive yourself for your past transgressions. Really look in the mirror , look yourself deep in the eyes and forgfive yourself. "I forgive you for doing,....   / for being that way or this way. Make it your affirmation. Repeat it to yourself 30 times twice a day while looking yourself in the eyes ( in the mirror) 

    Final step  is to start working on getting over this obstacle. However you cannot do this if you are unable to forgive yourself, so make sure you at least start working on previous step.  

    Take a while to go through these steps and then return to Leo's visualisation video :) 



  6. 4 hours ago, S33K3R said:

    Sounds about right. I didnt read the whole book I just skimmed it and decided it wasn't right for me :P I approach people with the same authenticity they give me. If people are fake I feel no obligation to do much more than they have. If people are real I enjoy those conversations deeply. I don't bother trying to talk to those who lack awareness. But I understand many people have the need to be hidden like that book says. I feel sorry for those people but some people need a book like that. I am sure more aware people judge it and see it as manipulative or evil. But in reality this is the existence of many people. Their perception is very limited on how to interact. Another thing about the world that is sad but true. 

    nowadays so many people are fake that most of the time you cannot even tell. Especially in business bot also outside of it. Their lies get smarter and the body language and posture matching is in some cases a work of art. But I agree, for unconscious sales people who unfortunatelly are part of a system that promotes scheming and lying because honesty seems to be out of the window, this can do the trick....

  7. Subscribe to a newspaper instead then. Reading stimulates your prefrontal cortex much more than simply consuming stuff in TV. There is still a lot of shit in the paper but you can skip that. If sport interests you, you can read all about it in most popular newspaper. 

    Not to mention finishing it with a quiz, crossroad puzzle or sudoku is a nice way to have your brain do some hard work. 

  8.  My heart goes out to you for the tragedy in your family in your youth. Years have now passed leaving you pessimistic and nihilist. Yet you see that massive judgement and wishing that world was otherwise only brings you more suffering. World is what humans made it. It is not evil and it is not good. It just IS. The BEING part is important. Start by identifying yourself with it, accept it or be ruined by it. 

    In the same time, start thinking on how you can contribute. You cannot cure the world but you can contribute to less cruelty with animals, to building water wells in poor countries of Africa, to help endangered species....whatever rocks your boat.  Once you identify your meaning and learn to love the world and accept it, you become free. Because you will know that you are already doing your bit to help. And that is what matters !

    Your actions will inspire others, your light will shine upon the unconsciousness of the darkness. 

    stay true to yourself and stay positive. 





    Well in a sense she does. It is not the traditional one like LOTR of Star Wars and the structure is mixed up. 

    There is the call for adventure when the Pilot comes and she decides to go with him despite all odds ( her mother, the unknown world..). The pilot is not the traditional messenger because it was her decision but you see the point. 

    Her mentor dies, when the Amazon general gets shot in the beginning. 

    She faces the threshold guardian ( probably the evil Nazi general or the trench battle) 

    But than she nearly quits when seeing the villagers she freed all dead from the poison shell. 

    eventually she decents into the belly of the beast ( the nazi camp) and fights the ultimate Boss ,Ares but in the end realises there is a much bigger goal and that is for her to protect the humanity hence she remains in the world of men and fights "the evil". 

  10. Definitely. It is proven that lack of sun exposure influences your mood levels and can lead to depressions and anxieties. It is no coincidence that countries with the least sun have higher level of suicides. Suns is the inhibitor of all life on this planet. All living organisms require it daily. 

    The lack of most natural form of D-vitamin is what causes these along with problems with calcium levels. The good news is that you only need around 15 minutes a day to get your required amount. As it always is, too much of anything can harm so make sure you don't over-expose yourself :)

    If you can, get naked out on the sun as clothes are not natural, or at least don't wear synthetic clothing.  However that can be challenging at times especially living with neighbours :D 

  11. 3 hours ago, mudita said:

    1. K1 doesn't convert effectively to K2 by the human body and we do not get enough of this nutrient unless our diet is rich in foods like natto, grass-fed animal fat e.t.c. 

    2. If you are in the sun the whole days you unlikely don't need D3 but you never know untill you test for it. Most of us are deficient in it. Like i sad, supplements are things to SUPPLEMENT with and are no drugs to let you feel like superman.

    3. Vitamin c whole foods isn't any different then regular ascorbic acid. It is the same nutrient and is absorbed well and this is backed up by studies. 

    4. The most natural and herbal supplements are sale tricks. Most of them don't work and are a big waste of money  (not all though).

    5. We are and have always been depended on this so called "supplements". Why do you think we need foods that are nutrient rich? You are dependent on these foods, your body has always been dependent on those nutrients. 

    6. And do you feel more vibrant because of the diet switch? Most likely, because supplements are supplements and diet is king. 

    7. Natural sources of omega 3's are mostly because of the alpha linolenic acid and your body is not efficient in converting this to omega 3's.  Fruits do contain a lot of b-vitamins, nuts and seeds contain a lot of nutrients but most likely not enough for the body.

    8. But then again. Supplements are there to supplement the things you are missing from your diet. Don't just go buy a supplement because a random health blog told it will make you fly like superman. Do you research through for example examine.com since this is only research based and won't try to sell you anything.

    9. Did you do blood work before taking random supplements to back up if you where deficient in them thus you needed them?

    10. You are saying MSM would be good because of the soil. But that is the same way people tell you we are deficient in all kinds of nutrients because the soil isn't good. So you just put an argument to your own story.


    You are completely right that we don't know everything about the body and it would be stupid to say we do. But we do know a couple of things that we can use. If a supplement doesn't work for you then ditch it, if in doubt go without. 

    Dude are you being paid by a Pharma Company? Seriously! Where do your arguments come from? You seems to despise all natural and tend to claim that chemical supplements are equal if not superior to natural Vitamins and Herbs?  Nature provides everything we need in an abundance but it is mankind's will to play god and to earn money that twists facts, truth and leads to misinformation being spread. All life on this planet comes from the sun, caught on leafs of plants. This is the source of vitamins, minerals and protein. Not lab chemicals and certainly not products of slaughter and mass murder of animals. Before you cut me of as "being a vegan"  think twice about what you are saying. Also it seems to me like you might be click-bating some of those i-herbs links for commission payments....but I hope I am wrong


    The most natural and herbal supplements are sale tricks. Most of them don't work and are a big waste of money  (not all though).

    You can actually pick many of them yourself and give it a try . Simple plants like dandelions can purify your liver much better than any synthetic substance out there.  Many drugs and supplements are based on natural sources, but they remove one substance which completely destroys the balance of phytochemicals , bioflavanoids and other substances in the plant. 

    Vitamin c whole foods isn't any different then regular ascorbic acid. It is the same nutrient and is absorbed well and this is backed up by studies. 

    Studies funded by pharmaceutical business. Absorbic acid is highly unstable and toxic to human body. It is completely foreign substance and your body attacks it. It puts your organs at danger and can give you a cancer. 

    Man thinks he can twist nature, break it down, exclude some elements, and copy it in a lab. As far as I know, we are not able to synthetically create an apple. Wholefood supplements are a different story but nobody buys them because they cost 8 times as much 

    On the other hand I am going to agree that some supplements are necessary for some people but they need to be wholefood not synthetic. B12 being the first ( bacterial) especially for Vegetarians and Vegans , Chlorella is an excelent one as long as it is properly prepared so that it is digestible. From there it is purely person's choice but a balance of green leafy vegetables. A decent adrenal formula to support our overstressed glands and magnesium in highly digestible form. 



  12. Walking around, being honest and truthful, pointing out your flaws makes others feel insecure because that is not what majority does. The modern world is generally not an honest place. I mean us, humans are intuitively not bad, we just don't like to be judged or criticised, that's why we always go around hiding flaws, pretending to be the best versions of ourselves. Highlighting all perfections and sweeping imperfections under the rug. Usually the only time where we all connect on the same level is where a mayor catastrophic event happens, only then you see people genuinely opening themselves up for others, being true to our humanity. Having their expensive clothes all bloody from trying to save your fellow man's life as it happened in London not long ago. 

    Be the change you want to see in the world and let your light shine onto others. Your positivity  will inspire,and motivate the rest of us to drop our fears and judgements and step out in the light. 

    "You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."