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Posts posted by Greatnestwithin

  1. 39 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yes, that's the challenge of this situation.

    On the one hand I must allow for diversity of opinion and perspective. I have no interest in being a tyrant here. On the other hand I cannot allow people to run wild with ideas about Awakening/Consciousness/God which I know are untrue. Which makes for a challenging balancing act.

    In the end you have to decide whether you trust my leadership or not. Ultimately this issue is not avoidable. You can't really follow a set of teachings if you fundamentally disagree with the creator of those teachings or you think he's leading you in the wrong direction. You can't sign up for a meditation retreat and then also hold that the guy who organized the retreat is deluded and wrong about the most fundamental of things.

    If you think that I am fundamentally wrong about Awakening/Consciousness/God, then don't waste your time playing games with me. Go be with a teacher or community where your views align. Don't waste time. Do whatever you feel you need to wake up and get closer to Truth/God. There is no use hanging around here struggling against me. I am here because I cannot leave this place without shutting the whole thing down. You, on the other hand, can find any number of spiritual communities which will fit your values and worldview if this one does not.

    There is no point in following a spiritual leader who you do not respect. If you truly believe that I'm bullshitting you, then you shouldn't follow me and you shouldn't be here.

    The reason I kick some people off this forum is when I see that they clearly do not respect my leadership but stick around here just to play games and argue. This is a waste of time and energy so eventually I will kick such people out. Not only for my sake, but for theirs. Do not waste your time in unproductive argumentation. The goal is not to argue, it's to increase consciousness.

    I teach very radical things which are not for most people. My teachings do not align with many conventional, happy-go-lucky spiritual schools which seek to be noncontroversial, nonconfrontational, and "all-accepting". I am not spiritually "all-accepting". There are worse and better ways to do spirituality.

    I do take responsibility for what I say.

    In this case the issue isn't one of my word choice, it's more fundamental. Even if I chose my words to be the sweetest ones possible, the core issue would remain: people here who think they understand Awakening/Consciousness/God, but actually don't. And there's no nice way to tell them that. They will fight it tooth and nail because that's how the illusion is maintained. But at the same time I cannot sit by and allow such misinformation to flourish on a platform that I am responsible for.

    This does not mean that I cannot be sweeter or kinder. I can make improvements there. But my core positions on the nature of Truth/God/Love/Awakening/Consciousness -- this is not negotiable for me, I am very certain about these things after all the work I've done, and I have a low tolerance for spiritual bullshit. It's very clear to me when spiritual people do not know what they're talking about but have convinced themselves that they do. Of course you can always claim that I am wrong/deluded. In which case we just have a fundamental disagreement which will never be resolved through talk. In which case, go do it your way. But don't waste time arguing with me, trying to convince me of something. No human is every going to change my positions on Consciousness. Because all of my positions on Consciousness from this point on can only be grounded in my personal experience, not anything human. No amount of talking with any human will ever reveal to you the true nature of Consciousness.

    @Leo Gura I hear you Leo and I know where you are coming from. This is not a easy challenge or situation to be with. You are holding a lot and that demands powerful leadership and responsability.

    And I'm sure many here who are open and willing to learn will benefit from feeling more of your heart and meeting them where they are at.❤️


    I see you working on increasing both your capacity to let the world feel more of your heart and taking an assertive position in certain matters.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    As I told you, you're playing games. And none of this is personal.

    If you're gonna be on this forum, I will tell you when you are not Awake. And if you find that unloving and disrespectful, you're not gonna like being here. It's not about being better than you.

    @Leo Gura it is your responsibility as a leader to be aware, conscious of the impact your modelling and language has on others.


    And then reflect on whether that's the impact you are committed to have on this planet. If so, that's fine. If not, your intention and your impact as miss aligned.


    As a leader who is more conscious, while you can, cause is a choice/ at a certain point in your development you might want to stop excusing yourself as like " well If you don't like how I speak to you l, then go" type of answers.


    You are operating from a context of : I'll say whatever I want, and how others take that, makes them feel or receive it, it's on them and only they responsability"

    While there is truth to that.

    You are also releasing your responsibility and therefore the power you have to make a greater impact and lead others. 


    You only lead through what you model through your being not necessarily your words.


    So ask yourself whether that's the impact you are committed to having?

  3. 1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's okay to do 5-MeO-DMT before Aya because 5-MeO is out of your system after about 90 minutes.

    I once did a four day retreat, we did 5meo dmt at around 13pm and Aya at night every day.

    Unforgettable experience ❤️

  4. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's what I've always thought, but then I simply became conscious that the whole planet has its own planetary consciousness.

    There's no distinction between what's inside and outside of a human body, and yet somehow a human body has its own consciousness.

    Christopher M. Bache 

    LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: he talks of planetary and collective human consciousness 

  5. @Leo Gura "This alien has set its life purpose to be the metaphysical embodiment of divine Playfulness, Quirkiness, and Weirdness. Imagine if playfulness, quirkiness, and weird could somehow be made absolutes. Well, this fucking mouse figured out how."


    I experienced something like this, dancing as the embodying of divine playfulness and joy on my second bufo experience. Completely out of control, fully flowing with divine intelligence.


    Best and most fulfilled experience of my entire life ?❤️ levels of joy that I still cry when I remember.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's not the point.

    The point is, talking to and having friends hinders one from enlightenment.

    Have you never wondered why humans are so damn stupid?

    Hint: it isn't an accident. Show me a human with 100 friends and I'll show you a fool.

    @Leo Gurathere is nothing like intimate relationships to wake us the fuck up! 

  7. 17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You're missing the simple fact that you are imagining it right now. So it is an idea.

    You have an idea that it's real and not an idea. But that doesn't make it not an idea.


    Consider the possibility that you have never slept even once, you just imagine you did. This would be some serious Awakening.

    Don't overlook the possibility that sleep itself can be a dream.

    "I have slept many times before!" Oh yeah? But how can you know that's actually true and not just a hallucination?

    You should wonder, How does God create sleep? Through what slight of hand?

    @Leo Gura that's a video right there! Feels so odd and wacky contemplating that.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    No, it doesn't.

    You cannot maintain life at the highest levels. Which is why your baseline state is so much lower than the peaks that are possible. It's like living on top of Mt Everest, you can only do it for a short amount of time.

    @Leo Gura I remember my experiences with bufo and going through the cycle of birth and death, over and over again within the human domain.

    According to you and your teachings even that is still a dream, and yet there is a reality to it.


    I'd be open to the possibility of other forms of being with higher consciousness than humans in others planes and that still would be a dream, is this correct?


    So God realization is simply recognising ourselves as God as everything there is as infinity.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    It is hard of survive at the highest levels of consciousness. Which is why humans have low consciousness. It's necessary for long-term survival.

    There is a trade-off between consciousness and survival which people don't appreciate.

    @Leo Gura so survival still plays a part at the highest levels?, seems the highest the consciousness the less survival there would be. And I imagine whatever form you incarnate as even at the highest, that still is a dream.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I have decided to take down my latest Solipsism video because people are not mature enough to handle it.

    Don't ask me questions about solipsism any more. I will not be teaching it because people cannot handle it. I will no longer publicly teach my deepest awakenings.

    If you want the highest truth, you will have to discover it on your own, not via my explanations.

    This has been true since the beginning @Leo Gura only direct experience answers everything.

    And you know that most of your videos by definition are not in the capacity of most people can handle and yet that hasn't stopped you from releasing them.

    I wonder and I'm curious if there is Another possibility here as opposed to a binary context of whether someone can handle it or not and therefore conclude whether you want to publish it.

    And open up a conversation that can evolve in partnership with you.

  11. Only if you make it so or you are not clear in your own purpose beyond. My girlfriend has been the absolute opposite of a distraction in terms of building my career as an ontological coach and building my practice and business. Every single challenge I have ever faced in my own business I could see it show up in my intimate relationship too.

    Things like a deep trauma of fear of rejection, which, would show up in getting clients and raising my fees. When you are the business, beyond logistics and technicalities, every challenge you´ll ever face arises from your own humanity, from all the places you've learned to stay safe, close, and contract from life.

    An intimate partner can be everything you want it to be if you create it consciously. OF COURSE, an intimate partner will drive all your shit up, all your humanity, shortcoming, fears, insecurities, and all of this can be a distraction if you relate to it this way.

    How I relate to it (not because if the only way or the best, but because of how I'm choosing to) THIS IS the work to open your heart to deeper layers of love.

    Not only I have worked through those fears and traumas among many other stuff with my coach (and I continue doing so), with and through her/us but my experience of life has been infused with even more joy, play, and better finances than ever before.

    To me, Leadership and intimacy  (Intimicy_ into me) are two sides of the same coin. Your ability to make/cause an impact in this world is correlated to your capacity as a human being to cause intimacy with others, open your heart (which implies cleaning yourself of yourself, of all the strategies you have created to stay safe)

    Your ability to fuck your partner is related to your ability to fuck the world open and cause a massive impact.

    So I don´t agree with @Leo Gura on this one, although he is totally right that you should fully live life and don´t be a robot! And there is no right answer, you must decide for yourself if that´s what you want.