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Posts posted by Greatnestwithin

  1. 24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Do not think for some second that you are AWAKE! You have no fucking idea what CONSCIOUSNESS is!

    Everyone here is a clown. You don't comprehend. Everyone you follow and read is a idiot. No human has any idea what CONSCIOUSNESS is. None of the Nondualist, Buddhist, Advita spiritual monkeys that you've up on pedestals like your idiot kings.

    CONSCIOUSNESS is not some stupid Buddhist crap.

    God specifically told me to tell you that if you follow Buddhism and you think that's AWAKENING, you're a complete idiot. This is not the Leo ego speaking. This is GOD speaking to you through Leo fingers. Buddhism is NOT TRUTH! What messenger do I have to spend to you to get you to listen? Must I send a feathery angle?

    EVERY SINGLE BUDDHIST IDEA IS IMAGINARY. Including Enlightenment, Void, and No-Self. Its dreamed up shit.

    THERE NEVER WAS A BUDDHA! You invented him from whole cloth, the sneaky stupid bastard.

    You didn't just invent the Buddha, you invent Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, and all this shit.

    Rupert Spira is fantasy in your mind.

    And until you realize that, you're clueless.

    Stop acting butthurt about this. Like I am hurting your stupid feelings. All your feelings are just bullshit you are running to avoid actually WAKING UP! Stop crying like a child. You are strong enough to handle TRUTH! I know you are because I'M the only here who's been there.


    You have fucking idea what that is.

    I am treating you like the adult you should have already raised yourself to be. But now here I am, leading this children who all the sudden think they no better. NO!  Everyone your whole life have been treating you like a child, everyone treated you like a preciously emotional crybaby child! Your FEELINGS are all SELF-DECEPTION. Which why they have you running behaving like monkeys. You're as stupid as a monkey. YOU! That Buddhist! "Void" you are stupid! There is no void, there is only GOD!

    The reason you're offended and swarming around like fish because you were told the RAW TRUTH.

    No watch yourself coping with stories and distractions.

    Your whole life, everything out of your mouth has been a LIE.

    You are CONSTANTLY LYING, and I'm the only ONE who knows it and will tell you.

    And I don't care about your feelings, AT ALL. Because TRUTH doesn't give a fuck what you think.

    Everything you are is FALSE.

    It has almost reached the a point where I don't even wanna talk to you.

    I JUST WANT TO DIE. Because there is no one here intelligent enough to understand me.

    GUYS! Your stupidity will cause me to kill myself.

    @Leo Gura "Because there is no one here intelligent enough to understand me." This is a beautiful leadership opportunity for you to release your need for anyone to get anything. and see how you might want to show up from that place. Or not, it is only one more possibility and choice for you to hold and choose from.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Dude, do you really think I give a fuck about marketing or profits?

    It seems that way given your ambition and how many times you shared you have millions of dollars. And latetly how you have invested in cripto and shares.

    It doesn't make sense to achieve all that and invest if you didn't care about profits.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You never know how many girls Sadhguru is pimping out on the side :P

    If I wasn't so humble, I would say that my body of theoretical work is better than Sadhguru's. But maybe I'm just biased.

    @Leo Gura haha we will never know;). Yes your theoretical work is by far more extensive and deep. It is good that you acknowledge that yourself. AND I´d love to see your Being transmitting more of that wisdom. it´d look good on you. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Juan said:

    Lol I visualize Leo at a wedding making this objection. xD “Enough! Yo’ ain’t gonna awake bruh!” 

    Please don't follow advice of someone who isn't in a long term committed relationship and working towards enlightenment. Or someone who barely allows for intimacy in his life.

    Leo can express himself very confidently but that doesn't make him right in everything he says.


    It is absolutely possible to have an intimate and awesome relationship and work your way towards awakening. Although it is much harder than to go to the mountains and isolated yourself.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You never said yes to anything. You just found yourself alive alongside a bunch of monkeys who did the same.

    From my experience with bufo and lsd. Some of my insights are that I have indeed said yes to experiencing this Life. I don't know about the monkeys part ??

  6. 1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:


    You can be a great coach with very little psych theory.

    Psych theory is just icing on the cake.

    I have got far more transformation, value and success working with my own coach than the initial icf training I took and books I have read.❤️

    The bar for entry is very low to get into coaching and getting higher to actually make it and succeed at it.

    Ontological coaching is far one of the deepest modalities and being a great  coach demands a lot of inner work.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's right, which means you will not change them.

    Technically they could choose to change (unless their health is simply broken beyond repair) but that is so unlikely it's as if they can't.

    You can't even get your parents to change. Nevermind homeless people.

    @Leo Gura have you ever got to distinguish, Why for certain people their curiosity stops. I guess is a matter of degrees.

    For example, towards enlightenment, that they are even interested. Because curiosity is god's bread crumbs to lead you there. 

    But even many people don't even have the curiosity ,willingness to look for answers for their problems/ challenges.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yes, either that or monk-mode. I would probably be happiest in monk-mode in the end. Eventually I will probably outgrow the need for sex and even human contact. Remains to be seen. I got no problem with long-term relationships though.

    @Leo GuraThe latter feels more that would be outside of what's predictable for you. I wonder if although you know you have capacity for both. Given that we've been a yes to this experience (life), why not plunge ourselves into experiencing it all, including a romantic relationship.

    I've found the work never ends when we be with someone. They point and reflect to many of our blind spots, unconscious stuff.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    This is just for experimentation.

    99% of my game is sober.

    1) I do have a bias because I live in Vegas. In other towns you can collect phone numbers more and set up dates. But you still should not waste your time on girls who are not interested in sleeping with you.

    2) If I am out socializing my aim is clear, to create romanic relationships. No need to BS yourself about that. I don't care if it's a same-night pull or a number for a date sometime later. Both are fine by me as long as it leads to something. I don't go to a club to party. Partying gets old really fast and you should have much better things to do with life.

    @Leo GuraDo you envision yourself running actualized and in a long term committed relationship with a woman as part of your vision for your Life?

  10. 7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    No you can't.

    This assumes that people want to change and develop. Most people do not. Especially homeless people. They are either hardcore addicts or have serious mental illness. Even if you buy them a house they will trash it or do something stupid like gamble it away.

    You don't become homeless by accident. It happens through serious dysfunction in the mind. It's not really about the money. Any decent person can work a basic job and afford rent. Homeless people are incapable of that because they are so mentally screwed up. You are not going to fix these people nor is that your responsibility in life. If someone chooses to live a miserable life, you have to be mature enough to let them. There are many miserable humans on this planet by their own choice. At least in developed countries. There is no excuse to be homeless in a Western democracy unless you got serious mental or health issues. A lot of people are homeless because they make really bad life choices.

    Most of these people don't have capacity enough to make different choices even if they wanted it. To some degree they are in those conditions precisely because of their mental health issues not because of a lack of wanting or choice.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    The more you take the deeper it will go.

    I've done doses up to 100mg. I've done several grams within a 12-hour period.

    There's not limit to how deep it goes.

    But watch out. You could kill yourself just from mental destablization.

    @Leo Gura it'd be good to hear  where you are at in your life beyond actualized, a reflection video sharing what's next for you, what you are working on personally etc 

  12. 7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Problem is, I just can't motivate myself to care about such things anymore. It's just not interesting.

    @Leo Gura it makes sense given your growth. I might add some nuance. It's not that you can't, is that you currently have not or won't find a reason "what for" doing it. That's fine. If you wanted, you'll have to create a vision for why and what for caring about those things, it might demand that you generate that part of your leadership.❤️

  13. 22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I don't get millions.

    My income is pretty modest compared to what it could be if I trying to monetize it.

    @Leo Gura I don't see you getting that much from YouTube given your views. Of course this is an opinion. They are very low compared to the 1 millions subscribes you have.

    Your content deserves more exposure and People watching it. So I guess most of your income comes from the LP.

    I'm wanting to learn different ways, with integrity and spirit in creating income. I make a pretty decent amount through my coaching practice working with companies and Founders, executives.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Speaking of which, I had a corporate asshole today email me, asking to promote my work.

    If I was foolish or greedy for fame, I would have replied. And thereby sold my soul to the devil.

    I get at least 1 such email per week.

    Kanye is so rich is can just retire in the mountains, record his music, and sell it on his personal site. Not answer a single email. No one would bother him and he would still make millions. But he is too narcissistic for that. He wants all the fame.

    @Leo Gura if you are open to sharing. Do you get all your millions from the LP course and YouTube combined or some other forms of revenue - given your approach is contrary to the norm, I'd be curious and learn how you've gone about building wealth and spirit at the same time.