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Posts posted by Joel3102

  1. 13 minutes ago, Scholar said:

    Right, but you also say that other sentient beings don't exist and are only a figment of your imagination. So what is it? Are there sentient beings that are unconscious and get fucked up by his actions or are there not? I thought it was all a dream that you are imagining?


    You’re right. You can’t say that everything is imaginary and other beings don’t exist they’re all imagined, then tell us not to go out and torture people for a living. You can’t have it both ways. By this logic, there’s no less reason to massacre people for the sake of it than there is to massacre people in a GTA5 video game. They’re both unreal

  2. @ryanth Throughout the Middle Ages Christian society was generally more anti-semitic than the Islamic world.

    The Jews even fought alongside with the Muslims against the crusades.

    Whilst there is 100% a lot of anti-semitism in the Middle East, it's not as black and white as Muslims hate Jews and the West doesn't

  3. @ryanth

    20 minutes ago, ryanth said:


    Look at a timeline of the Jewish demographics of Jerusalem. It dramatically increased from the turn of the century from a small minority to 82% of the population in 1948. That kind of ethnic displacement is very rare and it the source of the issue, because it basically resulted in Arabs being evicted.

    Whilst not perfect, the Jews lived relatively peacefully under Ottoman (Islamic) Middle East. See point 3 below


  4. @LfcCharlie4 Yeah there was a big debate in the 1920s between the Austrian economists and the socialist economists who thought that central planning would work out, which evidently it didn't. Although the Austrian's IMO are still pretty wacky with their hardcore libertarian views on central banking etc. But they have some interesting partial perspectives

    It's true that the flavour of the month is now a kind of market socialism, which may or may not work some day. I'm not ideological about it, if it empirically works then I'd be in favour of it. I do think there are some elements of the left (mainly online not the mainstream) that defend old style communism

  5. The primary reason why socialist states have failed so far is because of the economic calculation problem. Without market mechanisms there simply isn't a good way of determining where resources in society are to be allocated. The centrally planned economy can't possibly make the millions of calculations required to adequately allocate resources by itself without price signals. This would be the case even if those running the centrally planned economy were benevolent

  6. 1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

    Exactly. Others are just there for your entertainment, to draw you deeper into the illusion.

    If you were conscious that there are no other minds you'd be bored as fuck, as there would be absolutely nothing to do. So you play games.

    This seems to be a thing polar odds with traditional enlightenment teachings of compassion for the suffering of all beings 

  7. 52 minutes ago, TheDao said:

    He is just a man from Las Vegas. Very masculine area. He likes to have an allure of being strong. Its just a gender belief thing. Other people can bring the same but in a more life affirming format. 

    He’s not from Vegas. My guess is it’s the Russian background. Most Russians I’ve met have abrasive personalities 

  8. What I find maybe even more compelling is group corroborated eyewitness accounts, such as the school UFO landing sightings in Victoria Australia in the 60s or Zimbabwe in 1997

    Literally like 60 children all have the very similar accounts of alien life landing outside the same school, and can confirm the details decades later. I’m not saying it’s 100% conclusive, but these stories wouldn’t exist for no reason and I’m all ears if there’s a better explanation