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Everything posted by Joel3102

  1. Yeah it never *actually* occurs but when I imagine my death, there will be another imaginary appearance of some kind afterwards
  2. Just calling him a psychopath is lazy, but I also think this obsession with relativism and refusing to call a spade a spade regarding what the other side is doing can be silly. It seems as if Putin specifically is a problematic leader who is more hardline than previous leaders. Literally everyone downplaying Russia prior to the invasion was saying it wouldn't happen, which should tell you something.
  3. Why are you just trusting everything Leo says? Doesn't sound like you're thinking for yourself
  4. It’s not just about NATO expansion though, that’s the thing. His speech before the invasion clearly showed that he doesn’t respect Ukraine as a sovereign country, and basically thinks it shouldn’t exist. That isn’t a NATO grievance. I think if NATO didn’t expand he would have invaded Ukraine even earlier. All you Putin defenders were saying he wouldn’t invade two weeks ago.
  5. What’s the point if it doesn’t stabilise into some kind of a (permanent - not literally, you know what I mean) shift in consciousness. You can’t keep tripping on 5-Meo forever
  6. There are people who are enlightened in the traditional sense of the word, where it’s a permanent knowing of no self where you no longer identify with the limited self
  7. This is a great example of healthy blue. President getting amongst the trenches, declining offers for evacuation and defending his country.
  8. I don’t think I buy the idea that NATO expansion provoked this. He clearly doesn’t believe Ukraine is a real country as per his speech. If NATO hadn’t expanded he probably would have invaded earlier. Threatening to invade if you join a pact that is used specifically in case of an invasion, kinda proves its point
  9. If it's gonna be how it's all America and NATO's fault, I can go to RT for that
  10. What’s wrong with no self teachings? It’s traditionally the most important aspect of enlightenment. Obviously when they teach no self, they mean no human, personal “self”, not no ultimate Self. You can’t get to realising you’re God without realising your identification with your personal self is bullshit. It’s extremely liberating to live free from identifying with the small s self
  11. You need DMSA for lead. It does remove it from the brain, but indirectly I believe. It can’t cross the blood brain barrier, and ALA can’t chelate lead which does cross the BBB. However lead moves more freeely than mercury between the body and brain, so if you remove lead from the body it won’t “refill” the brain.
  12. Every single time the insights are 100% infallible, no argument to it, final....until they get superseded and contradicted down the track.
  13. @Leo Guraone question I have is when you say you’re now awake, does that mean at all times you now have access to the knowledge that you’re god? Like is it obvious all the time in your direct experience, or are you intellectually relying upon your memory of many peak experiences?
  14. I’ve tried to watching gay porn open mindedly just to triple check out of curiousity that I’m not repressing any gay feelings, and I still find it gross no matter what I think that’s perfectly straight. We watch guys in porn all the time in the context of another girl
  15. It’s kind of silly to PM on someone else’s forum without the assumption someone else is reading it. Move offline if you want a highly sensitive convo
  16. There’s something about having a real girl to grab onto that’s so much better. However I can see how porn is better than sex if you’re in a relationship for a line time because you’ve become numb to that person. But not for a new person you’re attracted to
  17. You’re the one that thinks porn is better than real sex ? I’ve never heard someone say that
  18. I think you’re projecting your outlier experience of porn onto everyone else who tries to cut down on porn. Most guys feel like absolute garbage after a porn binge. Sex feels fundamentally healthy wheras a porn binge feels fundamentally dirty, like all my good brain chemicals have been drained. It’s kinda like the difference between feeling good playing a fun sport vs feeling “good” eating a Big Mac.
  19. Sounds like just a reframing of the same thing. Essentially other people aren't real
  20. What does he expect the reaction to be, when you're telling people their whole lives are a dream and everyone they know is just zombie in their dream in the most obnoxious way possible?
  21. That’s literally what Leo was describing. Basically everybody you know are NPCs in a video game
  22. I thought the same thing lol….. or did I?
  23. Exactly. If Leo is actually a solipsist why bother explaining it to people, giving warnings, taking it down etc when other people are just NPCs
  24. Why take it down if there’s nobody real to experience it anyway? Leo doesn’t really believe in solipsism