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Posts posted by universe

  1. @kieranperez

    Tiger eats elefant,

    elefant eats plant,

    plant takes water, uses sunrays.


    Where do we stop? Should we give the sun back its photons we received?

    You ARE the world, You ARE the tiger, the elefant, the plant, the sunrays.


    You are making up things that dont exist this way in the real world.


    Do what you gotta do, your intentions seem noble. But dont delude yourself that you have found some kind of universal purpose.

  2. 1 hour ago, JohnnyBravo said:

    Dont be afraid of refusing to take action. This is something culture will never advocate. But if you can learn the art, the feel, of doing less and nothing, you will find you can get things you want without effort.

    And then all your friends will judge you "Oh he is just lucky!"

    Haha, I have to try that! Just sit around doing exactly nothing and be my friends feeding me jelly. <3

  3. 8 hours ago, Alex14 said:

    @universe not with everyone.( I’m not 14)

    If you only have this problems with girls its likely that you are too needy. You try to hard to impress her, thus filtering the things you want to say. Remove this filter, layer for layer and conversation will be super easy.

    Its not really important what you say. You can always either say something fun ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsLCVXYqUns )

    Or deepen the connection you two have ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-SdqaGS_jc )



  4. Good stuff! Keep on going mate, I think your doing great! 

    18 hours ago, Dorotheus said:

    - talked with a girl i knew a little bit, but not very good. We had a good conversation and she liked what i was doing.

    What do you mean she liked what you were doing?


    18 hours ago, Dorotheus said:

    - be more physical in the beginning;

    - dont be afraid to lead the girl when there is attraction. In my experience, they always follow you when there is attraction;

    Yes this! Always initiate! You always need to lead, especially in the beginning. Most girls are very reactive. I know it can be a bit bothering, on the plus side, you can do whatever you want. And when you build up your intuition it gets easier and easier.

  5. If you are dating a needy person and your friends try to set you up with some random people... well, its no wonder that it seems like a burden to you.

    Do you feel like you deserve to be loved?

    Realize that everything you are right now is perfect. If you dont want to have a relationship, dont. You dont have to follow all these narratives that todays society feeds us. A true relationship can only happen when you take off your mask. I feel like you try to put on a mask to be more likeable to others. I did this as well. It can be very exhausting.

  6. Im not sure what you mean by unconscious thoughts. If you mean its like you are thinking but you are not really there vs. conscious thoughts were you actually pay attention to what you are thinking. These seem to be not completely unconscious vs conscious but rather on scale.

    The mind is an answer generating tool. I would say it might be more effective when you use it more consciously.

    But that of course implies a kind of judgemental outlook on life, which favors your survival and purpose.

  7. On 14.2.2019 at 7:16 AM, CreamCat said:
    • Disconnect from the internet until your morning routine is finished.
    • If you don't need the internet, keep the internet connection disconnected.
    • If you don't need web browser for the current task, keep it closed.
    • Remove other distractions in your environment.

    What do you do in your saved time?



    On 14.2.2019 at 8:41 AM, Sahil Pandit said:

    Daily One Note

    What do is your journal about?



    On 14.2.2019 at 9:12 AM, K VIL said:

    Most importantly!! I find that if i have a goal, and one tiny thing gets in the way, how easily i quit. So i remind myself 'after this' and proceed to goal. its a soft infrastructure. Thanks for the video reminder. i think i missed that one.

    Strategy is so important for action. What infrastructure do I need? 

    What do you mean by "after this". You mean you tell yourself its ok to quit but only after overcoming the next hurdle?

    The infrastructure you need is very personal and depends on your goals I guess. What do you want to achieve?

  8. I see it like this

    Animals: Unaware - Conscious

    Humans: Aware - Unconsious

    Enlightened Humans: Aware - Conscious


    Animals live in the "now", they are not distracted by ego or mind. BUT they are not yet conscious of themselves (aware).

    As animals evolved (to humans), they started to become conscious of themselves. They became selfaware. To become selfaware a mind needed to be created. The mind tells them there is an "I", which is equally to ego. With that they also got the unique experience of "time". Something that no other creature on earth had yet experienced. Humans got enslaved by this powerful new shiny tool (the mind). Trapped in ego and time.

    By learning to understand the mind and how it works, enlightened people can turn off the mind thus overcoming time and get back to the "now". With the simple addition of still being aware of themselves from having experienced with ego/mind. Its all about perception.

    I think I got that from Tolle.