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  1. Lol, are you putting words in my mouth again? Hmmm?
  2. Don't mention it, sweetie. Good to see you too!
  3. Hehe, this is getting hilarious. I am just writing about my own perspective. Why are you putting words in my mouth by assuming (THINKING) that all I am doing is writing about your perspective and putting words in your mouth? In other words: The statements "appearances are real" and "appearances are not real" are both equally valid. So, where's the problem?
  4. Great, then we can agree to agree.
  5. Appearance = existence. It is that which is happening. And it's happening within reality, therefore it is real.
  6. Exactly. This is precisely what I am saying. "You are god" is just as relatively true/untrue as "you are a person". "You and me are one" is just as relatively true/untrue as "you and me are seperate". "There is no time and space" is just as relatively true/untrue as "there is time and space". "Nonduality is more true, more real, more fundamental, more divine than duality" is just as relatively true/untrue as "duality is more true, more real, more fundamental, more divine than nonduality". And none of these statements are absolutely true. In other words: The belief that duality is illusory and nonduality is not illusory is the illusion. The Absolute is neither dual nor nondual. It just IS.
  7. You mean that there are no consequences in an absolute sense, but only in a relative sense? Nice distinction. Thanks for confirming the difference between absolute and relative.
  8. Ok great, so let's take some examples: "You are god". Is this absolutely true? "You are not god". Is this absolutely true? "You are a person." Is this absolutely true? "You are not a person." Is this absolutely true? "Life is a dream". Is this absolutely true? "Life is not a dream". Is this absolutely true? "There is separation". Is this absolutely true? "There is no separation". Is this absolutely true? Are all of these statements equally true? You have just expressed this with words.
  9. Who is trying to make things fit into a box? Didn't you say that I don't exist? Again: Beware of delusion. Delusion = confusing relative truth for absolute truth. What is relative truth? Anything that can be expressed with words (because it is partial aka. conceptual). What is absolute truth? That which cannot be expressed with words (because it contains and transcends absolutely everything).
  10. Don't you always insist that there is noone here who can (not) make it out alive, or do/think/say/be anything at all? Does the question you posted above indicate that you don't actually buy into your own dogma around no self and nonduality?
  11. @Princess Arabia Great, then let's state the opposite of those relative perspectives. "You are not god", "you are a person", "there is duality, a doer and plenty of things to be done". Do you acknowledge that these statements are just as true (relatively speaking) as their opposite counterparts? If not, then that's one-sided conceptual attachment aka. dogmatism aka. delusion. Delusion = confusing relative truth for absolute truth. Which is antithetical to realizing absolute truth.
  12. Lol. Check your PM inbox, November 30.
  13. @Princess Arabia Rewatch the video that I uploaded and sent you two months ago. It contains the basic blueprint on how to approach the realization of absolute truth. (Hint: Becoming and remaining attached to relative perspectives (aka. mental narratives) such as "you are god", "you are not a person" or "there is no duality, no doer and nothing to do" ain't it.)
  14. This is too good to not share it.