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About QVx

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  1. You didn’t have to be married to receive your experience. I feel the distinction between experience and the idealism of marriage is important to explore. If marriage is a trap, would that make a romantic relationship a trap? What are people’s thoughts on polygamy as an expression of love within the confines of both a relationship and marriage? Do we say the ideal, and its manifestation through direct experience, of relationship and marriage is the trap? If not, at which point does one break free of the chains of idealism and transcend beyond a new way of being as previously delivered by humanity over the past 1000s of years?
  2. Good distinction to raise; laziness of language on my part.
  3. Hi everyone, It’s been almost two years since I’ve used N,N DMT, 30 trips of varying dosages, and have spent this time grounding my experience within the relative day to day. I’m finally ready to return to DMT in order to gain a new perspective, however I’m more conscious of how I will approach it this time. I’m looking exclusively at use 5 Meo and MALT this time around with a focus on fewer higher quality trips with much longer breaks for integration. I’ve always wanted to do a retreat as well so it would be nice to combine these two aspects together for my first experience with 5 Meo. Can anyone recommend an affordable, no more than £2k, 5 Meo retreat?
  4. Absolutely, it was a great learning experience. More importantly, I’m now more conscious of falling into the trap of pleasure when starting out with wellbeing.
  5. I’ll use the example of weight lifting in my life. It initially started off as a well being practice to help me get into shape and build body confidence when I was younger. Then I became obsessed with it and it turned into a pleasure as addiction to look a certain way took over and well being evaporated. Only very recently have I seen through the veil and the detrimental impact it had for many years. Now it has finally returned to wellbeing. A beautiful but painful circular motion.
  6. It’s one of those strange things where you will be naturally drawn to spending time on things you feel are important. My advice would be to go with the flow.
  7. A burden in what respect? Both in one’s self and the affliction of other.
  8. Who is ourselves? I know you can make more an effort to articulate yourself than this
  9. Is one’s perception of oneself strictly reserved behind the eyes in your experience? You mention that changed on Meo, could it be that your being is not simply limited to experience of being behind the eyes of the body? If yes, you would have a rather unique experience in that respect.
  10. If you let go of your focus and allow it to move elsewhere, where can you detect it? Is it truly only behind the eyes, even when that is expressed as a wavering thickness? Can we park the specific nature of your Meo experience for a moment?
  11. That’s fair enough, is the same true for a real women? Would it be fair to say that your limitation is the unconscious? Have you endeavoured to explore beyond this?
  12. Of course, and that’s what this thread is really about; perspectives Really? What happens if you allow your awareness to shift, does it remain behind the eyes?
  13. Is a sense of self strictly an identification with the body, or could it be more than that?
  14. Being identified with the body, which in itself is an identify? Have you ever experienced any of what you’ve mentioned or is this something you’ve contemplated?
  15. I presume you mean a real man? If so, what do you mean by that? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I made this post sitting at a bar enjoying a nice cold cider. I don’t think the story you’ve come up with reflects what was actually being experienced or expressed by myself.