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About Yimpa

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  • Location
    Definitely somewhere.. probably
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  1. @Thought Art Maybe one day you can have your own herb supplement brand and sell them
  2. I’ve not necessarily solo traveled. However, I can relate in another way. A couple years ago I decided that I want to know what it’s like to live on my own. Before that I always lived with family. Living in a house solo has reaped me a ton of inner and outer growth. Learning how to live in new ways is where it’s at!
  3. Facing heartbreak head-on and openly has lead to immense growth soon after.
  4. I no longer relate to medication in a shameful way. I now take it knowing that it’ll help me explore myself more effectively!
  5. I remember back then playing Vice City and being so impressed with how realistic the game was. This new GTA will clearly blow my mind away and I’m looking forward to it I will play some GTA 5 to prepare for 6
  6. You should make more YouTube videos! I remember you made one almost a year ago
  7. I’ve drank contaminated tap water for a couple decades. Found out it’s been contaminated with PFOS chemicals. Wonder if I’ll get cancer next!
  8. The price of my estradiol is about the price one Harry Potter book. Let me consume some estradiol in honor of JK Rowling
  9. How many languages can you speak and understand?
  10. Leo’s cooking up some new n’ exciting mystical experiences
  11. https://www.actualized.org/insights/alien-consciousness-visualization