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Everything posted by thepixelmonk

  1. He was attributing his behavior changes changes to learning from his psychedelic experiences. You replied it's nothing but brain chemistry. Seems like you're just playing with semantics now. Physically embodying behavior in your actual life, and not just intellectually ruminating about things, is one of the highest forms of learning. Saying it's nothing other than receptors refreshing still feels a bit off imo.
  2. I think saying you can't "learn" anything from psychedelic experiences or they can't "teach" you anything and it's nothing but "brain chemistry" is just blatantly wrong imo. Extremely materialistic way of looking at things. Could just be a lost in translation thing though like halfknots was alluding to. Human language is a poor medium in the psychedelic realm.
  3. Re-iterating halfknot's point above, this strikes me as a very... materialistic way of thinking
  4. Psychedelics in general are some of the cheapest drugs in existence given that you can generally only trip like once a month due to tolerance. DMT is an exception I suppose but still. For LSD specifically, like halfknots mentioned above it usually averages out to a few bucks per tab or so, a tab usually being 100ug. As for how many tabs you'll need:
  5. I agree with this line of thinking. I've taken the test multiple times over the years and gotten many different results. Personality is more complex and fluid than boxing people into single types.
  6. Extremely low probability of anything happening. Feds are concerned about dealers not the literal millions of small-time users. Worst case is it's simply intercepted and that's that. You won't get arrested. This is in reference to the USA, other countries idk. Also I would agree that if we're talking about clearnet, stick to reputable research chemical sites, otherwise go through darkweb and encrypt your communications.
  7. Normal and understandable for a virgin I would say. Same thing basically happened when I was first with a virgin, but one or two more tries and it was totally fine from then on. Just needs to loosen up a bit.
  8. lmao it wasn't even AI art. 100% triggered gatekeeping. You: some person crying on internet message boards about robots Real independant artists out in the world who are busy making a living out of a passion for their craft:
  9. lol an unironic infowars post. great.
  10. LOL outta your mind bruh. nobody here would give him a chance. don't worry tho you get to keep that tate dick all to yourself.
  11. Rhodiola rosea +1 to Exercise
  12. lmao what? leo is not an illustrator. before AI tools he paid people to do his thumbnails.
  13. Canada
  14. I usually like to have a buffer day and would generally trip saturday over sunday if you have work in the morning. Other than that my personal recommendation might be closer to 2g but leo's suggestion works just as fine if you wanna take it slower. I took 2.5g for my first mushroom trip and it was magical.
  15. I'm sure any and all suggestions are welcome. idk if there are any simple solutions.
  16. lmao looks like we got a bonafide sherlock holmes over here
  17. Exactly. This has nothing to do with ego games or group think. Maybe once you're able to think for yourself @StarStruck you'll realize what a toxic cesspool you're in.
  18. oh god here we go again -__- hahah couldn't of said it better.
  19. I can't comment on the Isha Foundation specifically from personal experience, but I would generally encourage sabbaticals like this if you have the time and money to support yourself through it.
  20. Given that you shouldn't really be taking MDMA any more than a single time every 2 - 3 months, not sure it's the best choice for "healing" work.
  21. Of course not, he's not actually concerned with health to that degree, these are just excuses people make in order to not take the subject seriously. I mean c'mon, making comparisons to masturbation and stepping on ants? This is just a joke.