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Posts posted by Arthogaan

  1. On 22.09.2023 at 6:24 PM, Princess Arabia said:

    The thing i don't get is, people will say you don't know this, you can't know that, Noone can know this and that, you can't find this or that in this or that particular place but at the same time saying what they're saying as if that's the truth.

    You pretty much summarized his entire premise. This shows us exactly how ideas of "being humble" and "open-minded" and "non-arrogant" can turn you into an arrogant and closed-minded person. This is why you have to become so radically Sovereign to get to the truth.

  2. 1 hour ago, Tudo said:

    Yes, but nowadays there are many types of high-quality synthetic fur. There is no need to treat these animals so cruelly. Just imagine being born and living your entire life inside a cage so small that you can´t even move properly, so, in the end, you will be killed to be the clothes of some petty disgusting rich madam.

    Just imagine the little mink babies being taken away from their moms to have this destiny.


    I don't know how this is legally allowed and common in such developed countries like Denmark. Their government has to prohibit this kind of stuff.

    If these were very poor countries, I would understand why. These rich countries allow this kind of stuff is just SHAMEFUL.

    I agree. I recommend to you to watch a movie "Dominion"

  3. 11 minutes ago, Davino said:


    I've been watching Leo's video about solipsism since yesterday. I've had one of the biggest existential crisis of my life. Like taking out that one stone that makes the whole castle stand together. I realized solipsism before but not at this deepth and groundedness. I'm happy to finally be coming out of it with a new sense of clarity. It has been a deep purge really. I wanted to even write a post here asking for help but it was just so absurd to think in those lines that I couldn't even push myself to ask for help. Luckily I could still have some anchor with my partner, although that level of paradox was almost breaking my mind it definetely helped me to make peace with myself. Whatever I imagine is reality and I paint myself into existence.

    Solipsism is just so radical and threatening to this human dream... I'm really curious to see how this awakening unfolds itself in the next days. It blows my mind how I can always awake deeper. Solipsism has been a brutal Awakening, I'm thankful I was able to surrender and love truth. 

    Yeah, it is a challenging step. 

    But life gets sooo sooo beautiful after you get accustomed.

    Sending a virtual hug, brother :x

  4. 12 hours ago, Scholar said:

    The way I think of it, Free Will exists, but it has nothing to do with an agent. All free will means is Causeless Cause, or Divine Creativity, which is the ground of all Being.

    If an agent could control their Will, it would not be free, it would be "Controlled Will". ;)


    Choice is illusion. And all Illusion is created through Free Will. That's the tricky thing to understand here, I think. The choice is created through Free Will, but so is all of existence. Every particle in the universe is created the same way. The laws of nature are created and sustained the same way.

    And this is just existence, this is the flow of reality.

    You cannot not focus on Being, because Being is just Existence. Any state of consciousness really is just a state of existence.


    The idea of "Me" just means existence. It could not mean anything else. So, when you say "I make choices" this just means "Existence manifests choices". The Causeless Cause.


    Free Will is always here as it is the Cause of all existence. Yet, Free Will can only be realized to the individuated consciousness through the dissolution of certain states of existence. At that point, the human mind will say "Oh my God, I am free! I am free! I have always been free!".

    And then it is realized, that all choices ever made, that all of existence, was due to Free Will. Not anyones Free Will, but pure Free Will.


    Your sense of free will just points to the Causeless Cause, an inkling of True and Absolute Freedom, which is the ultimate nature and source of all of reality, all of existence.

    Yes I agree. When I say you have a free will I am speaking about You as God/Consciousness not a relative ego.

    You are the ultimate Agent -> God.

    That Causeless Cause = Free Will.

    I just find it a shitty pointer when people assume no free will when they need to realize they are the Ultimate Agent. And to become him you need to realize that you are Willing existence into existing.

    So starting from the belief of "there is no free will" robs you at the very beginning of that power that you have to feel into to realize that.

    Neverthess very nice post brother.



  5. 30 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    It's weird, if you really realize the absolute you want that another people realize too, because it's wonderful, you want to share it, and you want that other people go deeper, to get inspired in them . If you really broke your ego, you can't be obsessed about being the best anymore

    He shits on every authority out there precisely because he wants us to awaken.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Osaid said:


    It is the crux of Leo, you, and most of his followers.

    No. He experienced facets of it, which are not it. Just relative awakenings. That's why all his awakenings are split up and "deepen" over time.


    If the absolute is beyond those, that means that those are relative. Because "beyond" implies relativity.

    There is a serious conflation with the relative and the absolute happening here that psychedelic users seem to be blind to.

    Consciousness/God/You is absolute too but it is a second part of the coin.

    Absolute in its inactive state is like this Void, Infinite Beyondness, it is not an experience because it is beyond experience. 

    But it's active side is God/Creation. Which is the Absolute Truth too.


  7. 1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Great! One hundred points for the candidate! So you do realize that nothing you say on here is the actual truth, including the following?

    Yes, obviously anything put into words is not IT. But unfortunately we are not able to communicate truth directly via some kind of god-like telepathy and we have to use pointers. And I just say that "reality just is" is a shitty un-useful pointer, and that "YOU ARE" is much better pointer. Ultimately obviously both are wrong the moment they are put into words. But I just felt the need to balance the no-self voices. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    It is mind boggling to me that he had not found the Absolute.   Given the way his older works have shown. And yet he has not, somehow.   Because he would not be asking these questions if he had. And this still holds true in his tone today

    Absolute just kinda sits there beyond experiencing. That is not that relevant. Leo's whole shtick is about exploring Consciousness. And there is a lot to explore and realize about it. Like Love, God, Imagination, Alien Consciousness. Absolute is beyond all that but you can't really do anything with it because it is totally Beyond all that. 

    And people that follow Ralston or some advanced buddhist just go straight to the Absolute and become close-minded to all those sweet juicy facets of Consciousness. I am sure Leo has experience the Absolute many times, because that is inevitable in such amounts of tripping that he does. It just is unintresting. Yes Absolute "sits" there beyond all the time. So what. Lets explore Consciousness and God.

  9. 1 minute ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    My thought is that "Love" is... drumroll please... just another word. Call it Love, call it God, call it Reality, call it The Big Quarter Pounder With Cheese... what difference does it make?

    By that logic everything that Ralston says is just another word salad as well. But you are biased and therefore more charitable to Ralston than Leo.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    YOU ARE regardless of what you are or what you can or can't do.

    Being/existence are fundmental. The free will question adds needless complexity to the matter.

    @Leo Gura

    Could you say metaphorically that the ARE in "YOU ARE" has two sides, and one is free will and other is no free will?

    Just like in a dance, in a flow state, the dance has two sides to itself, both free will and no free will.

  11. 4 hours ago, tuku747 said:

    It's not so much that we "have" free will...

    Rather, We Are Free Will.

    The concept of ownership is just more mind games. We are what's Free, Infinite, and unbounded. Existence is Free from anything else.

    Totally agreed brother.



    3 hours ago, LastThursday said:

    If it's just decision making, isn't that constrained by what is being decided upon and what can be done? If it's ownership of "things that happen" then isn't that always done restropectively?

    It's more like a property of Consciousness that is always Now. Never retrospectively, but You as Consciousness can realize this free agency in each moment. It's kind of like a feeling.

  12. 4 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Says who? Don't you see that this is one hundred percent conjecture?

    That is a direct experience when you are conscious enough on high doses of psychedelics. 


    4 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Everything, and I mean absolutely everything that you can put into words is just a story about reality, not reality itself. Granted, some of these stories are definitely more useful for pointing you towards the absolute truth than others, but they are NEVER the truth itself, not even approximately. So when I say "there is no free will", I am ultimately just telling you the opposite of what you believe right now in order to shake you out of your current belief system.

     Yes, I agree that it cannot be put into words, but what I claim is that my pointers are "definitely more useful for pointing you towards the absolute truth" than yours. So when I say "there is free will" I am ultimately just telling you the opposite of what you believe right now in order to shake you out of your current belief system. :x


    4 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    The truth cannot be expressed! It can just be realized directly! And as long as you hold on to some grand fairytale about how you are the creator of the universe or whatever else you may be telling yourself, you won't ever realize that nameless thing which "passes all understanding", as a certain old story book puts it.

    The thing is that direct realization, direct awakening leaves you with the fact THAT YOU ARE THE CREATOR. What is a fairytaile is believing in nameless thing or reality just being reality and that there is no Self. That's just stories in your Mind.

  13. 26 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    "Choose to choose" is (like basically everything we're doing here) a word game. Don't get hung up on it.

    What I am referring to is choosing your preferences. Whenever you (think you) make a choice, it may outwardly appear like you can freely choose between A and B; but the fact of the matter is that you don't ever freely choose which one of the two you actually prefer.

    If you ask me what my favorite color is, I will pick the color red. But have I ever sat down in order to weight the pros and cons of every single color in the spectrum and then freely decided that choosing red would onjectively make the most sense? No, of course not!

    In other words: You don't choose your biases, and these biases dictate every single choice that you ever make in your life.

    The best and most obvious example is your bias towards staying alive. If you ever really want to put the so-called freedom of your will to the test, then how about the following experiment: Try to choose not to eat any food and drink any water for a month. Let me know how that works out for you... I am dying to know, lol.

    I am speaking from more absolute point of view. You as consciousness also chose to imagine those biases into yourself. And I agree that there are thoughts/choices that we do not have much agency over. But still even when we did not sleep for 2 days, are extremely hungry and cold, we still have the option to be focus on beingness itself. Isn't it magical? That there always is this choice. Doesn't it show that there is a free will at the core of it all?

    And after we focus on that we immediatelly gain more control over our vibration and our thoughts. After some time we can even choose our thoughts and start to transform preferences.

    I don't know if that counts but I did not eat anything for 7 day once hihi :x

  14. 25 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Sorry, but that makes absolutely zero sense.

    Either it takes time for you to put your choice into action, or it doesn't. And whichever way it might be, there is no difference in that regard between choosing to do X or choosing to choose it. Why should it be the case that one takes time and the other doesn't?


    What I am saying is that it does not take time, and therefore you can only choose. You cannot choose to choose, because that doesn't make sense just like trying to try doesn't make sense.

  15. I just wanted to share a snippet from Bentinho Massaro's instagram which I found beautiful :x

    Remember, over and over and over and over and over again, that all there is, is God. And therefore, everything is included. It’s simple.

    Apply this to everything without exception: only God is. Only God exists, without exception. This will submerge the mind, not into any sort of sleepy state, but more like a merger, a blending. It will blend the mind with a non-conceptual naturalness, a non-conceptual inseparability—a lived, direct perception or knowingness of unity. And in this direct perceptual knowingness of unity, this instinctual remembrance, there is no room for a separate mind bubble (even though this unity is all-inclusive).

    This doesn't mean there are no thoughts, per se, but in that moment, the ability to think and reason and seek through the mind kind of dissolves. You could say it has reached the ocean—even if there is just a glimpse of that, even if there is just a miniature sense of that.

    For that moment, when you're in the clear acknowledgment that there is only God, without exception, literally everything that's part of your palette right now, part of your canvas right now, equals God.


  16. 1 minute ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    That's what you believe... without choosing to believe it, of course. :P

    Haha. Yeah, and you believe that you have no choice, and that is your choice, of course. :x



    2 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    It means that one doesn't follow from the other.

    I will try to explain it better. Choose to choose only makes sense if I want to choose something in the future. Let's say I want to choose to meditate in 5 minutes. But I can't choose it now because future is a projection, this "in 5 minutes" has to come into NOW and only then I can choose to meditate. Because along the way of those 5 minutes I could make other choices in the NOW, which would render the previous choice false. So it only makes sense to choose now. 

    It's like a lazy person would say "I am trying to try to clean my room" to which his enlightened mom says "dude, what do you mean trying to try? Either you try now or you are not trying. You cant try to try". ^_^

  17. 1 minute ago, Someone here said:

    Well..I would say I'm awareness itself rather than a thing which has awareness. 

    So in relation to my point about thoughts ..they don't seem like they are being willed by awareness .they just arise .I mean you can try it ..close your eyes ..get into meditation and try to think of nothing ..Notice that you can't. Why Is that? 

    Sorry, I am not sure if I understand your question. Because I can think of nothing, that's what meditation is.

  18. 15 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

    Basically I don't have a choice whether to post this answer or not, if you think about it 

    You have the choice in this very moment, but later after the choice is made, as you said "you think about it" and you can delude yourself that you had no choice. Which just prove your free will. You have so much free will that you can even choose to believe that you have no free will.