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Everything posted by Asayake

  1. Dinving deeper into power imbalance. Just because there's a power imbalance doesn't neccesarily make it evil. It's when there's a power imbalance that's being used in a malicious way where it becomes evil. For example you work in a high up position in a company and offer a better career path if she sleeps with you. You work as a Guru and have brainwashed girls to think you're a good person and they idealize you as a result, and you use that power position to get sex from them. There are many examples where a power imbalance can be used in an evil way. But power imbalance doesn't neccsarily mean it has to be evil, it could be as simple as the girl having a lower income/eduction/being less experienced/younger age than the guy. Those things are common and don't have to be evil.
  2. Cinema Paradiso Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind High and Low The Prestige Hour of the Wolf
  3. You clearly have personal negative experience with veganism, which makes you likely to be biased. I have a personal bias of the opposite kind since my dad used to eat a diet high in saturated fat( a keto style diet) and almost died of pulmonary embolism when I was 14. After that my parents started eating more beans & carbohydrates & fish and less meat and they're doing good on that kind of diet. So I think it can vary from individual to individual what works. But our cases are both anecdotal, you can never know what would have happened if your sister just kept eating meat, you cant even know for certain that veganism caused all her issues, and I can't know for sure that keto caused my dads issues or if my dad would have been better off without keto. Things could have gone both better or worse, life is complex. With that being said modern day science doesn't exactly seem to support veganism as the optimal diet but it does seem to support a diet closer to the vegan diet than most people eat, with less meat and saturated fats, less eggs, butter, bacon & red meat. More fish, legumes, grains, vegetables. Most vegans don't eat close to that but they tend to eat things like fake meats & a lot of processed junk and those diets are not healthy just because they're vegan. I think it's not entirely fair to call vegan an identity disorder. Veganism is an ideology and any ideology can be latched onto by people with identity crisis, such as I bet many on this forum have latched onto a spiritual identity in an attempt to forge a new indentity and start fresh. If you make the case that being vegan is an identity disorder, then to be coherent I think you have to claim that identification with any belief system whatsoever is an identity disorder. With that being said there are surely people with idenitity disorder who are vegans, but the same can be said for carnivore, keto, or even people who eat a normal diet but define their identiy in other ways, such as being anti-vegan for example.
  4. I thought about this today too. I think it is crazy behavior regardless of the reasoning. But that it's normal for people to have a decent amount of crazy behaviour(imagine a human being behaving entirely normal always, no quirks, now that's really crazy)! I think all people behave like crazy, sometimes. It's when a persons entire identity starts consisting of too much crazy things so that the person stands out from the crowd to an extreme degree that most people will perceive that person as crazy. I think being truly crazy is a statistical matter. If you do a lot of crazy things compared to most you'll be perceived as crazy because it stands out from the norm. But people can do pretty crazy things when they're alone because then there's no one there to judge or perceive them. And people need to let loose and do weird things sometimes as the norms and societal structures sometimes are too confining, since we all in reality are, a bit crazy.
  5. So true. It doesnt matter which philosophy you subscribe to, whether George Leonard or anything else. If your philosophy doesn't result in action it's useless.
  6. Is it really true that he was the best martial artist in the world? This part of Ralston's history confuses me in particular, there seems to be very little information on this online and was one of the things which made me doubt Peter Ralston as I suspected he's faking authority.
  7. If you believe forming habits is very difficult and overhyped, that's how it will be initially, until you have changed that belief. That's why you should start with a small habit, pick one wisely that is relevant to your current goal in life. If you try integrating too many habits at once it will be an overwhelming task, you will slip up and it will fail, thereby reinforcing your belief regarding habits being a useless concept. Instead choose your battles wisely, start with something small but meaningful. Be specific about it, which time of the day you do it, optimize the step. For example if you want a habit of flossing every night, plan in when you're gonna do it and check it off everyday for a month. Look up flossing technique and refine the activity itself so that you're forced to focus more on that thing for the first month. This way you'll not only pick up a habit, but refine a skill in the process. You'll not only be a person who flosses their teeth every night, but you'll do it properly, creating a habit of attention to detail and doing things right. Small habits like this are way more powerful than they seem. How you do the small things in life will carry over to how you do everything in your life. The small things add up. You learn something from everything you do, it programs you. Then when starting a habit like the gym, having a gym program that you stick to is a form of habit. Learning those particular excercises better by practicing them & your body getting used to doing them in a certain order allows you to make adaptations, alterations to the program that are specific to it remaining the same, refining it. You'll get better at those excercises and setting up the weights, the technique, a lot of things will get automatic and that's why habits are powerful you'll not have to think about it, you'll know "today is Monday, time to hit the gym whole body day A program, go there, barely need to look at your program and you'll remember your settings and do the setups faster because you're used to those excercises". It takes a long time to automate something completely, the more automated something becomes the more easily it will put you in a state of flow. Everything just runs smoothly because more and more steps become automatic, the process becomes faster as a whole and requires less effort. You're approaching mastery.
  8. Loved this talk, I think both Dr Mike & Dr K are both very valuable voices in the health/medicine space on Youtube. I used to not be a fan of Dr Mike years ago but he has grown on me a lot lately, his content is becoming more and more meaningful, he's stepping up and taking responsibility over the influence he has gained. The discussion was mature & both raise valid points. Glad I watched it!
  9. TheBynq are the best bugabusers of all time as far as Runescape goes. Disconnecting servers, Invisibility big, item dupes, dungeoneering item smuggling, duel arena wearing weapon despite no weapon rule bug, stealing jagex rotten potato jmod item from jagex mod. The list goes on and on, they did a lot of their bugs by finding "buffer overflows" in the game and using those to stall commands and smuggle area specific effects and other things. They were not ethical but they were really good bug abusers!
  10. Depends on which personality type you're talking about specifically and how sure you are that you are said personality type.
  11. Made me chuckle a good bit.
  12. Stanley Kubrick Franz Schubert Ingemar Bergman John Coltrane Federico Fellini Björk As far as music & film goes, these are some of the greatest geniuses of all time in my book. Stanley Kubrick always blows my mind. Every movie he creates is entirely different and groundbreaking. 2001, Barry Lyndon, Eyes Wide Shut, The Shining, Paths of Glory, Dr Strangelove, they're all incredibly different movies, entirely different genres. One of the few things that ties them together is the absolute craftsmanship mastery of moviemaking that was Stanley Kubrick's fingerprint as far as I'm aware. Despite the movies being so different from eachother you could still tell they were all made by him, just by his attention to detail alone.
  13. I don't take many supplements these days, I just found that I feel better taking as little stuff as possible.
  14. Idk if you've tried this but worth trying is slamming down tons of carbohydrates & sugar about an hour before bed. The blood sugar spike will help crash cortisol and help you pass out.
  15. It's going to be easier on your digestion and it's going to be more convenient. Rice is easy to slam down but all those beans are going to take a while if you don't mash them up and eat them as a mash. But personally I prefer a bigger rice:bean ratio as well for tastes sake.
  16. There is a paradox in your reply in the sense that it implies that you KNOW that there can't be any explanation and that we don't know what a cat is, how can that be known? Do you agree? Also when you're saying existence is pure undefined magic there you're defining what existence is, paradoxically. Do you really know it's pure undefined magic?
  17. Multiply amount of rice by 4-5 times and cut down on the beans man..
  18. Are you serious? This sounds like a meme but if you're serious I think it's highly unlikely it was because of low cholesterol, that sounds more like carnivore propaganda in my ears rather than scientifically sound. Perhaps you ate too little calories because vegan foods tends to be less calorically dense and eating too little could increase your cortisol levels and perhaps mess with your erections.
  19. I don't deny you never said that. I read it between the lines and I don't deny it's possible that was just my own projection. It's very possible you don't have any aversion towards vegans, they are just people trying to do the right thing after all and you can relate to that probably even more because you were once one yourself. But that you have an aversion against vegan food or veganism seems possible to me still. That you were a vegan once doesn't matter much in that case, it's a common thing that people try a certain thing and over time it turns out that thing wasn't for them/didn't work out for them and then they grow aversion towards that certain thing as a result. I have experienced that myself first hand with weed for example. It's possible you were just sharing an objective observation, although your judgement that the people in the vegan restaurant were miserable & grumpy is your subjective interpretation of the situation and could be colored by unconscious motives. The reason for you sharing your observation seems to me to be to discredit veganism as an unhealthy way of eating that sucks the joy out of life, so that seems to indicate that you do value atleast vegan food or veganism negatively. There were many possible reasons for why the people in the restaurant looked grumpy that had nothing to do with vegan food. Perhaps the food was just poorly cooked and tasted bad, perhaps people were stressed out from work or forced to go there because their vegan friend doesn't eat steak which was their real preference, perhaps it was cause they're stressed out from working low wage jobs. There are many possible reasons why people could appear miserable and grumpy yet you seemed to come to the conclusion that it was because of veganism/vegan food and that indicated to me that you could have some kind of aversion towards vegans, veganism or vegan food. But it would be interesting to hear more about your story with being a vegan and how things really are. It's impossible to get any meaning out of your comment without some degree of projection because your comment is an observation with an implicit meaning that leaves things up for intepretation but it seemed pretty likely to me that it tried to paint veganism in a bad light whichever way I tried to interpret it.
  20. Is it possible that your aversion towards veganism got projected onto the people there, because you didn't really want to be there? Why do you think the Jews seemed to be evil to the Nazis?
  21. I agree that Connor is not shallow, the dude has more guts than most. He really went for it, he went all in and there's big risk involved in doing that. But if no one ever commited like he did we would be nowhere near where we are today. He's a mad scientist, although he did fly too close to the sun and burnt himself quite a bit, he seems to have recovered pretty well. And although he's a pretty weird dude, nothing less should be expected for someone who underwent the journey he undertook. His journey is an interesting example of a completely unexpected life transformation, revealing that Connor is in fact not a shallow guy but a pretty deep and strange guy, that's what's underneath the bodybuilding youtuber surface.