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Everything posted by Asayake

  1. I would invest it in music gear, improving upon my home studio. I would use it to cover living costs for the coming couple of years as well as investing into a nice house to live in, close to nature. I would go on a holiday with friends and pay for everything on the trip.
  2. Leo Gura if he didn't turn his health around Fish eye view of a dog in an isolation chamber in space
  3. Why are you getting banned?
  4. Yeah, I usually drink 1-2 cups but that day I was tired as heck and we were doing a movie marathon late at night so I went for way more than I usually do.
  5. I'm not sure where to post this thread or if its even allowed but I am in a state of desperation. Remove thread if you want. Three days ago I drank 5 cups of coffee and stayed up late at a friends place watching movies. All fine until I got home and started experiencing chest pains where my heart is located in the ribcage. I didn't think much of it until it didn't go away and I got a bit spooked. I figured I'd fall asleep and it'd be gone by the time I woke up. Annoyingly enough, the following day the pain was still there. One second long dull aches, sometimes minutes apart and sometimes multiple ones with only seconds apart. My problem solving survival brain kicked into action, I figured it could be gastritis or some other stomach issue and so I went to the store and got antacids, but they offered no relief. Then I figured maybe I sprained my chest muscles on the workout a couple of days prior. But I did a pushup, no pain. Weirdly enough the pain seemed to become less frequent when I was up and walking, and the worst when I lay down. I prayed to god it would be gone after I went to sleep again. Then yesterday morning I woke up, pain still present. So I pulled the trigger and went to the ER. They performed some tests on me like EKG scan, checked my blood pressure, breathing, pulse, oxygen %, touched the area of the chest where I'm having pain so see if I'm sensitive there, which I'm not. Everything came back good. But they didn't have blood tests available there though, which I found a bit strange. I got recommend to take anti-inflammatory painkillers and wait 5 days. If it doesn't get better within 5 days I'm supposed to go back there. But I've now had almost constant pain that feels like it's coming from my heart and I started researching online about EKG and it seems it's far from heart attack proof. Now I'm kind of annoyed they could not take a blood test because that seems to be more reliable. Cardiac issues run in my family, my dad almost died to a blood clot in his lungs. Now I'm having trouble sleeping, daydreaming about horrific scenarios this could end up in, with me dead or paralyzed by a stroke. After contemplating possible outcomes my left arm started stinging and radiating pain occasionally. Could this be Kundalini or is that wishfull thinking? Should I follow the advice I was given and wait 5 days? I really have an uneasy feeling about this, like they missed something at the ER. Should I dial 911 or am I overreacting to the situation and should just wait? I know all of you are not medically licensed professionals but I'm not sure what to do and scared of the outcome.
  6. Thank you so much for your reply Doc. My symptoms are nearly gone for now so I've calmed down, but your post helped make me even calmer. Have a great day!
  7. Interesting, maybe that could be why the pain goes away when I get moving, because the movement is helping regulate the blood pressure? I'm going to look into this further, tomorrow I'm going to go on a hunt for a blood pressure and oxygen saturation tester. My blood pressure tested at 140/90 at the ER but they didn't react to that at all but according to that link that's considered as hypertension. Edit: I would like to add that I've been a regular cannabis user on and off for a couple of years, and lately I've introduced more coffee into my diet to help increase my productivity at work. It seems both these things spike blood pressure which could be unhelpful if I already have high blood pressure to begin with. Also I started drinking a sugar free soda this summer that I now realize contains high sodium, which would impact blood pressure. I am physically active but the last 1 1/2 months I had to take a break from exercise because of a hand injury. So there are definitely some things that could cause increased blood pressure and I'm guessing the stress of thinking I'm having a potential heart condition would also increase the blood pressure further.
  8. Thanks for your reply. Luckily my symptoms seems to have improved slightly today so I didn't feel the need to dial 911 as of yet. But I don't exclude that as an option if it gets worse again. If it really was the coffee that fked me up I find it astonishing that a few cups of coffee could have this impact..
  9. Yeah.. Let's just say I'm not going to be drinking coffee in the near future.. nor taking any other stimulants for that matter. This gave me a proper scare. I guess it could be related to anxiety. But my pulse and breathing is normal even when the pains occur so if it is anxiety it's at such a deep level that I can't tell. Being that it starts off with a physical pain sensation and me being calm for 5 hours until it finally starts to get to me. I felt more anxious at the ER than at home but the symptoms didn't appear at the ER. Hmm.. I tried antacids and they seemed to offer no relief Costochondritis is certainly a possibility, being that I worked out pretty hard for the first time in a while a couple of days prior. But I felt no pain or discomfort 3 days following the workout. Maybe the coffee "OD" could have made it worse somehow..? But, I seem to have no painful regions of the chest when I'm applying pressure to it. Also I can do a pushup with no pain. Also the pain seems to come and go unrelated to the breath, I can take a deep breath in with no symptoms, the pain comes and goes seemingly randomly. I guess my biggest fear is that it is just that, some sort of blood clot. Since that's what my dad had in his lungs. But he had it when he was 50+ years old and I'm 26 years old so statistically I'm in the green..
  10. I will see if I can get my hand on these things today. It seems like a good idea to me because when I was at the ER the pain seized so I felt a bit uneasy considering blood pressure etc could easily be wack when the pain is present and then they'd missed it. It certainly seems stress is triggering more of the pain. Tonight I had to focus on my breath and listen to meditation music to calm myself down to the point where the pain seemed to become less frequent and then I was able to sleep. If I'm just lying there focusing on the pain with no distraction it seems to make the pain more frequent and the left arm starts stinging too.
  11. Ty! I will check this out and dive a bit deeper.
  12. The girl ones you did are very nice! I just got started so I'm still getting the hang of it but I'll share some of my cooler ones here.
  13. What about poetic stuff and fiction? Books as an art and entertainment rather than a source of insight?
  14. Haven't seen it! I guess I'll have to at some point
  15. Carl Jung.. I love him thank u both for the shares
  16. You can watch through the videos on his YouTube channel from 1 year or so back. There are some deleted ones that are hard to find now like when he talked with his parents and tried to get them to realize they're God. Allegedly he took DMT daily. He admitted himself to a psych ward to try to reenact the resurrection of Christ. He wrote a book about the incidents there. He also started making sexual yoga videos and had an OnlyFans where you could pay for NSFW content. He was posting really weird videos and videos where he was predicting he would win the US Open Golf tournament. He also made videos where he was hinting that he was going to kill himself. A lot of weird stuff. Holy cow! How did this happen and is there anything you can share with us?
  17. Mulholland Drive is a great movie!
  18. I will give this a shot, I'm not really interested in sharing it on social media.
  19. Just got back to the gym, I've had 1 month off the gym because I fell on a steel ladder with my hand when I was at the beach and scraped off all the skin on my pinky. That ladder was like a cheese grater. Anytime I bent my finger it would hurt so I couldn't grab onto anything which made strength training difficult to say the least.. However now I'm back and I'm more motivated than ever. Other members on this forum as well as irl friends of mine have been making good gym progress which has been a good inspiration for me. But I've realized I need to structure my training more and improve my tracking and not just do whatever I feel like to make more consistent progress. Today I used notepad on my phone as I've done a few times before, just writing down what exercise I'm doing by hand, the number of sets & reps. But I realize there's dozens of apps out there that makes this tracking & planning of workouts easier. The questions is which ones are really good? I don't mind if it's a paid app, I just want something that works well. I don't necessarily need meal planning and this sort of stuff. To start I just want an app where you can enter what you did so it keeps track of your progress and where you can create workout plans for yourself to check off, that sort of thing. Maybe scheduling as well but not super important. Does anyone here have experience with workout tracking/programming apps, which is the best one out there for my needs?
  20. Twin Peaks is my favorite series. I haven't seen a lot of TV-Series to be honest, but I've seen more movies. If you enjoyed Twin Peaks you should check out David Lynch's movies at some point if you haven't already. Wild At Heart & Blue Velvet are two favorites :). But as far as series goes: 1. Twin Peaks 2. Breaking Bad 3. SpongeBob SquarePants 4. Game Of Thrones 5. Friends 6. Prison Break but not the last 2 seasons
  21. I have to vouch a bit for duality compatability since one of my best friends is ESTJ and I am an INFP. He's a good musician, not all sensors are robots, actually he's one of the smartest and most deep people I know. It's just what he finds value pursuing in life is quite a bit different. it seems to me we share many interests but our reasons for liking said interests seem to differ. I'm much more curious and explorative in my nature while he's more grind oriented/focused on what's to gain/outcomes. I think our views balance eachother. We work well together and the first 7 or so years we knew eachother we talked very often. It's true there are many things I'm into that he's not into, like spirituality, or Lynch movies for example. But despite the fact that our taste differs in many ways I feel he's a very important friend for me, not only do we have fun together but he's influenced me into working on some of my weaker traits, which happen to be his stronger traits. I think in turn I help him refrain from becoming too stubborn and I encourage him to try his own path in life. He lets me do the same which works well because we both value freedom highly. He also helps ground me more in normal life stuff. I think if I had no friends like him I might have gone haywire into spirituality, but he's helping me keep in touch with 'sane' reality, maybe simply because his perspective on life is more rigid than mine, talking with him is like returning to a familiar way to approach the world. Just the kinds of discussions we have return me to reality sometimes. Anyways, we do understand eachother well. In some ways he seems to understand me deeper than some of my intuitive type friends. I don't know if he's aware of it himself tbh, but he sure does make me feel understood somehow. Eventhough we look at things very differently and our discussions are not at the most meta level, the discussions will be deep for the level they're at and I often find his views on things to be smarter/deeper than they seem at a first glance.
  22. Your BF % is really impressive. Do you do much cardio or is it all down to the meal plan?
  23. I think the risk of this approach is that consuming art ends up being a task you're checking off from a task list. But I would say, I think most great artists are also great consumers of art. Atleast that's certainly the case in music. You'll struggle to find a good jazz musician for example, who hasn't listened to 1000s of jazz songs, and they've likely heard and played most of the classics. I know many good jazz musicians irl and it's hard to find something in the jazz category that they haven't heard, or even played before. In the same way I think you'll struggle to find a pop artist who hasn't listened to their fair share of pop music. In the same sense it's going to be very difficult to succeed in pop music if all you've listened to is jazz music and vice versa. Art is a language and consuming is one of the best ways to learn the language, just make sure not to mindlessly consume or make it into a task. Quality over quantity for sure. But you can't tell what's quality or not if you haven't consumed a lot of art. Because what's quality is based on your taste as a listener and a lot of music and art is referencing other art which you need to have consumed before to really get what the art your consuming is doing. The only way to develop a fine tuned taste seems to me to be to have consumed a lot of art. So I think your approach is not completely misguided. It's just that when you structure it in that way, making a list of all the essential stuff you have to check off to become cultured it seems more like a task. I think it should be more of a spontaneous exploration so you don't fall into mindlessly consuming tons of art for the sake of it. That could be a waste of time. For example, you could start going by the top 250 imdb list for movies. But when you find a movie you especially liked you could depart from the top 250 list and dive deeper into that director. Or dive deeper into that cinematographer/actor/whatever. Then maybe you'll discover some similar movies to that which you also like and suddenly you discover a subgenre of film you weren't aware of that is vastly underrated. There is truth to the fact that the top 250 movies on imdb is not going to be the top 250 best movies. Many of the very best pieces of art will have something that some people hate but others love. For example the first Pusher movie by Nicolas Winding Refn is only rated slightly above 7 on imdb. When you look at the reviews you'll quickly discover people who don't like brutal violence in movies are giving the movie 1/10, which lovers its rating when in my opinion the movie is a 9/10. Many of the movies in the top 250 are just not bold enough to give the audience something they can hate. Just look at David Lynch's movies, most are highly underrated because they're too abstract for the mainstream who will go in and vote 1/10 because they don't get it. In reality David Lynch's movies are fking amazing pieces of art, in my opinion. For music it's even worse, if you only listen to the toplists in music you'll only get to hear the most commercial least deep music there is. And you'll miss out on 99% of genres available. But I do think you're on the right track in the sense that consuming a lot of culture can actually make you more cultured.
  24. I felt the last season as a whole was a bit underwhelming, but that's when comparing it to BB standards. However, I think the finale was great. As you said @The Mystical Man, very poetic ending. Lots of callbacks to characteristic moments of the show. Felt like a satisfying good bye to the Breaking Bad universe. Can't wait to see what Vince G and his crew cooks up next