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Posts posted by Consept

  1. 14 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    Even bigger threat is a dissenter backed by foreign powers, that you cannot imprison or kill. 

    Well yes but the foreign power could not just invade by themselves, there would be no point and it usually just doesnt work, like when US invaded Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq. What makes a successful deposition is when there is significant power within the country that goes against the current power. Foreign powers are really only a tool within that. 

    17 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    US is a threat to Russia as much as Russia is a threat to the US. I think you can see that.

    This is the same as saying democracy is a threat to dictatorship as much dictatorship is a threat to democracy. Of course they cant really co-exist peacefully, they are antithetical to each other. This is not to say US is a perfect democracy btw. But having a dictator who is liable to invade another country because he doesnt 'feel' safe, seems like a dangerous thing, because where does this end? If he invades Ukraine successfully, he could then reasonably argue that Poland should give up any weapons or Kazakstan or wherever because they are now closer. Keep in mind Hitler used the false justification that Poland was planning to encircle Germany with its allies to then invade Poland. Point being its a dangerous situation to have one person with so much power as they can use whatever justifications to just do what they want, which has been played out countless times through history. As they say 'those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it'.

  2. 9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Human mating isn't something men or women control. Humans have certain mating habit just like animals have certain mating habits.

    Humans have never been a strictly monogamous species. But nor are they strictly polygamous. It's somewhere in between. To frame that as something women are doing is kinda silly. Takes two to tango.


    I found this video relevant to the topic -


  3. @Bobby_2021

    Leo is right the biggest threat to any dictator will always be the dissenters within their own country, this is why they kill or imprison them as soon as they can,  especially if the dissenter holds any type of significant power or wealth. 

    If you look at any desposed dictator it's usually either through a civil war or through a revolution -

    A dictator by their very nature is going to create enemies within their own country as the people haven't had a say in decisions, for example a lot of Russians maybe against the war in Ukraine but they will never be able to say that publicly. So to keep control of his country, Putin has to invoke a level of fear that no one dare speak out, this is necessary to keep the power he has. He cannot risk letting people have a vote because that may spell the end of his reign. 

    Putin is saying whatever he needs to, to justify actions but ultimately its all really a distraction. If the west do want to have missiles next to him in Ukraine its because they are wary of anyone who holds that much power in the way that he does and I don't blame them to be honest. Dictators through the years have been extremely dangerous and Putin provably very corrupt. So to use your example if a known criminal who has a lot of weapons lives next door to you, you might want to keep some weapons yourself just in case.


  4. Ive seen this guy before, he comes across as really trying to appeal to red pill guys but with a psychological background which gives him a certain authority. Thats not to say everything he says is nonsense but he is quite clearly biased and i think he panders a lot rather than actually speaking truth. His presentation is really about not showing any emotion as to give away this bias. 

    Speaking on the topic at hand, ultimately majority of women want long term relationships but the issue is that women in the modern age dont need men for the same things they may have needed them for previously. As such their standards have increased, they need more connection, emotional intelligence, good conversation etc. Men in a lot of cases find it hard to reach these standards but also (at least the ones left out of the dating market) havent even got a lot of positive attributes their fathers had. Add to that social media, dating apps etc makes it very difficult for these guys. 

    From experience i just dont think most women want polygamous situations but would probably rather have that than a guy who hasnt get any of his shit together physically, mentally, psychologically etc. The psychologist seems to be saying women should lower their standards but i think its on man to up their quality. In nature you would never have a situation where the male wouldnt do whatever was necessary to attain the female, if he did have a victim mindset he would just die out. Its harsh on us because there have been so many changes recently but it is what it is and you have to use it to improve and get what you want or dont.  

  5. 1 hour ago, meta_male said:

    Being on the lookout for the right one to come along creates fomo in my opinion. To have different this really dating? Or F+?

    It doesn't even necessarily have to be fudging. Where I'm coming from is that I've had 2 long term previous relationships, which I more just kinda fell into, rather than meeting different people and deciding what might be the best fit. So coming at it from my perspective now I wouldn't really want to just dive into something else without having met and spent time with a few different women. It doesn't have to be sex or a relationship. 


    1 hour ago, meta_male said:

    Not sure I understand, what do you mean?

    I'm just saying I wouldn't lie to anyone, if they ask I'd say what's happening ie just out of a relationship, looking to meet and date different women and if someone is a good fit then take it to the next level. 

    @Princess Arabia thanks your response and thanks to @meta_male as well. Yeah this is the line of thinking I'm kinda going down. Ultimately I don't want to hurt anyone but I think it would be cool to just meet new people, whether that's a deeper connection or not. It's not a lifestyle I'd want indefinitely, but probably til I get the feeling to settle down properly, which realistically I don't think would be that long 

  6. 17 minutes ago, meta_male said:

    I don't think it's ethical, more of a sign of immaturity imo. Just like focusing on having abundance which is being propagated by the pickup community. Abundance is for anxious people or a byproduct of inner growth.

    I'd also never get involved with a girl who dates multiple guys, just not for me.

    I get you but say you're dating to find the right one, or just want to meet people in between relationships? So not really to boost ego but more to have different experiences temporarily. 

    Also not lying, so if asked one might say that you are seeing other people with a view if the right one comes along it would change things 

  7. This probably goes against the usual type of post in this section. But recently came out of long relationship and im dipping my foot into the dating market, some options are popping up, still in the talking stages but im not sure how i feel about talking to multiple women at the same time. Ultimately i want to be as authentic to myself as possible and hiding stuff probably isnt the best way to go (not that im doing that). Im also not interested in banging anyone who will be up for it, ironically i think this unattachment to outcome probably makes me more attractive. This isnt to say i dont want to have sex, but its just not the be all and all. So essentially the question I have is what do you guys think of dating multiple people at the same time, potentially having sex with some of them 

  8. Yeah if you watch like the next 5 mins of the film, they're a couple just doing a role play bit. So aside from it being exaggerated because it's a film, it's also exaggerated within the context of the film as the characters are doing an extreme version of something. 

    Interesting how you have an idea of how things are and then tack it on to examples you can find. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    And American politicians also have a version of history that suits their agendas. They just aren't conscious of it.

    Definitely agree, but the issue is that if you let one man have such power and then sympathise with his rhetoric you could end up with another Hitler situation. If you go pre WW2 what Hitler said could make sense in terms of how Germany had been treated, in which case it then becomes easier for him to gain more power and then do what he did. 

    I believe countries that are insular, have a bit of a chip on their shoulder (rightly or wrongly) and have a leader who has total power are usually going to be a threat to the world as their interests are only for their own country often at the expense of others. Putin falls into this category, but what i cant really understand is why some Americans are supporting him, it seems quite weird considering the anti-commie rhetoric that has been propagated by the US for so long and how it is direct opposition with the US way of life.

  10. Putin often revises history in a way that suits his goals

    Ultimately his mission is to make Russia a super power and reunite the soviet Union. This can't be just through force he has to change the narrative and unite the Russian people to believe there is no choice but to do what he's doing. 

  11. I think the twin flame belief is basically to give the believer certainty in something that by its very nature is uncertain. 

    Relationships take a leap of faith because you never know what's going to happen as its out of your hands to a certain extent. If you introduce this overarching idea that the 2 of you are made for each other then, in a way you no longer need to take that leap because you can lean on the belief. 

    But whatever belief you want to make reality is reality and relationships work sometimes and don't sometimes. True faith is accepting whatever is. 

  12. 5 hours ago, bebotalk said:

    I suppose much of it is cultural. I grew up in the UK and it's not the norm there. It's not really normal in most of Europe. 

    I think it depends, I'm from the UK as well and it's nor so normal in the south especially in big cities, but up north, Ireland, Scotland its very normal 

  13. I've experienced a couple of perspectives to this. One is growing up in South London, UK where you would never smile at a stranger and there was a defensive environment as people who were 'nice' to you could try and rob you. In this environment, in general I wasn't happy so it never occurred to me to smile at anyone. 

    Moving to a smaller town as an adult, some people, not everyone, would smile or greet me in shops or even on the street. I believe people in smaller towns don't have to have their guard up and so are free to express happiness, this seemed strange to me when I first moved. After while, I got into that frame and didn't feel I'm danger, so now I may smile or even get into small convos with random people. I don't go out of my way to do it but if I'm in the right mood or state I find it quite a loving thing to do, to acknowledge someone else's existence. But I also understand why someone might not feel to do it. 


  14. 54 minutes ago, BlueOak said:

    Do you not think the two mindsets are linked then? Feeling they can't get a girl, money or change their circumstance. Seems like it'd be an overall state of powerlessness. It doesn't have to be, I'm certain there are exceptions. You can't tell me though a rich guy doesn't get more opportunities or attraction from women, its just one more advantage of several that someone can have. Same with a tall guy, charming guy, good-looking guy, good listener, protective instinct, whatever.

    The mindsets can be linked, in that someone just might have a negative idea of life that they can't achieve anything and it's not worth trying and of course that can extend to several areas like financial etc. But it's also very possible that you can have a lot of money and still not be good with women, at best you could attract gold diggers who don't really like you but like what your money can do for them. 

    Money is important because it can help you level up in different areas, have better clothes, work out, go to therapy etc but it's not a draw by itself. I'd actually put it quite low at of all the attributes that are attractive in of themselves, a homeless person with a lot of game and charisma could attract women, whereas a rich person who's awkward, has no game would definitely have a harder time. 

    1 hour ago, BlueOak said:

    Plenty in life is going to try to stop you or be an actual hurdle, and sometimes it will. Some hard facts of life don't change. No matter how much I want them to, As a 40-year-old, I'm never beating my 20-year-old self in sport, as a very easy example. I'm never going to change the world the way I want it to be, to work how I want it to work. Those hurdles will always exist, I have to work within it, with all it and my flaws, and do the best I can, that has limits both in me and the world.

    Of course there are always hurdles whatever your situation, life is pretty much about getting over hurdles. But what happens with the incel mentality is they believe because there are hurdles what they want to do is not possible and then create a narrative, that they feel is science backed, to justify not even trying. The reality is they are scared to put themselves out there and risk rejection, getting over that fear is the first hurdle a d they are not willing to attempt to jump it. 

    It's like if I want to learn guitar but I'm not good right away, so I start researching and find out people with my hand shape aren't guitarists or some other reason and then never try. Meanwhile there are people with one hand that are learning guitar somehow. 

  15. @Bobby_2021

    I get what your saying and if it was just a matter of having sex with the boss it would be a bit more tricky to prove anything.

    The problem is that he was essentially using her as a sex slave and getting her to have sex with lots of his friends, colleagues etc. Using coercion to do it, ie if you want xyz you need to do what I say. There's a confirmed story that he literally shit on her head while they were having a threesome with one of his friends/co-workers and refused to let her go and clean up before they finished fucking her. I mean this was next level humiliation. If you look into the case it's actually shocking. 

    So Vinces argument can only be that she's into it. But I think people seem to have a hard time understanding grooming because they think, 'well I wouldn't have done that they could've chose not to do that', but if you're vulnerable and someone like Vince is specifically targeting you, you dont really stand a chance. Grooming happens all the time, normal people get groomed to join cults or gangs or to basically do things they never would've considered before the grooming started. Its deep psychological manipulation and most people just don't see it coming. 

    But yeah if it's just sex with the boss it would be he said, she she said. If the person is given a job specifically to be groomed to be a sex slave and sexually humiliated then yeah that's something else. 

  16. 1 hour ago, BlueOak said:

    On this topic, is nobody going to mention money?
    Doing a brief search now i've seen people say from 60 to 400 dollars an hour.

    I don't think money is really a factor with incels. What stops incels, and others with similar mindsets, is that they just don't believe improvement is possible. Their whole ideology is based around them being doomed by things out of their control, mainly their looks. If they do have a lot of money they're more likely to spend it on plastic surgery rather than coaching or self improvement. 

    To learn anything you have to have the mindset that you can do it, same with therapy. You have to believe that you can improve your depressed state otherwise there is no way you will go to therapy. Conversely, if you do believe that it's possible, nothing will stop you, even not having enough resources. If you really thought it was possible to improve your dating life you would do everything in your power to make it happen, even if that meant volunteering with one of them to learn from them. So the hurdle is always your belief and mindset. 

  17. On 27/01/2024 at 1:53 PM, Bobby_2021 said:

    Vince McMahon is accused of sex trafficking. Resigns from TKO. 

    What do you think?





    The Vince case is pretty cut and dry, the texts are next level extreme, there a multiple people involved. The other guy named has thrown Vince under the bus and now said he was also a victim. The only possible defense Vince could have is that she wanted it and was into it but the extent of his power over her is so much that I don't think it's valid. Also its not like she did sex work before I was even known to be into wild shit, Vince at the start called her innocent and child like, he went for her specifically because of these traits not because she was into wild shit. 

    The fact that Tate is siding with him or making a claim that she did this of her free will really sums up who he is. For him not to see a problem with behavior like this also condems him and why he doesn't see a problem with his own behavior. His team can not be happy with him commenting like this, it's crazy 

  18. On 31/01/2024 at 6:04 PM, mr_engineer said:


    I don't approach women because 'she make my dick hard, so me go approach'. I need more knowledge about her to ask her out, I am actively looking for red-flags in hot women. I am very committed to the process of getting into a loving relationship. 

    This whole thread is just OP describing what he believes to be himself and then subtly complaining because he can't get a girlfriend even though he has all these positive attributes. 

  19. 19 minutes ago, Girzo said:

    They have a crisis even without questioning it consciously. RSD Max wrote two short books/stories, about his dark period, when he claims he has been at his best when it comes to gaming women, but also the most depressed in his life.

    He says he is way happier now doing business coaching than when he has been teaching and practicing pickup.

    Realistically it must be exhausting to live that life for an extended amount of time, physically, mentally, spiritually etc 

  20. 45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    No. His game content was censored because it was deeply unethical, misogynistic, and abusive towards women.

    I dont think Owens content on its own was that bad, but i think the way he hard sold his programs, the extortionate prices for bootcamps and the general culture around it wasnt great. Also there is some sort of axis of how popular you are to how controversial your content is in terms of you getting cancelled, so for example example no one was trying to cancel Tate a few years ago when not many people knew about him, however as soon as he gained a certain amount of audience and influence his views then got (rightfully scrutinised). I think Owen went through this where he hit a certain point of popularity and in fact, pick up as a whole gained popularity and because of this it was scrutinised and many didnt survive.