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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Bruno Hea Bruno, I'll throw my 2 cents in for all it's worth. I think of pure awareness as being total emptiness. As in awareness that exists beyond the ever filtering and selective mind. Think of the mind as being like a pair of sunglasses for filtering effect from reality. Our brain can't process all the information that awareness brings in so most of it gets dumped into the sub-conscious by the filtering mind. Also when we relate to ourselves as the person doing the seeing, we add personal filters on top of the existing filters of the mind. It's sometimes said that if you dump the mind completely, that all that remains is empty awareness. Like unlimited free space. So I suggest that awareness is complete emptiness of mind. When it comes to the exact definition of awareness, that's kind of a great mystery. Sometimes it's said that it is awareness or consciousness that brings this material world into existence. But that's a whole different story. I hope this helps a little.
  2. @Andre Hi Andre, could you be tapping into higher levels of consciousness that exist beyond what is a small sliver of awareness that we usually perceive in everyday life. Think of consciousness as you would a spectrum of light. What the human eye perceives (normal perception) is only a small fraction of the whole. "The voice" as you call it is higher information being accessed through consciousness and communicated to you by a voice. It can be communicated in many different ways though, creativity, insight, a stroke of genius, ect. I'm sure you have heard of great minds throughout history that we refer to as being "ahead of their time". The truth is they weren't "ahead" of their time at all. The were accessing information that exists beyond time.
  3. @Emerald Wilkins Nicely said Emerald. Thinking about that, outside influence is constantly giving validation to that "imaginary friend". I understand that is nothing but mind but so much of everyday society does live with an "imaginary friend". They all play together so to speak. Maybe the reason we experience life as a 'lower self" is to transcend or awaken. Maybe the lower self is the seed that awakens like a flower blooming into the light of a divine process of unfolding.
  4. It's just happing of it's own There is no doer of "shit happing" Lol
  5. He knows everything in my head and yet he looks at me with total love. Who is god?
  6. We are all projections of our mind. If you don't mind, I don't mind. Hehe So what's up? Anything new?
  7. @kibrekidusan That's kind of a personal call. Everything that needs to come to the surface must be given room to do so. But than again, spending too much time going over old memories in your mind could keep you from the true task at hand. Allow what comes to the surface. acknowledge it, than return to your practice.
  8. @Raphael We commonly relate to awareness or consciousness as being localized at the body location. Usually somewhere behind the eyes. That may be a false perception.
  9. @jes You can see his problem from a more detached place than you can see you own problems. It's a clearer view of what's happing from the outside that's not tainted by personal emotion.
  10. @Muhammad Hi Muhammad. Arik would be the one to talk to about. You could maybe find some of his replies here on that subject If he is not around this moment.
  11. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj Glad to hear it! It was well worth getting it checked out by the doc just to be sure.
  12. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj I hope you made out O.K. yesterday.
  13. @Arik I just heard there was a shooting there in a cinema. What's up with this world?
  14. @Mary There is nothing to be gained. That's the paradox. When you take the whole trip you realize enlightenment exists only in the mind. Mind searches for enlightenment because it's playing a game of hide and seek on itself. That game can only be won by stepping out of the body/mind that is playing the game. Disassociating yourself from the body/mind is the first big step. Think of your body as a temporary physical temple and not what you are. You are something much greater than the limitations of the body/mind.
  15. @charlie2dogs Yea, me too. What was the message? Can it be shared with others? I balled my eyes out one time when I realized the collective consciousness of the of the planet and all it's inhabitants. It was everything the beauty, the ugliness, the good, the bad, the divine, the light, the darkness, the hate, the love ect.
  16. This is cool ! You can probably relate this to your experience.
  17. Just to add a note: It will be natural to want to duplicate that experience again. If you try, it won't happen and it can become frustrating. May I suggest to let it go completely. If it happens again, it happens of it's own doing. Take that approach. *That state can be transcended also. "If" you reach it again, allow it to dissolve you. Fall into it. You will completely vanish.
  18. @Lorenzo Engel I can relate to that experience. It may be that the mind transcends all thought. Mind comes to a dead stop and only awareness remains. You can actually watch a thought coming out of nothingness and arising into consciousness like a bubble. It is a very blissful state of mind being at rest. Sometimes it is referred to as the state of Samadhi.
  19. @Mal Agreed, maybe timeless would have been a better choice of words. no beginning , no end. Sorry things headed in a negative direction yesterday. My own ego got the best of me when you referred to my view of no-self as "useless". I also felt a little criticized. It's all good . We all have different views. Maybe we are all correct and incorrect at the same time. (so to speak). Who really knows? Sometimes you just have a day where you start questioning everything suddenly. Maybe we are all just a projection of thought? or maybe we are something much bigger as a "self" that we cannot see from this point of view (that would be nice). What is right and what is wrong? The truth is, nobody can really say with 100% assurance.* I'm speaking in plain English (just as a note.) Anyway it's all good here. Have a great day
  20. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj I suffer from the symptoms you describe. Mine has to do with the nerve endings. It seems to get worse in the warmer weather too. I thought it was circulation at first but I went to a foot specialist and he said it was nerve endings. (Neuropathy) My knees get purple too. Sometimes my feet are cold as ice and sometimes they feel like their burning. If I don't wear socks like in the summer time the swelling gets much worse. I'm not saying that is what you have but it could be.
  21. Why did you pick me today?@Mal Oh man! Where you trying to take all this?
  22. @Mariem I see, your main topic question you are referring to. Contemplation and deep observation both come from a place of stillness and silence. "Thinking" is within the movement of the mind. If you held that place of stillness and silence it would permeate everything else you do.