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Posts posted by Tudo

  1. 9 minutes ago, something_else said:

    You realise that the girls who go to clubs are often just normal girls, right?

    Yea you’re gonna have a higher distribution of party girls there than in the general population but for the most part it’s just normal girls… especially in the typical student age range of 18-25


    Yes, people are saying you can't get a gf in clubs but  I disagree with that,  because, one friend of mine met his gf in a club and I already had women that reallyyyy liked me(women  that I met in a club) the only problem was that I didn't find them attractive, so I rejected them. But they wanted to go on multiple dates with me and even be my girlfriend.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    Short-term or long time girlfriend? Lol because apparently in this day and age, that is a thing too!!!

    If you are looking for a long term girlfriend. You first need to work on yourself and become whole. If you are entering into this relationship looking to be fulfilled your relationship will suffer. If you are looking to have a girlfriend because as a whole being you just want to spread this amazing self love you have with someone else then that relationship has a chance. Only chance because that person as well needs to be whole. 

    When two whole people come together something amazing happens. But when two or one less than full person comes together it becomes a battle of selfishness in which each is competing to "get theirs" or "get what's mine" out of the relationship.

    We can all give you tips and tricks to find and get a relationship. But if its not between two whole beings, your really just in it for a short term experience. Or long term frustration. Both are opportunities to grow...painful ones.

    Also here are a couple myths that need to be expelled.

    1. If you are looking for sex you don't have to take a girl on a date. I haven't had to do that and I know tons of guys who haven't had to either. We are living in the most sexually free era right now of the dating game. 

    2. Most of the women looking for something serious are older, like 25 years old or more. If you are looking at below 25 most aren't but of course there are outliers.

    3. You need to standout to get a woman to give you her real number. The secret? Here is the kicker.... BE YOURSELF. I am not lying. Women smell inauthenticity from a mile away. Women LOVE CONFIDENCE. The LESS you care about what she thinks about you, the MORE attractive you will be to her. Its when a man starts second guessing when the attraction is killed.

    4. One of the best books on how attraction works in a relationship is a book called Atomic Attraction. Attraction is counter-intuitive. The more insecure a woman is around you, the more attracted she is. Ever notice how women chase men....who are unpredictable? Insecurity is a core component of attraction. 

    5. Balance is the key, a woman needs a man she can be secure in.....but if there is too much security there is no excitement. So you need to balance the two. 

    There are two key secrets you need to learn about women. In the dating game WOMEN CHOOSE. So only approach and deal with women who give you choosing signals. 

    The second key secret is men trade non-sexual attention with women for access to women's sexual attention. Men do not realize how important their non-sexual attention is to women. Women love a man who can look them in the eye, teach them something, guide them, make them laugh, and just give them a warm feeling by just their presence. Notice how none of these things have to do with sex. Not a single one.

    As a man you think none of these things are important, but if you master your non-sexual attention you will make women become addicted to you.  Especially if you master both the Masculine and Feminine aspects. A man who has mastered both...is open. Completely and utterly open.

    The irony? A man who is completely open and comfortable will often repel a woman who isn't. So understand I am not saying every woman will like you, but the key to attracting and keeping a woman is energy or as they call it the vibe.

    I'm looking for a short-term girlfriend because want to do important things in my life and having a long-term girlfriend will complicate it.

    Well, I'm 25 and I'm looking for girls under 25. I think I will eventually find one. There are only 4 months that I have been going out consistently. So I'm just at the beginning.

    And I  completely agree with everything in your post. Thank you for posting it.



  3. 4 hours ago, Razard86 said:


    Truthfully though I hope you are just looking for something short-term because the advice I am giving you is how women who are looking for fun and short-term operate. Different women are looking for different things. Usually (but not always) women who are in the clubs are just trying to have a good time and as they call it "vibe." 


    I'm looking for a gf tbh. 

  4. 2 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    You never ask her if she has a bf thats a weak queastion noone good with girls asks that its like you ask a director of a movie how does the movie end?


    13 minutes ago, Bando said:

    Dont ask let her bring it up from there you can try to continue the interaction, it may be a shit test or you just excuse yourself and move on

    I got you guys. I will never ask. thx

  5. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Girls are super flakey in general before sex. Expect zero respect for your time or your needs.

    Solution is to just make very low investment and keep talking to many girls at once.

    Don't do dumb things like courting a girl for months. You have to set standards and don't let them waste your time.

    If you suggest a date and she isn't eager for it, next. Do not try to win her over. Girls who are willing to sleep with you don't need to be won over. They will readily agree to a date without manipulation.

    It's a big mistake to try to work hard to get a girl. Instead invest that energy into talking to lots of new girls. It's a huge numbers game, not a manipulation game. Less manipulation, more numbers. Get 5 phone numbers per night and you will stop caring if 80% flake.

    Listen to this guys. Leo, your advices are sooo good sometimes.