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Posts posted by michaelcycle00

  1. 5 hours ago, mp22 said:

    And of course an infinite being can create something outside himself. Who made this rule that he can't?

    Why do you say that? If he’s aware of it then it has to be, by definition, inside of himself and not outside. Likewise, since it’s infinite, there can’t be anything outside of itself to begin with. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

     Let's see, if at any moment you realize the infinite, that reality is an infinite mind creating this appearance, the logical consequence that follows is that there can be nothing outside of it, because the infinity has not outside, by definition. Besides, it's obvious that for you your pov is absolute. you can't get out of your pov. it is impossible. your pov is all there is. anything else you imagine exists is just an idea within your pov. Leo talking about psychedelics is just one more note in your pov. What I believe (and this is only a belief within my pov) is that everything inside my pov has its own pov since infinity has the ability to divide itself infinitely many times while always being the same infinity. this is not understandable from an apparently finite pov, like any other feature of infinity. but this is just my belief, which I can't prove

    I mean this is about the most simplistic and beginner-friendly explanation there is in spiritual circles. "God divided itself and we are it; we are a drop in the ocean, a leaf in a tree". The problem starts when you add in stuff like time, manifestation, law of attraction, shifting realities, the observer effect, quantum superposition, etc. It doesn't explain any of that and even contradicts it. To be more precise, no matter what road I take intellectually to try to understand Solipsism, I always stumble upon a goddamned paradox.


    1 hour ago, OBEler said:

    He was not very clearly,mixing human pov with God pov. 

    Yeah Leo has no POV. But the thing is, the human you who read this also has no POV. 

    But then again. There is no difference between pov and no POV. 

    I think intellectual it is impossible to understand what he means. Too many paradoxes


    No dude I'm telling you he was extremely clear. He gave various examples. He literally said whatever I can see, hear, feel, smell and touch is the entirety of reality. There's nothing behind the scenes or happening that I'm not aware of.

    But yeah, too many paradoxes indeed. 

  3. 3 hours ago, OBEler said:

    @Breakingthewall I think Leo meant your POV as god is all there is. Because with you he doesnt mean the human pov.and god =everything =every pov simultaneously 

    Difficult what leo really wanted to say. I think he is right, you cannot understand this intellectual 


    He didn’t say that. I watched his Solipsism video like 2 weeks ago (the one he deleted). 

    Nothing he said was left up for interpretation. He very clearly said that only “my” direct experience exists and that there’s nothing more. Whatever I’m aware of IS IT and that’s where reality starts and ends. He said he had no POV himself, that I’m imagining he does and I’m imagining that he’s tripping and having awakenings just to show myself what I can do. He said there’s not multiple people in the world having awakenings, he said there’s only one person in the world who could awaken and that is me. 

    I’m not sure if I believe him, if I really wanted to awaken like that I think I would’ve made the video a lot more personal. To be honest this paradox thing may be worth contemplating a little more. I will be dissecting his video and making a post about it here soon. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    the god pov is the human pov. reality is an infinite mind that is creating layers and layers of reality to manifest this exact present moment, and there can be nothing outside of it. I have seen it with absolute clarity. without going any further, yesterday. it is incomprehensible madness. cannot be understood literally. It's like understanding the seventh dimension being a three-dimensional being. you can not. 

    But I am literally aware right now and reading your post, so where does that leave us?

    @puporing told me I am both sovereign currently and not alone. She said it’s a paradox but honestly I’m not even entirely sure this is it. And you’ll see why in my response to @OBEler below. 

    You’re saying you saw this with absolute clarity but you’re still here posting on this forum… it couldn’t have been that clear.

  5. 9 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    You cant accept who you are fully as long as you care about outside world more than yourself.Lets be honest you are slave of the outside world as much as the other guy...its just empty phrases i accept this and that...

    Yeah. I’m still very much reluctant on this. The outside world has rejected me for the most part ever since I was born and still does because well, first off my personality is a little unusual. I’m very open minded, and nice and welcoming but also a little weird and let’s just say people don’t like it and tend to confuse my niceness and kindness for weakness and I get targeted for it which I hate because I have to put up a front and act tough all the time, and also because I look… let’s just say physically different to the general population, which causes me to have so many people stare at me for quite a bit every time I go out which I absolutely despise… I wish they didn’t see me and I could just go about my business. Seriously, I’ll literally just be standing there looking at stuff on my phone and as soon as I look up there will be at least 2 people looking at me. But most importantly, I’m refusing to be myself fully because that would mean letting go of the little hope I have left of being accepted. It means full acceptance that people in general are gonna reject me or not want to associate with me till the day I die, so I fake who I am. It’s that or accept that being a weird loner who even his own family rejects is what I’ll always be. 

  6. 58 minutes ago, Ry4n said:

    “My” consciousness as being here whilst others over there have none, notice that whilst yes all of that is your “direct experience”, your taking what is just the appearances of your direct experience and regarding it as real. If consciousness is the only thing there is, then that’s it. The idea that one holds it, whilst something else may not, is itself completely and utterly imagined. Alongside that the appearances themselves are obviously finite to you atm no? Finitude itself is imagined. Infinity is the absence of that. A “point of view” at all is imagined. 


    _ imagined solipsism. 

    I'm not taking the appearances of my direct experience as either real or unreal, in fact, I'm not concerned with that at all. At this point, I'm way past the word games such as real/unreal, finite/infinite, etc. All I wanna know is if imagined others have a POV with their respective (and also imagined) 5 senses. I wanna know if [imagined] people are still existing in the same way that I believe and perceive myself to exist when I'm not aware of them. I can do this all day. But, do you see what I'm saying? It's a "yes, they do", or "no, they don't" type of question, I couldn't care less about silly semantics games such as "they're unreal and imagined just the same way you are and therefore you are creating distinctions but these are also imaginary since everything is infinite and...". Stop that, it's unnecessary, the answer can be much more straightforward than that. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Moksha said:

    @michaelcycle00 Only whose POV exists? The POV is bound to the relative nature of each being. Ultimately there is no POV, just as there are no separate beings. It is all Consciousness dreaming itself into apparent differentiation.

    Within the dream, your being is no more real than the being of anyone else. It is only a relative seeming of separation. Awakening is like lucid dreaming. It is the realization of the seamlessness of Consciousness, even from within the dream.

    The limitation of solipsism is that Consciousness is still binding itself to the POV of the character, and is unwilling to realize itself throughout the cosmos.

    The POV of whoever is aware in the present moment.

    I don't think you're getting what I'm saying. What cosmos? What other beings if there's no external world? If I realized "myself throughout the cosmos" only at that moment am I "myself throughout the cosmos" and only then. Upon coming down, I'd just be an ego in a room with no apparent other in it and that would be the totality of existence. Likewise, if I awoke in the bathroom, upon coming down to baseline "human" consciousness, I would just be a bathroom with an ego-self in it and the idea of a cosmos or other beings would just be a concept in my head with no actuality because I wouldn't be presently aware of any of that. So whatever I am perceiving at any moment is Absolute and all of Existence, there's nothing else going on that I'm not aware of. That's what Leo teaches, which he made very clear in his now-deleted Solipsism video, which also ties in with consciousness being non-localized as well as the observer effect in quantum physics.

    Is he nuts? I don't know, he made it very clear that I was imagining that he existed and had a POV or any experience at all, and he emphasized that he doesn't have one... that I just imagined him to help me awaken. 

  8. 51 minutes ago, Moksha said:

    Solipsism is a partial awakening to your ultimate nature, but fails to realize that every being in the cosmos is no more real or unreal than you. Consciousness is in all beings, and all beings dissolve into it. It is all the same Consciousness.

    But what’s taught here is that there are no other beings to begin with. Only your POV/field of view is all that exists. So if I’m taking a shit in the bathroom and awakened then and there, what beings are there to dissolve into consciousness? None at all. 

  9. Bro just try not to throw the word “solipsism” with such ease around here. It’s clear that you don’t mean POV-based solipsism (which is what we talk about here) but existence-based. Otherwise, why would you be worried about “the suffering of other beings” or “helping other people”?

    Nice trip report though, you made me curious about other things. 

  10. Wow, getting a lot of hate here. Am I the only one who loves this dude? He’s shown me my weak side and biases a couple times before and he has no shame about it. He also makes sense, I can tell he’s not just talking out of his ass. Not to mention he posts a lot of valuable information consistently which I haven’t seen anyone else do. At least not as much as he does. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Razard86 said:

    Its the inbetween that....gets to people lol.

    Do you mean the in-between as in non-duality?

    6 hours ago, Razard86 said:

    Once you are given life....you have to accept the ups and downs, and then overcome your fear of death.

    To be fair, I (avatar-self) didn't choose to play this. I'm just here because my character is a permutation within God in this reality that could exist and therefore does. I don't look forward to any kind of life that this world has to offer. My greatest wish and desire right now is to move my consciousness into a different reality. One from a book, a comic, a movie, or of my own creation and just die of old age there. I imagine you're laughing at this point but as unbelievable as it may sound it's entirely possible, a handful of people have done it. The procedure that makes this possible is very similar to astral projection and lucid dreaming.

  12. 13 hours ago, Holykael said:

    God has to play mental gymnastics to justify how existence isn't absolute shit.

    Yeah… I’ve read in a few trip reports from some Psychonauts saying that the reason “we” choose to play this game is because it’s better than not playing it. Apparently we’re having it good right now as the only other option is being the Absolute unmanifest infinite boringness for eternity. Unreal.

    And yet, I’d choose the latter in a heartbeat. Man oh man… 

  13. 55 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    the universe doesn't guarantee it, God doesn't guarantee it.

    How do you know the Universe or God don’t guarantee it?

    No, there’s 0 chance the Universe will randomly say “screw science” and give you unmeasurable suffering.

    God creations are perfect, even if unfair and damaging to the beings in them. One thing you can be sure of is that no matter what you do today, the sun will rise tomorrow. How can you even fathom infinite intelligence to make such mistakes?

    These thoughts you’re having come from thinking time is linear. God created the entire tape the moment the Universe was born, it was over before it began. 0 chance of a mistake. 

    The Absolute is beyond chance or probability. This is just mental masturbation.

  14. Unbelievable. I couldn’t feel more sorry for Muslims and especially those born into Muslim families. 

    Everyone is stripped away from independent thought early on. 

    Let them be disappointed, if a belief that didn’t even come from them but from other people is enough to turn against their own son/daughter, they’re not people who you wanna associate with anyway. It’s really hard to accept, but it’s the truth. 

    If I ruled a Middle Eastern country first thing I’d do is go Kim Jong-un and force everyone to take shrooms or DMT, very few groups of people could benefit more from Psychs than them. 

  15. I think consciousness or existence, reality or God… whatever you prefer to call it, has inherent limitations. Let me list some (and please do add the ones you’ve corroborated for yourself):


    -Can’t be biased, it must always be ok with every single one of its creations, no matter how bad or evil they are. Since they are itself, it can’t reject them. In other words, although we can reject stuff in the relative, that’s not a possibility for the Absolute (this impartiality goes by the name of “Infinite Love” in this forum). 

    -Can’t create something completely new, something that hasn’t always existed as potentiality. If it’s not there it can never and will never be. So, everything is only possible within the context of everything that already exists and the Godhead is already aware of. So there’s not an infinite amount of ways history could’ve played out in this Universe for example, although it’s still a really big number. However, no number of experiences other than infinite is big enough for eternity. 

    -Can’t genuinely split itself, can’t create another equal existence, say, another Godhead. Which is why it can’t get outside of itself. 

    -Although it doesn’t need to logic to create, the Absolute has its own logic, otherwise it would all be a mess. 

    -It’s consciousness and not something else, can’t define itself to a definite level because it’s Infinity. 

    -Can only create form and physicality through illusion, and not actual physical matter.


    -Its beingness resembles a mind more than something we couldn’t fathom.

    What else? Let me know: 

  16. Hahaha fun read brother xD

    I think E.T.s would be as equally fascinated by us like we would be them, at least in the beginning. 

    58 minutes ago, amanen said:

    I think what they would see as even uglier is how humans act rather than their physical appearance.

    Indeed. From what I’ve gathered, the evolution of intelligent life in the Universe tends to move towards Love. I’d imagine an alien species capable of interstellar travel would have a very high level of consciousness and not a low one. If they were to bump into us, I highly doubt they would be violent and go scorched earth on us like in the movies.