Illusory Self

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Everything posted by Illusory Self

  1. Only problem is when there is judgement about watching porn or not. Do what you want to do. No one is judging
  2. I would investigate your own thoughts more. Why do you want to sit to self enquire when you feel utter profound peace? Why do you feel like you have to do something next? Yes, awakening is actually the realization that there is not a single thing one must do. There is no one to of had a similiar experience as that will just be more activity of thoughts. Awareness/oneness is which is foremost and shared with every being there is. Consciousness is infinite. You choose what to do next as that is the whole part of the infinity that you are. Thoughts are creative
  3. There is no such thing as evil. Devil LEO
  4. Everything is one and absolutely perfect as it is when infinite consciousness is realized. There is nothing else to it. Anything else is just predicated upon a belief on wanting to go somewhere in the future. Oneness is our natural state of beingness with the divine, who we really are past the form identity. I suppose I am curious as to know people's experience regarding meditating a lot, yoga, reading. For example Kriya Yoga? is that simply a method to get to unity/oneness? Are all spiritual practices aimed to get back to who we really are? Isn't the goal of all spiritual practices to basically transcend the thinking mind? I suppose there are questions as to what happens when the body dies. Does the creator just choose a different form to be? Everything is perfect as it is as love/god/creation of everything and there is actually nothing to do in life since life is what we are. Like I am lucid dreaming in waking life. Please share your experienced regarding reading,meditation,yoga. I would be interested to hear them. What do the yogis say about oneness? It's almost like my spiritual path came to an end when I had a deep realization there was actually no spiritual path in the first place...
  5. There is no need to try and do anything but everything is just so lovingly perfect as it currently is. It is just purely about surrending to this very present moment and noticing the unconditional love that is felt in the absence of any thoughts. It really is a wonderful thing. Life is. There never actually was an 'I' after all these years, that just was seperation consciousness which made me suffer to a large degree because it is not actually who I am. I am before anything that arises. Awareness that is aware of all experience. I don't need to say/do/act or be a certain way because right now is perfect. What caused suffering was the attachment to thoughts about wanting to be a certain way or do a certain thing.... lol how delusion it all was... thinking there was such a thing as awakening or enlightenment.. Just another concept to maintain it's seperation from the one/infinite consciousness we all share. All these years watching non-dual teachers but I just could not allow myself to surrender to the present moment for some reason... well suffering is a good spiritual teacher, well for me it was. It made me recognize what and who I am prior to the suffering self. There was never actually one to suffer because the I never even existed The so called 'I' simply blocks us from experiencing our unconditional love and happiness.
  6. @Breakingthewall Spiritual narcissism Also - I like this quote - Spiritual narcissism involves using spiritual practices as a way to increase self-importance. It often involves using spirituality to build the individual up, while also wielding it as a weapon to tear others down.
  7. Lol it’s incredibly obvious he’s spiritual by-passing
  8. @Someone here Yes religions were quite correct. The kingdom of heaven is within so to speak but one must drop all beliefs on what they think they know as in fact that in the very obstacle from achieving liberation. Consciousness is infinite... so so so so infinite.... There is actually never an 'I'.. the 'I' you refer to is a seperate self which is created to maintain seperation from the wholeness that you are which is love/unity/oneness with all that there is. It took me a long time to realize that but there was never actually anyone to get enlightened or liberated so to speak as the 'I' did not even exist in the first place. Whatever is said the mind will try to conceptualize which is what religious teachings were pointing to. Absolute love can only be experienced and is only experienced within this very present moment. The mind likes to take concepts out of everything, basically going further away from truth.. I was suffering for an incredibly long time but the sufferer could not see the sufferer so to speak otherwise that would be the end of suffering.. When someone feels bad it is because that thought is not true of who they are. There is actually never anywhere to go Self inquire into the nature of the 'I' for yourself as whatever is read the mind conceptualizes. Words can only be pointers to your own truth
  9. There is not anyone to wake up. When everything collapsed for me. All the dualities. Everything I thought I knew what anything was, that was when enlightment/awakening happened for me. It's incredibly paradoxical because whatever is said will feed your mind about ideas on what awakening is but that is not what it is. Anything which is said is more food for thought. The 'I' never existed and that is what created seperation for me. There never is an I nor will there ever be. It's illusory.
  10. My experience.... Well, I already feel like I have grown leaps and bounds and I wanted to share my experience. My state of consciousness was trapped with living with my grandmother for so long. She loved me, my family loved me but I was so utterly blind to the love that was around me. Living by myself has made me realize how selfish I have been to those who have loved me the most. I suffered with extremely low self esteem and victimhood talk. The only thing I could think about was how I could not get laid at expense of my own self development or personal growth. My worst issue that my consciousness felt a fear of being judged by other people (even when journaling). So trapped within my own mind with my own limited vocabulary. I would get girl and girl would leave me because I felt that I had to do/act/say something in order to keep her. My mind was in constant state of fear 24/7. It really felt like pure hell. I was blind to the love all around me and somehow I still felt so incredibly unworthy. Here's what I did The cause was with my self. I fundamentally suffered from extremely low self esteem. I knew I had to do the self esteem stems, I even tried doing them for the past year but the part of me that felt unlovable always took over. I never did them successfully. I knew I had to take the plunge and just jump into doing them. I started doing self esteem stems every morning, night. I did gratitude journaling for 5 minutes every morning. I actually started to use my commonplace book!! I ended my own trap of self masterbation over personal development and actually did the work. What felt worse for me was the thousands of hours listening to concepts without doing any work. I was distracting myself "Thinking I was getting better" When in reality it was a mechanism to escape the deep rooted suffering that I was experiencing. I say moving out was what really helped me. Anyway I hope this may help some of you because I do feel a lot better currently. Almost like I perceive reality in such a different way. All of a sudden there are things that I can do. Before I was clouded by darkness and depression. I illuminated it with the light of consciousness. I can say honestly say, getting out of depression is one of the most challenging and enduring things that I have ever had to do. The most hardest thing out of my life. I am 26 and have spent basically my whole life living with depression if I am being honest with myself.
  11. Heaven is beyond thinking. It is the pure love that we all love and share. It is the oneness that creates all of life. It is all the dualities merging into one. It is the end of all seeking to realise that there was no need for any seeking. It is love. It is truth. It is freedom. NO ATTACHMENTS to thought. Pure love in every way possible. Every word. Every expression. Life flows through you because life is actually you. It is the remembrance of our innermost shared nature. The sky that we all actually experience. Much love
  12. I have no identity. There is no personal development. There is no thought attachment. There is liberated consciousness. Feeling unconditional love. There is no identity or attachment for me to do anything. I am therefor I am. There is no feeling 'alone' because that is another thought within the present. There is only me expressing myself in the present moment to myself. There is no attachment to any kinds of thoughts that I have. I experience pure love because I am love. Awakeness woke up from the dream. The unconditional being that we all are.. I can't explain enlightment to anyone because people conceptualize or adopt beliefs about it. Enlightenment happens when you seek wanting enlightnment. All dualities merge into one. There is a deep realization you are everything. Every present moment is absolutely perfect. There is no sense of time as that is a thought within presence. I merged into the universe because I am the universe. There really is not anywhere to go. Because right here is perfect. I really feel for people trapped in the egoic state of consciousness. You know the gravitational pull towards wanting an experience to make you feel happy. There is a wanting to help other people wake up but words really cannot communicate the uncommunicatable. It clicked. I was like ahhh.. We actually only exist within the present moment. Depression for the last 5 years and self-esteem stems.. Gratitude journaling and sentence completion stems did it for me.. There was a distinction between the thoughts I experienced. Almost like I woke up from myself. When I speak. When I say something. People will perceive me in a certain way but that is not me. I am before all life took place. I am life itself. I have no identity.. .who do I be?!?! There is no one to be because I am one with the universe. There is only me and pure love speaking from a place of presence and eternity. I hope you all have a great christmas and much love
  13. @Vladimir If that's what you want to believe, so be the case
  14. I did gratitude journaling and self esteem stems. I seemed to of got out of being depressed to consciousness being liberated within a matter of 2 months.. It just clicked... the depressive thoughts.. the grateful thoughts... I was like ahhh....
  15. When you say god realization is that just another thought within this moment indicating that you are trying to get somewhere else? Like when you communicate is it from a place of going beyond non duality because being one with everything it feels incredibly hard to try and grasp what you are saying. My experience all just seems like one thought after another so I am having difficulty with understanding your communication when it comes to something else. Could you elaborate on what exactly you mean when you say there is different states of consciousness beyond no-self/non-duality etc.. It seems like it implies that it is not one and something else other than one. Because 'god realization' is within one if you get what I mean.
  16. @Leo Gura My suggestion is that there could be some spiritual bypassing involved. Have you asked yourself why you are trying to get to a state 'above' unconditional love? There is 'no' other. Just our shared being of oneness. Why do you want to get to a 'higher state'? Unresolved emotions perhaps? Maybe you have been the one self deceived the whole time because we are just as we are. Why are you trying to escape that truth? You like to say 'you' and 'I' a lot. That implies seperation.
  17. @Leo Gura Leo, you are the only person teaching this though, does that not scare you?
  18. I am really new to yoga and contemplating about whether to sign up for some yoga classes and do them around 3x a week just to improve flexibility and get a better mind/body connection. I am not sure if there is any spiritual benefits to it or not though. Is it mainly used for flexibility and fitness or will doing this for a while aid with my spiritual practices?
  19. I am just trying to think what is the most effective way of communicating to others who they truely are?
  20. @Leo Gura Make your own actualized app for IOS and android
  21. I am really not exactly sure how to exert the right kind of frame after sleeping with a girl to send her the message that I just want her to come over to mine to fuck and that is it. I had a girl over to mine recently, I explicitly said I am not looking for anything and honest. She saids she is looking for a good guy and I am a bad guy so to speak. So that is fine but the thing is I fear that I might have to drop her if a more attractive girl comes along. She is okay to start with for experience but I have a huge fear of upsetting other people She said that she wants to go out and have meals with me. Is that a more romantic kind of frame even though she knows I am not looking for anything. I just don't want her to catch feelings for me. What do I do when I decide that I don't want to see her anymore because a better girl has come into my life? I am not going to be making game toxic but inevitbly if I keep going out and approaching, I will start having sex with a more attractive girl. I definitely have a huge fear of hurting other peoples feelings..
  22. I managed to go out last night and got into an extremely high energy - non care free state. I didn't count the amount of approaches but probably somewhere in the 10-20 mark. The thing is I have been practicing the humour exercises and was making girls laugh. Talking for my own enjoyment and amusement instead of caring about the judgement of others. I felt really free. There was this one girl who I got a number from the smoking area but it was like I kept on doing other approaches in the smoking area to the point where she got really triggered and would not leave me alone. She came up to me and thought I was creepy going up to every girl and talking to me. I am not bothered about that. It is the fact that she went to the bouncer for ages and was determined to try and get me kicked out. The bouncer also had 3 complaints from 'other' girls about me making them feel uncomfortable. It didn't bother me to much but of course I did not really do many approaches after that as I was somewhat afraid of being reported to the bouncer and she only let me back in because I said I would only talk to my wing. It did throw me off doing approaches somewhat. Probably should of just gone to another night. I just don't get why girls would report me to the bouncer. From my POV I did not particularly do anything weird/creepy at all. I was just talking to girls, having fun and socializing.