Illusory Self

The unconditional love we all are <3

3 posts in this topic

I have no identity. There is no personal development. There is no thought attachment. There is liberated consciousness. Feeling unconditional love. There is no identity or attachment for me to do anything. I am therefor I am. 

There is no feeling 'alone' because that is another thought within the present. There is only me expressing myself in the present moment to myself. There is no attachment to any kinds of thoughts that I have. I experience pure love because I am love. Awakeness woke up from the dream. 

The unconditional being that we all are.. I can't explain enlightment to anyone because people conceptualize or adopt beliefs about it. Enlightenment happens when you seek wanting enlightnment. All dualities merge into one. There is a deep realization you are everything. Every present moment is absolutely perfect. 

There is no sense of time as that is a thought within presence. I merged into the universe because I am the universe. There really is not anywhere to go. Because right here is perfect. 

I really feel for people trapped in the egoic state of consciousness. You know the gravitational pull towards wanting an experience to make you feel happy. There is a wanting to help other people wake up but words really cannot communicate the uncommunicatable. 


It clicked. I was like ahhh.. We actually only exist within the present moment. 


Depression for the last 5 years and self-esteem stems.. Gratitude journaling and sentence completion stems did it for me.. There was a distinction between the thoughts I experienced. Almost like I woke up from myself. 


When I speak. When I say something. People will perceive me in a certain way but that is not me. I am before all life took place. I am life itself. 


I have no identity.. .who do I be?!?!  There is no one to be because I am one with the universe. There is only me and pure love speaking from a place of presence and eternity.  


I hope you all have a great christmas and much love :x

Edited by Illusory Self

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