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Posts posted by thisintegrated

  1. On 11/07/2021 at 3:07 AM, Anastas Sia said:

    @UDT @thisintegrated if you think youre at stage yellow or above, how was it like going through stage green for you?

    cause I see a lot of bias here. Maybe you should hang out with left-wing, lgbtq people more and try to understand their perspective, it would be a huge benefit any way you look at it.

    you know that many lgbt people cant live their truth because of society and/or the people around them? I live in third world country, its ILLEGAL to be gay here. Is that not censorship? I see a lot of discriminatory views in my family, in regular people, in politics, and now here. masked as some kind of advanced idea. if anywhere youre being silenced it is because your views are getting old and people see that they are hurtful. the world is gonna become more sensitive before it calms down, so what? though I dont think were gonna see a stage yellow government or society in our lifetime.

    I went through Green when I was somewhere around 15 years old.  idk what to say about it, Greens will Green.

    Had a left/socialist bias.  Was deep into chakras/vibrations/meditation/non-physical/etc..  Listened to gurus a lot.  Believed in reincarnation.  Believed "Green perspective, best perspective".  Wasn't sceptical enough.  Slightly too radical & idealistic.  Etc.



    cause I see a lot of bias here

    Wish people would be more specific when making such bold assertions.  There are barely any tier 2s on the forum (or anywhere else), so I'm misunderstood constantly.  Close to 100% of the time, really.  But anything tier 2 will be misunderstood, 100% of the time.  So everything is as should be.



    the world is gonna become more sensitive before it calms down, so what?

    Maybe you missed it, but I did say the sensitivity and censorship are likely non-issues.  They're a necessary step for humanity's progression to tier 2.



    I dont think were gonna see a stage yellow government or society in our lifetime.

    Hard to say as progress is exponential, and future technologies can affect rate of development.  But yeah, I think even the most developed countries won't be Yellow for a few more centuries.

  2. 3 hours ago, Swarnim said:

    "To your eternity" feels Yellowish and Turqouisish to me. 

    Yes!  I was thinking of mentioning it.  Still have a few episodes left.


    7 hours ago, Happy Lizard said:

    has anyone watched Mushishi ? I could be just guessing, but I think it has some turquoise in it. 

    Yes, definitely.  Though idk if it's more Turquoise than Green.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    It's the next stage of development. In a sense, it literally is Orange but better.


    I'm reflecting the level of engagement that you've provided.


    Are you unfamiliar with the model?  Its most basic idea is that people alternate between being self-focused and collective-focused.  You think there isn't a single disadvantage to losing one?

    Turquoise is the goal.  To have reached Turquoise means to have found balance, among other things.  No position within tier 1 is balanced.  Orange to Green isn't just "up".  It's up and to the side.


    And if you're gonna reply, I'd appreciate it if you dropped the attitude.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Green is actually more capable of rational thought than Orange. It just has an additional post-rational element with varying degrees of emphasis depending on the situation. Nevertheless, the fight for LGBTQ rights is fundamentally backed by logically sound ethical concerns.

    Green isn't just "Orange, but better!", it's a swing to the other extreme.  This comes with pros and cons.

    7 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Nevertheless, the fight for LGBTQ rights is fundamentally backed by logically sound ethical concerns.

    Nevertheless, that's irrelevant.

    7 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:


    Hmm, you make a compelling argument..

  5. 10 minutes ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

    @thisintegrated Hmmm do you know many people part of the community? You are generalizing a large and diverse group. 

    I have a good understanding of the stages and how they can manifest in people, so it's easy to identify what's stage related / what's not.  People are, generally, very predictable, and few stray away from what's expected of their stage.

    The correlation between LGBTQ and Green is very obvious, imo.  

  6. idk if it's actually unhealthy.  This is a necessary step for human progression towards tier 2, after all.  It's just kind of annoying when Greens try to use their emotions, rather than logic, to push the case for censorship and LGBTQ.

    Half of this thread is just triggered Greens.  And since they're the majority in such conversations, they win by consensus—regardless of the actual truth / validity of arguments from each side.

    And yes, LGBTQ = censorship / cancel culture, when you zoom out.  That's what it's evolved to.  LGBTQ is as much about "acceptance" as feminism is about equality.. meaning not at all.

  7. 3 minutes ago, 7thLetter said:

    m8, I could easily spend 10 minutes and find the evidence for you.  I just don't care about proving myself right!  And my getting banned for opposing ideas is evidence enough, imho.

    The fact you repeatedly fail to recognise my attempts at lowering the seriousness of debates just further proves my points.

  8. 1 minute ago, 7thLetter said:

    Hmm maybe, but what's the point of telling me that?

    Here I was starting to think maybe you're a thinking man after all for a moment.  Don't see too many tier 1s using the "H" or the "M" word. 

    1 minute ago, 7thLetter said:

    Exactly. That's fine though, if you don't want to look for it then your points are invalid unless you show proof.

    ..but then you turn around and go back to your old ways, not even bothering to use the Ti function anymore.

    What a shame.

  9. 20 minutes ago, 7thLetter said:

    You did the same thing with Elon Musk, you turned Elon into a God probably because you love him so much

    I don't actually like Elon, not particularly.  Believe it or not, it is possible to hold multiple seemingly-contradictory views on something simultaneously, but I won't bother explaining.

    You seem to have constructed some exaggerated idea of me in your mind, and turned me into some Elon-loving Orange/Green (or whatever it is you've decided).

    You can find all the evidence for my points by watching his SD playlist and/or the "awakening live, with Leo!" (or whatever they're called) videos.  I'm not gonna look for the exact video and moment he says specific quotes for you.. (you realise each video's like 2h long?)

    You also seem to be forgetting the point of this thread.  Nothing I say is about my view of Leo as a person.  Though I don't expect you to understand/believe.


    And lastly, no, I don't have "64 posts".  I have probably around a thousand.  This ain't my first account.  As I said, he aims to shuts down anyone with different ideas.  I don't agree with this sort of thinking, but I don't judge.

  10. 9 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    Lol dude, I'm reading this and its like you're just making this shit out of nowhere, just like how you did with Elon Musk.

    I don't see the objectivity in your opinions. This seems more like an over-exaggeration of Leo's character rather than an objective opinion.

    m8, you didn't even address a single point of mine.  If you actually disagreed with something, you wouldn't have resorted to a blanket statement like "you're just making shit up".

    And a number of people in the thread already share my views.

  11. 2 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

    He recently openly claimed to have a SD yellow bias.

    I don't think he's ever announced himself to be fully SD turquoise... careful with the accusations!

    He did say "I'm now solidly in stage Turquoise", or something to that effect in a video.  And he's mentioned being Turquoise more than a few times in other videos.  I used to think he's Turquoise, but have become doubtful since coming to the forum around a year ago.  He's just got some lagging aspects which SD can't account for.

  12. On 23/06/2021 at 2:49 PM, PlayOnWords said:

    Brian Eno on his concept of "Scenius".

    haha, first thing I see when I open the thread is a video on UBI.

    I'm starting to think "UBI and related ideas" is some sort of milestone that tells you you're Yellow.  Unfamiliar with UBI?  You've probably not gone through Yellow.

    I remember a time when all I wanted to talk about was UBI (and related ideas), lol.  Anyone else?


    Edit 1:  Just watched the vid.  Amazing example of Yellow!  Now THIS guy is 100% Yellow, perfect example.

    Edit 2:  I actually appreciate you mentioning him, didn't know about him until now.  He's like an older version of me.  He looks, sounds and talks just like me, down to the accent, profession, style, and personality type! wth! lol