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  1. haha, first thing I see when I open the thread is a video on UBI. I'm starting to think "UBI and related ideas" is some sort of milestone that tells you you're Yellow. Unfamiliar with UBI? You've probably not gone through Yellow. I remember a time when all I wanted to talk about was UBI (and related ideas), lol. Anyone else? Edit 1: Just watched the vid. Amazing example of Yellow! Now THIS guy is 100% Yellow, perfect example. Edit 2: I actually appreciate you mentioning him, didn't know about him until now. He's like an older version of me. He looks, sounds and talks just like me, down to the accent, profession, style, and personality type! wth! lol
  2. W-What?! omg.. I can't believe you actually claimed to be tier 2. You reek of dysfunctional Orange, with some roots in Red. I'm done with this thread.
  3. Jeez, dude, you literally decided that the moment you responded. "Who wants to talk? Well I'm not talking to you, I'll only talk to other stage Corals. Stop bothering me now, thanks." Yeah, you're not even Yellow with that kind of attitude, m8. You realise even someone like Sadhguru isn't Coral? Coral is Jesus/Buddha level, though it's actually likely beyond even those guys. (Coral in terms of SD)
  4. Umm.. Coral is theoretical in a different way to the other stages. The other stages were identified by observing patterns in the real world. There have been no patterns for Coral. Not even in edge-cases. So your lumping them all together like that is questionable.
  5. At which level? I'm only like lower Turquoise or something, but Coral is only theoretical in SD.
  6. Well, he can often seem very Orange/Yellow for someone claiming to be Turquoise. It's like he's trying to make this into a cult about him and his ideas. Anyone who disagrees with him is culled, and he'll brush off any criticisms as other people's ignorance. Others here seem to be of the same view, "absolute truth ring to his perspective". He literally calls people stupid in his videos, hoping people will see the nuance of what he means, but he won't tolerate the same kind of provocative ideas from others. He's also way too serious! If there's one problem with his videos and approach to everything, it's this. And I don't think I need to explain what I mean.. And, lastly, his perspectives are very rigid, and often Orange. He believes that to get past Orange, one must become rich, successful, etc. as it fits his understanding of how SD works. But he conveniently never addresses people who are monks their whole lives and never even bother ascending up the spiral. How would he answer this if anyone ever asked? He'd call you ignorant and/or say that monks are forever stuck at Blue. (Or at least that's what I've come to expect from him)
  7. For Greens, yes. And, statistically, 99.8% of people who go on such retreats are Green.
  8. That's a country-by-country thing. E.g. regions like the Baltics desperately need immigrants of all kinds, even the undesirable kind. Long term, numbers provide a massive benefit to a country, especially to one that's had negative population growth for decades. But the UK is half indian/pakistani, and it's.. weird, lol. Soon, it's gonna be more "British" to look Indian than European. All the stages below Green are noticeably annoyed by this, so it's not ideal, but only a short term problem.
  9. This count? Literally anything could go in this thread. The whole world is Blue, you can't get away from it. Humanity itself is Blue. Even this forum is like 50% blue.. How many examples do we need before people get it? lol
  10. You remind me of me some years back. You seem like you might actually be Yellow, something rare on this forum. In any case, I'd suggest broadening your perspectives to the point of getting bored of broadening your perspectives. From there you can try becoming other people (esp. in debates), this will help with attaining emotional mastery through a greater empathic awareness. You'll be fully Turquoised-out when you complete this; may even stop clinging to ideas like "life purpose", or even "life", lol.
  11. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!
  12. Everyone recognizes truth, but truth can't be communicated. People won't recognize the truth in logic, they won't appreciate it unless they're already ready. That's what makes this forum weird. You think you can discuss Turquoise matters here, but you can't, really. Not only because there's nothing to say, but also because it's a diverse forum. irl you might have some success giving off Turquoise energy (lol) to people, as they can just watch you doing shit. But, on a forum, it's purely intellectual and should, in most cases, be kept to Yellow at most. Yellow should be the goal for most of the ambitious people here. That's the kind of help they may actually benefit from. Yellows are, imo, able to teach themselves & progress in a way tier 1 cannot, as well as interact with Turquoises.
  13. I suppose anything could be looked at through a Turquoise filter. What I'm interested in is which animes feels like they were made for Turquoise. By accident or not. I don't think there exists a single anime made by a turquoise person. I mean, even Yellows are incredibly rare. I've maybe met a handful throughout my life.
  14. lol, I'm not Sad time we're living in.
  15. tl;dr? Fine, I'll just guess an answer for you. Wait for MIDI 2.0 Violins to come out. They're gonna be sick!! They're gonna solve ALL your problems
  16. Houseki no Kuni Is pretty damn abstract. Felt very Turquoise to me. The nature of reality itself in this one is abstract AF & may even seem nonsensical to Yellow. Kaiba Is fucking insane. Never seen anything like it. VERY Turquoise. You wouldn't believe how Turquoise this is. Not necessarily the most spiritual, but Turquoise AF. Explores genderlesness, spontaneity, indifference, meaning, caring, not caring. Casshern Sins Pretty damn Turquoise too. Very abstract. Not sure if ANY other stage would even enjoy this one. Can barely recommend it to anyone. The other ones have elements from other stages, this one's just.. There's not much for any of the other stages to enjoy here. Texhnolyze This was too fucked up for me. Only watched one episode I think. Will finish at some point. I don't know what it is, but it's SOMETHING. I do not recommend anyone watch this. At least not sober. It might be some weird type of Turquoise, maybe not. But it is abstract AF, iirc. Alice to Zouroku, Machikado Mazoku, Hinamatsuri, Etc.. A weird addition, but I had weirdly profound experiences with all of them. The perspectives, love, fun, etc. I found deeply fascinating. But I'm definitely the only one, lol. Yellow Submarine (1968) Probably mostly Green, but can easily be interpreted through a Turquoise lens. God how I loved this, don't even know why. Though I wouldn't expect to know, I've only ever watched it on acid
  17. Well, yes, I did say "Or anime with themes/elements that stages like Yellow or Green couldn't fully appreciate." Yes, at a Turquoise level (i.e. not Green). Always wanted to watch Evangelion, but I can't watch ensemble-cast series. I believe it likely is as good as most say it is. I'm just incompatible with it. ..Just like with Durarara. Possibly the very first anime I hated. Ensemble-cast at its worst. No story to speak of. Feels like I'm playing RAID: Shadow Legends or something when I watch an anime like Durarara. Or am given some fetch quest in a game. It's like a deep, physically painful boredom that makes me re-evaluate what I'm doing with my life. And I'm someone who enjoys meditating on nothing for hours.. But I guess I can see your point on it having elements of Yellow. Lain was decent. Definitely tier 2 themes, but maybe from a tier 1 perspective (very melancholic/self-focused). Best thing about the anime was the opening theme, imo. Yes, I can agree with that. Though I don't really like Monogatari series. They feel like stage Blue trying hard to make something Yellow. Quality's good, but a bit too edgy and annoying for me. But you've definitely seen more of it than I have. I drop what I don't like very quick, and all the time. If you want Yellow, I'd recommend anything by Kunihiko Ikuhara or Shinbou Akiyuki. I think those guys might actually be Yellow!! ^^ Here are some Yellow-ish works by them: Mawaru Penguindrum, Kubikiri Cycle, Sarazanmai, Mekakucity Actors. It's mostly their directing style that's Yellow. It's SOOOOOOOO refreshing, though they do tend to overdo it. Yes! Very much so. Probably my favorite series of all time. Tenzin is, in my mind, the embodiment of Turquoise. While not necessarily top of Turquoise, his likeness/personality/wisdom strike me as very typical of Turquoise. He also reminds me a lot of Tom Campbell. That said, the series as a whole is definitely closer to Green than Turquoise. But as I binged the entirety of Korra on acid, the series was, to me in particular, more of a Turquoise experience. I was in a whole other reality while watching it. That was probably my first true introduction into stage Turquoise. Even now, years later, when I recall that experience I'm overwhelmed with emotion. Haven't seen Samurai Champloo, but I see it's episodic, so I'm reluctant to start it.
  18. Oh god.. now he's gonna do a 4 part series on the quadrants, 2 hours each. ..and I'm gonna watch them all ..twice.
  19. Continue on your path on the spiral. That's it.
  20. It's not supposed to be a sacrifice. People, the healthy ones, decide to have kids when/if they can afford them. I could probably give a complex intellectual answer for the reasons "why", but all it comes down to is love. Some people are just not aware of it yet, and explaining it won't do much. I, personally, have no interest in kids atm, but can imagine reasons for why each of the stages would. If you really wanna know, just spend some time in all the stages, and experience their perspectives.
  21. There seems to be a lot of overlap, and I could just as easily attribute tier 2 traits to just being autistic. I can't tell the difference between healthy autism and stage Turquoise, in terms of traits, at least. Both are weird and abnormal from the perspective of the average person. Both tend to be way too abstract, detached, calm, smart, divergent, hard to understand, inquisitive, playful, childish, etc. it's just that "Turquoise" also holds the connotation of expanded awareness. ..but autism is kind of like having awareness expanded in all the "wrong" directions.. I don't expect an answer, but I'll hear your thoughts.
  22. Why should he give a shit? That would be tier 1 behaviour. Here's a quick summary. Upper Turquoise: Not giving a shit, at all, about anyone or even the whole planet (in a GOOD way, before anyone says anything..) To some of the lower stages this would seem crazy, but Turquoise != Green. And Turquoise isn't just another name for Green 100 year old asian gurus. Lower Turquoise: Caring, but not being attached to anything, nor actively looking for solutions. Yellow: Giving a shit, but prioritising the big-picture / education over immediate results. This may look like: Uniting people against you / challenging convention / heresy / teaching by example.. Green: Discovery of world problems + low intellectual development = the kind of behavior you're advocating for here. Greens do not conceptualize, let alone implement, plans for colonies on other planets, or start a tunnelling company, or work on anything like neuralink/openAI/hyperloop/etc. And neither do Oranges, normally. For a Green, it would be near impossible to understand how increasing pollution, or building up an arsenal of nuclear weapons, for example, could be good for the world. Elon demonstrates the foresight to see how ""scary"" things can sometimes be the way forward. This you do not see in Green/Orange. Orange: Disinterest in world problems due to a perceived incompleteness in the self, which takes priority. Giving a shit, but only in relation to how the self is affected. A perfect example of this is John Cena apologizing profusely to the CCP for accidentally referring to Taiwan as a country. Is this the kind of behavior you see from Elon? Orange would bend over for the CCP if there's money to be made, and would play it off as caring for the wishes of the people or for the environment (you know.. to keep investors happy!). Solid Green would be outraged and cry in a corner when asked to bend over (maybe protest a little). Yellow would calculate the long-term risk/reward before doing anything. Turquoise would just laugh in China's face (and maybe respond to every question with a rhetorical question).
  23. Except that autism is diagnosed by looking at one's traits, so there is no "only applicable to neurotypicals" rule. Anyone describing their tier 2 traits could get the autism diagnosis.
  24. Everything is perfect. Conversation can only bring you down. It's one of the problems I'm working on. Silence/nothingness is perfection, and anything else activates the ego mind. I feel it clearly. As soon as I type anything, I automatically connect to my memories, who I am, why I'm typing, what kind of responses I can expect, what kind of writing style I should use, etc. I mean, I feel I can sometimes maintain "god-mode" around others, but talking makes this very hard. To type this right now, I am having to go to a lower level of consciousness, yet, I'm kind of addicted to it. When I grow up a bit more, I expect I'll completely abandon such forums, and videos like those of Leo's. The only reason I'm here right now is because I'm still stupid, and keep forgetting I'm god. But why is everyone else here?! I see some people here with thousands of posts! Why are they still here?! I'm, also, curious why @Leo Gura is still doing this. As much as I love the Turquoise level vids (I really love them), I can't quite understand the motivation behind them. Where does it come from? Does it come from ego? Some desire to feel like you're doing good/valuable work? Last time I was in "god-mode", I understood clearly why good teachers don't stick around for long. And now I notice I don't really wanna teach anyone, that would just seem incredibly stupid and childish. I don't even like to theorize too much anymore, again, the best word I can think of to use here is.. "childish". Why do you, @Leo Gura, stick around? And for how long will you? Is it because of Love? Because you have to do something? Why not just watch anime all day? Edit: I'm an idiot. Why do I ask when the answer just comes to me, lol. It can all be found within. (Maybe I just like to pretend I don't have all the answers because it makes me feel less.. alone.. idk.) Now we come back to the title question. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS?! I didn't need to make this thread, I only did so out of pure stupidity and ego! But I am hoping Leo (or anyone else) can offer some insight I haven't yet discovered. As much as I wish there was a place for me on this forum, everyone must take their leave at some point : )