Victor Nunes

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Posts posted by Victor Nunes

  1. @karkaore I understand your point mate, and partially agree with you. But would be impossible even to do this experiment withou know what is “thought” what is “experiment” what is “associate” 


    and to know all those things we have fatally to associate.


    if you prove me a knowledge without association I will give up, otherwise seems like you are seeking to hide from reality, and you know that is not like that.

  2. @karkaore no man.


    All knowledge came by association, we do not create anything, just capture it by association.


    If we were God we would know many things we dont know. You know what a “taturana” is?  No, until the moment you associate with something you know, reading the dictionary or open the google to see a picture 


    God could know all, not we. 

  3. Yes, you have the reason in this point, and I agree with you. The idea is just a representation of real apple, as well as the language is a bunch of signals which represent our experiences. But allow me to keep the point that it is a reality for all, not I create mine and you yours. This is denying reality. Otherwise how would you show me what an apple is?

  4. @karkaore Perfect , I partially agree with you. Many and many things happened I can’t capture, and also now, I can perceive just a tiny slot of the Full reality. This does not mean that what I perceived, even tiny, wasn’t real, right? The doctor who took me from my mother, and my mother, and the Hospital, were all real. 

    I trust in my memory and so you do man, otherwise how would you not forget that you are talking to me? Or the English words? Or that you can talk to me? We are not an amoeba living, we have a full baggage of memories, not really true (agreed) but partially true.


    You agree with me? Or you think you create me?


  5. No man, it is something we called hand, which in a form (eternal form), has the same structure of your hand. It is not everything. It has its limits. 

    We cannot be crazy in accepting this position unilaterally. It has its good parts, but we cannot say my hand is everything. It is limited. 

    If my hand were everything I could not capture its limited image and I could not called it “hand”