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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. @ivankiss My experience is that the dreams that used to come with sleeping has subsided completely. The world seems more dreamlike however. There is a softness to it now and not hard and rigid as it used to be.
  2. Aren't those all thoughts? I would inquire more into these feelings. They seem to be based around a belief that's causing you to suffer.
  3. @Bluebird Doing inquiry on these events will help you heal the emotional wounds you have.
  4. @Tistepiste This is probably the best way. Let them become interested in it by showing how it will improve his life. If he's not interested, accept it. No reason to bang your head against the wall is it?
  5. It can be hard to get them to see that it is not the complete thing. A nice guideline to everyone on the path is that it always goes deeper. Find the humbleness in those words. Because if you think you got it you are deceiving yourself.
  6. @VictorB02 I used cannabis for a couple of years and felt great while on it. The problem was that I was fleeing from/pushing away some "bad" feelings and was gravitating towards/grasping the "good" feelings I got while being high. The key was to start dealing with those "bad" feelings. Seeing that the movement from "bad" to "good" was actually not giving me any long lasting happiness.
  7. @How to be wise Yes you don't know what's going to happen after enlightenment do you.. But you won't care which way life goes afterwards. You only care before.. And what is it that cares about this?
  8. @GabeN Trying to get to or hold onto a high state of consciousness is not fruitful. Just let the states come and go. Accept what is here and now.
  9. @Lynnel You do the hardest thing possible. You do nothing.
  10. @Alfox Consciousness is simply the space in which every experience happens. A more conscious being (lol) might be more loving and accepting but that still happens within that space.
  11. These are good pointers. You could also say that acceptance is the realization that there is nothing to do. Any form of doership is resistance to what is.
  12. Acceptance is to allow everything to be as it is. If there is resistance you allow it to be. If there is a negative emotion you allow it to be. If there are thoughts you allow it to be. Just notuce them arise and pass.
  13. @Baotrader It can certainly be a trap but what wants to constantly be in that state? As long as you're holding onto any kind of state there is a subtle (or not so subtle) form of ego there. Which means that the enlightenment hasn't fully bloomed in that being.
  14. So you're not depressed? Both meaning and meaninglessness are mental constructs. When we see there is no meaning the mind immediately grabs ahold of its opposite, meaninglessness. Which is equally untrue.
  15. @cena655 Have you considered seeing a therapist?
  16. The body is there, the person though is just a figment of your imagination. It's identification to thought and the body. When all identification to body and thought disappears there is no longer any relative identification so the experience is that you are nothing and everything at the same time. But not you as in what you think you means.
  17. Yes isn't it extraordinary how such a simple practice can have such a huge impact.
  18. @Emerald Letting go is all you need as a spiritual practice. Maybe look into what needs motivation and to what end it needs it for?
  19. @EternalForestThere's no real answer to your questions. Basically it is the way it is because that's the way it is. Or if you really want a rational answer one could say that evolution has made humans strongly identify with ego. To never be content with the present moment has helped humankind survive. But it does come with the price of always have to suffer.
  20. I guess it does. And maybe it depends on the practice one has as well?
  21. Maybe it's not a complete model in your case. That would cause confusion for anybody. Hey, what if you were in a city with a map that was made 50 years ago. The city would probably have been rebuilt several times after the map was made. It would probably create alot of frustration and confusion trying to find your way through the city with that map? Maybe it's better to toss the map and explore the city without it.
  22. More spooky than it disappearing in the blink of an I?
  23. I've heard that for some people there is no satori. The self just gradually withers away into nothing. So gradual that one does not even notice it taking place