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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. Yeah, I don't like it as a teaching. Or it should be used with careful consideration as a teacher. For those people who have been conditioned to push push push it can be useful to relax/ease into things a bit. But for some it can be more helpful to use "seeming effort" as you said. Yeah, what I said earlier was not meant as a teaching but rather a description of the experience of day to day life here. I guess you could describe it as doing whatever that feels 'right' from moment to moment. That's not to be confused with what feels 'good'. More like an intuitive feel of where the boat is leaning and moving with it but there is no conscious effort of doing it. I'm struggling with putting it into words as you might tell. ?
  2. Would you say that it's like the same consciousness having different lives or different personalities having the same life?
  3. Yeah definetly. I don't know if you'll resonate with this but at a certain point the ability to push yourself to do things goes away, life will naturally unfold by itself. You do the things you do because that's what you enjoy doing. And if that is personal development or anything else it's not really up to you. ?
  4. Alien consciousness is a bit alien to me. Care to explain?
  5. To wallow in it is playing more victim. Forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes. When that is done it's time to move forward. Take opportunity of the time you have left in this life.
  6. @LfcCharlie4 Very well said! The most important aspect is that it doesn't end with the awakening. It's that awakening is the beginning and there is no end. I like how Adyashanti puts it. - Enjoy yourself!
  7. Use when you say that it's not real, does not exist, is an illusion etc. etc.
  8. @Federico del pueblo Yep contractions in the body.. All that's needed to purify them is resting as awarenss but it can also be helpful to do yoga and stretching.
  9. Yeah, I know what you mean. Direct experience is prior to belief. But as soon as we start to form words that explain "direct experience" we're into belief territory. Wouldn't you agree?
  10. Maybe it's because the I that wants it to change and the I has the power for it to change is not the same I?
  11. Beliefs are like sunglasses. They tint your perception of reality.
  12. Isn't that just a belief though? ?
  13. Ego is thoughts and feelings. These patterns of thoughts and feeling might appear to be a solid thing but it's just like a fan that's spinning fast looks like a solid disc. An optical illusion.
  14. Yeah that's it! Sometimes you have to accept that you don't understand and that's fine too. ?
  15. Seems like a nice thing to be able to be annoyed about. It would suck if you were annoyed about not having any food to put on the table. ?
  16. Yeah, the mind gets confused when it's trying to make sense of it all. ? Not much to do except embracing the confusion and the paradox imo. ?
  17. @Michael Jackson ? From the game characters POV he's going on quests, slaying dragons, leveling up, doing anything that seems worthwhile but he is just a part of the gaming experience. From another POV he's does whatever he's programmed to to do.
  18. @MihaiXx Yes! Just enjoy the ride! ?