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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Yes. And boredom/anxiety is the emotional result or consequence of that thought
  2. Yes eventually all problems get solved. The name of that solution is death. Wait like a patient dog.
  3. Hoping for goodies won't give the lasting motivation. But its okay as everyone starts somewhere more or less. What is needed is a genuine curiosity about life/metaphysics/philosophy/reality. A curiosity to penetrate ones own existence. If that is in place, no matter how many times you get lose, you'll find your way. Another supplementary tip I have is make a small play list of Leo's (or others) 5-6 videos that inspires you the most by creating an awe and existential curiosity the most. Then repeatedly watch them everyday for a set time (20-60 minutes). Similarly have 3-4 spiritual books that have the same effect on you and read them everyday for a set time. If you still haven't found those few videos and books like that, keep searching until you make your mini play list. After finding that, regularly stick with them.
  4. @Someone here The one who can't at least see the limitation of knowledge or the arbitrary/abstraction nature of thoughts; these discussions become useless very soon.
  5. Recently people playing around the idea Solipsism or a singular mind/consciousness. Here is my take on it. I'll discuss 2 points regarding this. 1) A fundamental nature of being aware 2) A misconception about Consciousness. First thing first, lets address the elephant in that room. There is absolutely nothing outside your knowledge of being. Go try it. Try however you may, the entire universe, knowledge and projection is only known by you the consciousness. No being in any realm can never know anything more than I AM, period. You're eternally stuck with this I AM. That being said, this I AM; the experience of being aware has some very unique features. Consciousness can only be experienced by I, not by other; it can only be experienced now, not in past and future; it can only be experienced here, not over there. Let me clarify this with 2 crude examples. Wetness is a quality of water. You cannot find that quality of wetness in fire, rocks etc. Similarly we're surrounded by electro magnetic fields. But if you wanna use electricity we need a working socket. In the same way the experience of being aware is only available to I, now, here. It contains all ideas about I/others, past/now/future, here/there; but it is only experienced as I, now, here. So what I am getting at is, I AM the only conscious entity there is. Not as a body but as a singular consciousness. That experience of I AM is singular and whole. There are not 2 I AM in existence. Just like there are not 2 wetness of water. All water, everywhere contains the same singular wetness in this context of example. That means both me and my mom are appearances but the I AM is singular and identical; and it is being experienced as I, now, here. Now the most deluded misconception about consciousness. All consciousness talks and exploration are bound to divert away into fantasy land if this unquestioned assumption is made at first. That is qualifying or relating Consciousness to other stuff. The most naive doubt regarding Consciousness is that if I am the singular consciousness in which the universe exists, by which it is perceived and out of which it is ultimately made of; then why can't I be the know-it-all faux omniscient? This right here is basically watered down materialism. The Consciousness we're talking about is prior to the universe or anything that can be imagined. The fundamental nature of Consciousness is to be aware, simply aware. Being aware of things is not the fundamental nature of Consciousness. Its more like a deluded nature or emergent phenomena of consciousness aka a seeming activity of Consciousness. So not knowing your mom's thoughts is a limitation of the imaginary you, not the limitation of Consciousness. Just like not having wetness is not a limitation for fire, it simply ain't its avenue. In the end, the Truth is prior to even Consciousness/Unconsciousness category. A spark of Consciousness arises as I AM; and the entire universe resides in that seed of consciousness. Solipsism is a philosophy; like many others; an attempt to reflect or verbalize the Truth. But Truth is prior to such endeavors. So Solipsism turns out to be another paradigm containing a kernel of Truth; just like a deluded Christian myth also contain a kernel of Truth. So what position is to take if it's all relative? The ones that help you get unstuck from your current paradigm and get to realize Truth in the immediacy of now.
  6. Try to find out what truly exists; independently, without any support from external authority. If you could strictly stick with this theory instead of memorizing it as a theory, you'd discover the Truth of consciousness already. That is the all inclusiveness nature and singularity of knowledge of being. Again you are making the assumption that there is a resolution of this issue through q&a, more knowledge, discussion, study etc. I could say there are others. I could also say there are no others. But this question arises in the first place due to misconception about what consciousness or being truly aware is.
  7. Investigate what I or Consciousness is exclusively without mixing it with anything else. The end result is not more knowledge inside outside the I, but something that can't be talked about.
  8. I talked about this misconception in the post. As long as you stay strict on the idea that Consciousness must be conscious of something in order to be consciousness in the first place, you'll never get any closer to solve this Consciousness puzzle after a while. The Truth/Absolute is not restricted by consciousness/unconsciousness categories. That is nonduality. But as long as you see duality of things, you can reduce them into Consciousness. Just like a religious folk reduces the world as a creation of breaded old man; scientists reduce it into atoms and so on. And when you keep doing that, you make a discontinuous jump about which nothing can be said accurately. Awakening shows that whether you're aware of something or not, You as Consciousness remains as it is. And truly speaking, I AM is all you ever know. You think you're person called so and so, experiencing such and such; but when you question that, you come to possibility of discovering that you never knew anything but I AM.
  9. When a mind explodes, what remains? I can see people can have psychotic breakdowns or a sense of super inflated ego through belief in some distorted versions of Solipsism. But imho, solipsism correctly understood is one of THE most conducive tool to wake up. It is a materialism killer if properly understood. It takes away the stories about creation and stuff; replaces with imagination/instantaneous creation paradigm; which makes a seeker take their actual steps into metaphysics and nature of knowledge. But if it's seen through ego lens, its a disaster/delusion. What do you wanna manipulate yourself into? A fat gay spider with 12 legs aka the most feared thing in world? jk
  10. Exactly. Reducing everything into the knowledge I AM. Or should I say seeing clearly as things are.
  11. all knowledge, conceptualization, ideations of other ego is based on one's own ego; the only ego there ever is
  12. You are the only ego there is who can die and get enlightened. There is no other 2nd ego. For me its my ego. So on and so forth. Why such contradiction/paradox? Dreams. You're searching for tragedy in a joke
  13. As a wise man in some parallel universe might have said.. Vomit yourself off yourself.
  14. All dreams are instantaneous and lived according to its rules without any exception. The memory/subconscious mind/ a person are all time based back stories formulated in the waking state as a deluded fool.
  15. The points I'll be making here might seem outrageous and another new age vegan propaganda. But I welcome you to look at your waking state (dream A) and dream state (dream B) to come to your conclusions. I am deliberately calling both waking and dreaming as dream states, a footnote about it might be in the end. a) The Waking State (aka Dream A) 1) Time is the dominant container element which creates the 'realness' of waking state reality. Your life, is nothing but the elaborate back story that is formulated in time. It comes up as the 1st nucleus after waking up from sleep and the entire universe and all your knowledge, rationality, personality etc rearrange themselves around this nucleus to make sense of it all. You can visit many places but it is time aka your identity with a back story of who you are defines everything else and what experience you are having in this waking state. 2) Space is the limited container of waking state. No matter how large the waking world seems or how fast you move; you are always stuck 'here' in your 'body' more or less. You can look at the infinite sky or ride a fast airplane; but still you only feel the realness of being here. It is spatially limited. 3) You have a 'time' memory. Look at any memory of you from past or any imagination of future. It never feels alien to you, because you OWN it all as your own life. b) The Dream State (aka Dream B) 1) Space is the dominant container element which creates the dreamscape in which the entirety of dream occurs. In the dream state, that space of dreamscape dominates the entirety of that particular dream. The dream space is the nucleus which defines the rest of dream experience and how you will see them and what your relationship with them will be. 2) Time is the limited container of dream state. There is no 'backstory' in any dream. Dream experience is strictly limited to NOW. It is not the past/future time rationalization but strictly the dream space which dictates the dream experience and who you are in that dream. It is temporally limited. 3) You have a 'space' memory. Have you noticed that no matter which dream space you wake up in, you always sort of own it and adjust with it aka start playing by it's rules? Its as if you have a vast dream library in your 'space' memory and each book/dream you open; you play along with it; it doesn't feel alien to you. In conclusion, both waking and dreaming are dreams. Built with different mechanism and experienced differently; but nevertheless they fall in the same category. Like apple and orange, they look and taste different but both are fruits and experienced through same channel (taste). So there are only 2 states, one of which doesn't exist. Duality and Nonduality Or Dreams and Woke(absence of dreams)
  16. Jeez, you can stop playing this naive smartass bullshittery; sit with pen and paper; observe you current perception and make sense of reality. You're fucking dreaming right now and yet so hung up on other people and giving them the burden of proof; other people who you've yourself dreamt up in the first place. Helooooo my imaginary, dream buddy' can you prove me if I am dreaming? Can you show me how I made this dream? Go ask MS Powerpoint how it built a modern 2020 computer lmao Its like there is a candy and you are asking everyone and everything in the world how that candy tastes and whether if its's sweet. Asking the rocks if the candy is sweet. Asking the candy factory if its sweet. pRoVe tO mE tHaT tHiS cAnDy iS sWeEt. I am so smartass playing this half assed skeptic blah blah. Just fucking eat the candy. Chew on it, experience it, decipher the perception. And at the end of the process, if you come to the conclusion that the candy is sour, then hell yeah it is. It is sour AF and you go on with your life knowing that and not asking for any validation from other external sources or trying to prove anything to others cause you chewed the shit outta that candy and know it inside out
  17. @IAmTheHolySpirit reminds me of the story of Jesus beating the shit outta deluded, religious people in church back then
  18. @Aaron p You look like a little boy after your retreat. Did you experience age reversal? ?
  19. What is bullshit to the ignorant, is jewel to the wise. What is jewel to the ignorant, is bullshit to the wise ?