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Everything posted by mandyjw

  1. Guys love to see girls in their clothes, girls love wearing them especially if/when they smell like him, then maybe there's an excuse to see you again to return it... All kinds of opportunities for intimacy and romance there. Jesus did say if a man sues you for the coat off your back offer him your cloak too, but I guess if it's a woman we're trying to sleep with we must suspect the worst? ?‍♂️
  2. @StarStruck Were you wearing a coat when she said that?
  3. Learn to appreciate the beauty in everything and all beings. Take an art class. Learn to draw portraits or nudes. Draw still lifes of fruit even. Or just look at art. Notice the difference between the way you really look at an apple in a painting and how you look at an apple you're selecting to eat.
  4. @WokeBloke What is Source has no source.
  5. @WokeBloke I blame others when I blame myself, because I think that I am avoiding blaming myself by blaming others. But there is no subject or object in blame. It's all empty boat, or autocorrect, but that doesn't mean blame is bad, that would be more blame.
  6. Is autocorrect an entity? If not why do I blame it, when it makes an embarrassing mistake and it makes it look like I made it? Where does that blame come from?
  7. I'd look into Medical Medium's Cleanse to Heal if it resonates. I think so often back pain isn't just back pain, there can be all sorts of interconnected stuff going on. There's also reiki and yin yoga if you can do it safely. Also I've been told my doctors before that you can combine tylenol and ibuprofen if you need to, tylenol isn't ideal because of the liver and ibupfrofen because of the stomach so I think it helps to use both moderately rather than rely on one or the other. There's also steroids shots if you are in a ton of pain and really need them. Also might look into TENS units, acupuncture mats, actual acupuncture, CBD oil, check into your shoes, check into the mattress you sleep on, etc. Have you tried swimming? It makes a big difference for me. Just throwing ideas out. Hope you feel better and some some relief soon. ❤
  8. Sometimes women get stuck in judgmental thought patterns as they age and are less receptive to fun, spontaneity and affection. Maybe they have been burned in the past, or maybe their friends have and they are afraid they will be too. Maybe they are more interested in how the man will affect her image than tuning into her honest appreciation of him. Many men mistake these mature women's skepticism as a reflection on themselves, and rather than examine their own thoughts and see the insecurity, they instead pass the women off as "unattractive". So women who are younger (though maybe naïve or maybe just more open-minded, or a bit of both), are more attractive to them. They want a woman that they can please, show new things to, that respects them for who they are. If there's a trend of men avoiding women their age, it's a situation created by both parties being unwilling to examine their own insecurity. You can have the best of both worlds, when you appreciate and are open and receptive, everything you need to know will be revealed to you. if you are afraid, you're actually most vulnerable. You might be triggered by the older men approaching you because you're already "older" than you actually are in your thought patterns of judgement. If you decide to start observing your thoughts of judgement around men, remember, you are not working to make yourself more attractive for men, you're doing this for your own pleasure. The best route is to forget men for a while and really do what you like for your own pleasure. We may have spent years doing stuff to please others. What pleases you? Make lists of stuff that makes you happy. Try new things. Men just want to give pleasure to a woman who is open to receive it. That's why before a man can make you happy or you'll find one that makes you happy, you have to make yourself happy. Cause that's just what you really Are.
  9. Following your heart and pursuing your own loves and interests, no matter how weird, insignificant or unfruitful you might judge them to be is key. It leads you to everything else you are wanting, to the most incredible people and discoveries and revelations. Also time in nature and/or just exploring your neighborhood, and just generally opening to life and the beauty of the moment. The key with both is in letting go of what you think or expect to come of something and just purely doing for the sheer joy of it.
  10. The distinction between care and love is enormous. care (n.) Old English caru, cearu "sorrow, anxiety, grief," also "burdens of mind; serious mental attention," in late Old English also "concern, anxiety caused by apprehension of evil or the weight of many burdens," from Proto-Germanic *karō "lament; grief, care" (source also of Old Saxon kara "sorrow;" Old High German chara "wail, lament;" Gothic kara "sorrow, trouble, care;" German Karfreitag "Good Friday;" see care (v.)). God does not care as care is defined above. Thank God.
  11. Experience and honest observation. In my early 20's I started having some health issues and I started worrying and focusing on them a lot. I just got more of them. Legitimate concerns doctors took seriously, but never anything that really resolved that way. The more I tried to address them, the worse it got. It wasn't until I realized I was wanting to stop working 7 days a week and put more energy into spending time with friends and having fun that it stopped. Similar stuff kept happening off and on, in every case I was putting all my attention of what was not wanted instead of what I did want. Health, happiness and wellbeing feels like health, happiness and wellbeing, it does not feel like deprivation, stress, worry and concern.
  12. Positive expectation is more influential on health than anything else. If you focus on toxic foods or demonize them, you will be more unhealthy than those ignorant to the risks. Use your discernment only for good and you'll have the best of both worlds.
  13. I'd look into Medical Medium's Cleanse to Heal book. It's a gentle approach that will enhance your health overall.
  14. Can we just refer everyone to the other dozen threads discussing Anna's looks and close this one?
  15. Words only have power because they are inherently powerless. You'd have had to have created a world before there could be words. Would world words. There's a time to speak and a time to be silent, and you know by how it feels to speak those words and by how it feels to stay silent how your timing is. Writing is a great creative way to express yourself without pulling others into it as much. If there's fear or any negative emotion explore that and the beliefs around it rather than subjecting yourself to feeling fear for the sake of avoiding feeling fear. People, especially the ones we think are spiritual are so shiny and fascinating, we make them into our I-dolls. But you, the awareness is very the light that allows that golden idol to glitter. The light of Awareness is a jealous God, no I-dolls allowed. I've heard golden statues are pretty silent.
  16. I am the devil, the cause and reason behind my suffering. (there is none) There's no me. Nothing is wasted.
  17. This is probably the best thing out there in my opinion however if this person is not currently eating well, and or would not be open minded to it it might be better to cut out dairy, red meat, sugar, processed oils, etc, first.
  18. I realized why being a parent is so... whatever. It makes you CRAZY to know that you want to be loving this perfect little being, but you haven't been loving. You've been annoyed, worried, whatever. Love feels like love. No settling. A child... what a reminder! Jesus Christ. That's exactly why my youtube comments annoy the fuck out of me. My kids annoy the... Goddamn it. Utter fucking perfection Source. You've done it again. We didn't do it.