Muhammad Jawad

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Posts posted by Muhammad Jawad

  1. Hello Everyone!

    I am feeling really sad to share this news that Our Brother, Our Friend "Soonhei" (Member of this community) killed himself to experience the conscious death.

    SoonHei was my best and only friend. :-(

    He was very happy and have no issues in his life. These days he was contemplating death and dreams a lot and ultimately he decided to try conscious death and killed himself by jumping off from the Bridge in Canada by 3rd May 2021.

    Before killing himself he was talking to me on WhatsApp and he was really happy and laughing on different matters as well.

    SoonHei & Me had a long discussion about conscious death, the afterlife, and lucid dreaming the day he committed suicide. 

    Few minutes before he jumped from the bridge to commit suicide he sent me the following message:

    "I leave you my dream.
    You already know, meet you in the beyond."

    We can not imagine or understand how and why he can take that kind of decision. He left his family behind including a wife, and 2 little cute kids.

    May God grant him the success he was trying to achieve :-(

    According to me, it's the wrong decision he took.

    What do you think? Does Committing suicide have any link with spirituality? 

    Is this possible to liberate oneself from the cycle of birth and death ultimately and merge into consciousness by committing suicide after gaining enlightenment?

    Waiting for other's views.




    Screenshot 2021-05-19 171654.png

  2. 1 hour ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    That all sounds great but in theory but in practice I never see anyone live up this kind of spiritual jargon.

    Can you shift into the parallel reality where you manifested 100 million dollars and send me a mere 5 million? Just shift into that vibration of consciousness. Infinite potentiality right?

    He can not answer you now because He has already killed himself so he can travel to another parallel reality. So he is not here anymore to answer your concern. :-(

  3. On 4/27/2021 at 0:53 AM, SoonHei said:

    i met an angel once, & then i married her :)

    Then why you left her alone in this world and killed yourself after the 6 days of this post?  :-(


    "And exactly after the 6 days of this post, that Amazing & Loving Person "SoonHei" Jumped from the Bridge in Toronto Canada, committed suicide and gave his life and died at the night of 3rd May 2021" :-(

    And he took this step, just to prove his own self that he is right about his understanding of life, death & God.  

    He was my best & only friend. :-(

  4. On 4/30/2021 at 8:12 PM, SoonHei said:

    "Every alternate universe that you can possibly imagine already exists. So it is not a matter of making something happen or preventing something from happening. (that is spatiotemporal and space time is not real ultimately) It is a matter of your individuated consciousness shifting into a universe that is directly commensurate with the exact vibrational frequency that you are emanating in your baseline state of being. All other individuations will experience and are already experiencing universes that are directly commensurate with their vibrational frequencies.

    To further elaborate, me and you literally do not live on the same planet and are not on the same website. We are on our respective projections of Earth and the Actualized forum that are directly commensurate with our baseline energetic vibrational states of being. Now, these projections can be so extremely similar that to the body mind complex they seem like they are the same phenomena but literally every lifeform is experiencing only their projection of the entire universe."
               -  @nexusoflife

    "And exactly after the 3 days of this post, that Amazing & Loving Person "SoonHei" Jumped from the Bridge in Toronto Canada, committed suicide and gave his life and died at the night of 3rd May 2021" :-(

    And he took this step, just to prove his own self that he is right about his understanding of life, death & God.  

    He was my best & only friend. :-(

  5. On 5/1/2021 at 0:01 AM, SoonHei said:

    @Javfly33 there is such a thing as a liberation. but it's liberation from a 'you' & not for you... because you're ever liberated.

    liberation from the delusion.

    consider enlightenment as being aware that the lawn-hose in the front of your house is a hose and not a snake.

    you fell into a delusion that it was a snake... and then say you slowly but ultimately came out of it and finally saw that it's not a snake but a hose. that would be the end of it... sort of like once kids know santa aint real - it's a done deal.


    but sure raises a question... can someone not get knocked on the head by something and then again fall into believing that santa's real? perhaps... so better watch yo surroundings and not get knocked on the head :D


    but really. ultimate liberation is to snap-back to reality and come to see your true position as sitting on the sofa watching the tv and playing the video game with the controller in your hand. once you know this, then you go on playing 1 game to the next


    all the sages talk about the escape from the cycle of birth and death. it's done once and it's forever. then you're forever rooted in witness consciousness as your primary position. then it's an eternal play. an eternal dance.


    "the fruit ripens slowly but falls suddenly and without return."

    "And exactly after the 2 days of this post, that Amazing & Loving Person "SoonHei" Jumped from the Bridge in Toronto Canada, committed suicide and gave his life and died at the night of 3rd May 2021" :-(

    And he took this step, just to prove his own self that he is right about his understanding of life, death & God.  

    He was my best & only friend. :-(

  6. On 5/3/2021 at 11:34 PM, SoonHei said:

    It has already occurred so to speak? Nothing is less or more significant than the dream at night?

    There are timelines in which our person is doing something totally different than what we are... 


    Is that so? It's all real and unreal 


    But you are the tree, wherever you are, your branches will go with you. You can never experience your own absence. You will be manifest always. Your POV, you cannot die. Chapter of death is Experienced and then life is Experienced. There is always expericing. 

    Others will die and can die but for your subjective viewpoint, you cannot die - death being the end of your experience. If it's a consious death, then you're already beyond it. You will die for others in their experience, just as you know people have died in yours, but never for yourself.

    The dream at night exists as an occurrence and don't think for a moment that when you die in a dream, that story ends. Sure, for you. But others in that dream Experience your death. All possibilities already there. Like numbers in math. 


    You never leave... You can only Jump


    "And exactly after this post, that Amazing & Loving Person "SoonHei" Jumped from the Bridge in Toronto Canada, committed suicide and gave his life and died." :-(


    He was my best friend. :-(

  7. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Muhammad Jawad You are not able to understand what you don't understand or have missed. Just keep doing the work. Once you really understand you will no longer be asking me anything.

    hmmm. That's Right.

    Thanks a lot for pushing me to do the actual work instead of letting me waste all the time in discussions and trying to grasp it conceptually. :-)

  8. Understanding I achieved after Today's Meditation Session:

    - There is no separate perceiver.
    - There is not a separate object to be perceived.
    - There is only knowing (Perceiver and perceived is actually one all-knowing)
    - Deep Sleep (Unconscious Moments) is a misunderstanding and illusion.
    - There is only The ONE and that ONE has 2 Dimensions like a coin have 2 sides.

    1 Side of this coin is everything and another side is nothing/Silence.

    Both are not separate but the same.

    - That is a misunderstanding that there is a separate perceiver.

    What do you think? But Still, I couldn't experience any specific and significant Shift any Consciousness.

    Am I still not close to Self-realization? 

    Am I going in the right direction?

    - Journey of finding and trying to realize and experience your true nature is an infinite Journey that can never end because whatever you will find, know, the experience is also a perception.

    Main Point: We can never find a perceiver because There is no Perceiver.