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Posts posted by no_name

  1. 6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Celebrities and public intellectuals have to do this every day, and it keeps them honest. If you do not have the courage to post your legal name alongside your ideas, then your ideas are not worth much. I have to live with every radical thing I say, and so should you.

    Celebrities and yourself chose that lifestyle. You can make lots of money being famous, but you have to sell your privacy for that. Not everyone can stomach having millions of people discuss their dirty laundry, narcissist and psychopath enjoy it though, doesn’t matter what exactly is being talked about them, as long as they are being talked about.

  2. Just now, mr_engineer said:

    Human systems work non-linearly, not linearly. He could handle Ukraine. But, if he just keeps going, at some point, he'll over-extend! That'll be the chance for competing powers to stop him. 

    This is what happened in WWII with the Nazis. 

    People can’t peacefully watch a whole nation of people being destroyed, ESPECIALLY after we’ve seen the tragedy left behind Nazi Germany. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

    I don't really agree that Russia will kill all the Ukrainian civilians. But, even granting you that, I'd take that over sacrificing billions of lives. 

    All of us should be scared of a post-WWIII world, in which the precedent of nuclear attacks has already been set. 

    This is a bit irrelevant, but I noticed Indian people tend to fear monger a lot. They love to talk about doom and gloom scenarios, whine and complain about how bad the world is. Conservatives like doing it too.

    Just something cultural I noticed and I see it on this forum a lot too.

  4. 3 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

    It's not 'democratic'. But, if the rapist has a nuclear weapon, the best thing in the interest of world peace is to let it happen while it's happening and then strategize deeper as to how to catch them and punish them. And to not yell threats at the rapist when you're not prepared to execute them! 

    So you’re saying the only way out of this situation is to sacrifice the lives of 44 million people? There is just no other way to try and save those lives?

  5. 8 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

    The mature thing to do would be to let them do their thing and direct those billions into improving your own economies, which are, quite frankly, struggling. 

    By letting them do “their thing” you mean russia continuing to flatten out Ukrainian cities and the mass genocide of Ukrainian people?

    When you see someone being gang raped on the street, is the “democratic” thing to do is to simply keep walking by “minding your own business”? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Tudo said:

    Well, if Brazil was being invaded by NATO, I guarantee you, Ukraine wouldn't give a damn about us.

    With that golden logic then… Brazil deserves to be bombed the shit out by NATO or even Russia, I think the whole world should just nuke Brazil, because it clearly doesn’t give a damn about the war in Democratic Republic of Congo or Ethiopia… 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Tudo said:

    As a Brazilian, I hope Russia conquers Ukraine. As a way to show these bully NATO members that not everyone fears them. 

    Nato countries fucked Brazil a lot in the past, I hope they pay for all the evil they do to the world.

    You know that the estimate of civilians dead in Mariupol (one of the cities russia conquered) is now at 85,000? 

    What relation does UKRAINE have to any alleged “evils” NATO counties commuted in Brazil?

    What level of psychopathy is this comment??

  8. 8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You are guys are not serious about understanding this situation.

    Good luck with that.

    It’s not hard to understand. There is no “complications” to it, it’s very straightforward.

    Putin is not a genius, who wants fairness and equality for all countries, or a great leader who wants what’s best for his country and people - like you paint him to be. He is a dictator, who is, yes, paranoid of NATO, and who wants power in the world, but not through achievements and development, but through brute force. Yes, he is not the only one like that, and yes, there were similar instances in history, but two wrongs don’t make a right.

  9. 27 minutes ago, eos_nyxia said:

    -Overly privileged upbringing and never faced serious challenges, especially earlier in life. The actual red flag: really, really self-absorbed about first-world problems (many of which are real, actual problems... I just find it exhausting to be too close to people who are this way for too long.)

    Do you think this is basically just a stage green person who was raised in a first world country? 

  10. 14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @no_name Well, when you don't take one side's survival agenda seriously, don't be surprised when you get a war.

    Putin clearly said that NATO expansion would force his hand to take rebalancing moves.

    If you actually had an open enough mind to watch that Putin/Stone documentary, you would already know that.

    It's not about what I want or think, it's about Putin's worldview.

    It could be his worldview, doesn’t mean it is reasonable or sane.

    Do you truly imagine NATO randomly attacking a country with half of the worlds nuclear power? 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    Geopolitically Russian needs the sea access granted by the military ports in Crimea and they need a land bridge connecting is to mainland Russia. Without this Russia lacks robust sea power to defend itself.

    One of Russia's greatest geographical weaknesses is lack of good sea ports.

    I think a significant cause of this war is that. As NATO put more and more pressure on Russia, Putin was forced to respond by developing Crimea into a weapon for self-defense. If there was less pressure on Russia from NATO, Crimea would be less pivotal.


    Have you been getting your insights from these guys?  

    Coz I swear your views on russian politics sound exactly like them ?

    In any case, I highly recommend you ask them to join! You might even receive a complimentary bag of rice and buckwheat if you do! 

  12. 5 hours ago, Pudgey said:

    Just bought it, thank you 

    It doesn’t bother you that Oliver Stone asked putin to be his daughter’s godfather? You think that someone who is putin’s friend will make an honest documentary about him? 

    “What’s the Russian equivalent of Kool-Aid? Whatever it is, it’s definitely red – and Oliver Stone has eagerly drunk it down. The trailers for The Putin Interviews, Showtime’s four-part series documenting a series of conversations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Stone, would have you believe that you’re going to hear some pretty hard-hitting stuff as the autocrat and the filmmaker face off, Frost-Nixon style. What we got instead was a series of softballs lobbed lovingly in the direction of one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world. Except for a few moments, Stone seems serenely unconcerned with anything beyond flattering his subject – and engaging in some supremely one-sided exchanges about history and policy along the way.”

    “The veteran director has been accused of pandering to Putin for his four-hour documentary on the Russian leader, but he remains unrepentant. Could it be the climax to his career?“

    ”Stone’s epic four-part film The Putin Interviews was described by the Daily Beast as a “wildly irresponsible love letter” to Russia’s president. It “says as much about Oliver Stone as it does Vladimir Putin”, said CNN. “Flattery, but little scepticism,” said the New York Times.”

    “The Putin Interviews, a four-part series created from two years of conversations between Oliver Stone and Putin, somehow manages to both spout the Kremlin line and fall back on the laziest American clichés about Russia. In the opening credits, a map of the Soviet Union is transformed into a matryoshka doll. In at least the first two of the four parts, Stone aids and abets Putin, who lies by omission and pushes conspiracy theories, all while adding in such helpful information as “Russians are strong” and “Russians are macho.”

  13. 13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @no_name Shut up and watch it with an open mind.


    I’ve watched it. Was truly impressed at how you can use media and paint even the devil himself as a good friend, hardworking loyal father and family man, always willing to help people… almost dropped a tear there…

    Oliver Stone is a either a truly clueless dumbass or just low-key spreading russian propaganda to clueless people. I watched his interview recently with Lex Friedman too. It’s easy to believe him when you don’t have the insight and knowledge of the situation - like when he so passionately talks about Medvedchuk, as a person who was so mistreated by the Ukrainian government, for no reason whatsoever, pure innocence - now when you don’t know that Putin is Medvedchuk daughter’s godfather.. it might all indeed seem so reasonable, nuanced, and “meta” to you.. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    If you want to actually understand Putin, rather than playing games, go watch his interview series with Oliver Stone. You might actually learn what's involved in running a country.

    You guys treat governance like it's some kind of WWE goofball wrestling match.

    Oliver Stone? Putin’s long time buddy? Sure, that shouldn’t be full of crap and biased at all…

  15. 21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You have no fucking idea what it is required to govern Russia and develop its economy.

    Sure, perhaps getting rid of the alcoholics and wife beaters by using them as cannon fodder in Ukraine is step 1.

    Starting a kind of “natural selection” cleansing process in russia..

    Also grandpas, that way you don’t have to pay them any retirement/medical benefits





  16. 31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    When you have a net work of $200 billion+, a $1 billion mansion is rounding error.

    The fact that he has that mansion tells you that money cannot motivate him any more.

    Sure, money may not be his main motivator, but it doesn’t mean that he’s doing this now either:

    “His life purpose is to make Russia as strong as possible for the good of the Russian people.”

    Again, if this was the case, it seems more reasonable to start looking into ways to build up russian economy in order to prevent further fecal drowning accidents.

    If he is so smart, as you claim he is, he would be more reasonable and able to constructively identify the depth of the ass that russia is in economically and developmentally and adjust his “to-dos” accordingly.


  17. 18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    He's not in it for the money or fame.

    Lol, sure, why does he need a $1.5 billion dollar mansion then?


    Wouldn’t that money be better spent preventing “drowning in faeces” accidents in russia? Helping its citizens to be able to afford the first world luxury and safety of indoor toilets?

    Also, what’s with all the Botox and fillers grandpa keeps on getting? 


  18. 7 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

    Sure, bro, but I exactly said those exact words in like 10 of my posts already

    But for some reason  you want to keep being combative against me

    Well, my point is, that as an intelligent being, that you keep claiming to be, why even bring up such non-sense? 

    Like I said, on the 0-10 intelligence scale, from 0 being the dumbest and 10 being the wisest argument you could discuss about Ukraine war, the “nazi” problem in Ukraine is a 0.

    It is equivalent of me posting this russian nazi picture and asking of you to explain it…
