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Posts posted by DocWatts

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

    Texas gop was trying to get 100k votes thrown out in Harrison county. Not sure where it stands. GOP is not for democracy but apartheid and unequal voting rights. Texas is going to become a safe blue state like Colorado in the next 10 years. The time for the current GOP is coming to an end. These are last ditch efforts of a dying party built on devilry and ethnic preferences.

    What the GOP wants is democracy South African style, before those pesky blacks started Voting and screwing up a perfectly good Apartheid system.

  2. I don't think you can make an argument that Tolerance is an absolute Good, the same way you can't make an argument that Freedom is an absolute Good.

    Whether it's a Good or not is always going to be Contextual. 

    How benign or malignant is the behavior or idea that we're considering Tolerating? Do you take a Harm Reduction standpoint when looking at Tolerance, or do you take a moralistic stance, consequences be damned?

    I think there's an interesting discussion to be had on the topic, because it's far from a black and white issue.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

    @Leo Gura if really 150 million people vote in this election as most political pundits are predicting, then yeah, it will be a blue Tsunami. 

    Republicans are master at voter suppression. If they can not pull that old trick out of the hat, they are gonna loose badly.

    Since it's probably only a matter of time before Texas goes Blue due to demographic changes, I'm curious how the GOP will respond when they're literally unable to win presidential elections in the Electoral College. Maybe we'll finally abolish the Electoral College at long last.

  4. 1 minute ago, How to be wise said:

    @DocWatts Don Beck was able to show a Green woman her double standards. She said that everyone is equal in terms of consciousness and morality. He then asked if George Bush was a good man. She couldn’t answer the question. If she said yes, then all of his actions during his presidency will be justified. If she says no, she admits that George Bush is below her in a morality scale, and hence she accepts the hierarchy.

    Ha! Yes, I recall Don Beck's telling of that story during a lecture series on SD that I was listening to a while back.

  5. 16 hours ago, How to be wise said:

    @QandC Typical stage Green. In ‘religion of tomorrow’, Ken Wilber talks about the hatred that Green has for tier 2, because of tier 2’s hierarchical view of consciousness.

    In some of his other works he goes on to explain how Green often fails to recognize the differences between Dominator Hierarchies (which are bad and should be done away with) and Growth Hierarchies (or Holarchies as calls them).

  6. Systems Thinking isn't exclusive to Yellow, as it has it's beginnings in awareness of systemic issues beginning in Green. I could probably make an argument that a handful of pre-Green intellectuals like Marx and Hegel tapped into elements of systems thinking (though in a limited way).

    The inter-intra distinction of systems thinking between Green and Yellow that was mentioned makes a lot of sense.

    @Rilles. Great post by the way.


  7. While I'm still somewhat new to Vaush's channel, I've noticed that he can come across as abrasive at times, even while the points he's making are completely valid.

    Which is why I was really impressed by the level of patience and compassion he displayed while debating with a young and impressionable kid who most likely grew up in Conservative household, and was a victim of right wing emotional manipulation and fear mongering. Of course it's a two way street and the conversation turned out as respectful as it did because the kid was open minded enough to at least listen to the points Vaush was making, but it was encouraging to see, and something Lefties should be more open minded to when these sorts of opportunities present themselves.

  8. 1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Yup. It's easy to watch one youtube video about it and patting yourself on the back for understanding the gist of it, but if you think that makes you on the same level as someone like Noam Chomsky, then your interpretation of SD becomes of very little substance.

    For sure. That's why I seriously question anyone who claims to be at a Tier-2 stage in their teens / early twenties, when you consider that Mastering something like Systems or Holistic Thinking not only takes a ton of time but also quite a bit of education and life experience. 

    While I myself strongly resonate with Systems Thinking, I'm also honest enough with myself to realize that I'm probably several years away from mastering it to the point where it becomes second nature. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people who resonate with Yellow are in more of a transitional state between Green and Yellow (or mistaking Orange hyper-rationalism for Yellow Systems Thinking).

  9. Just now, Carl-Richard said:

    Get down from your high horse, buddy. He is obviously not healthy (anybody can see that), but I'm actually interested in the specifics around mental illnesses as a psychology student, which is why I'm asking about the specifics.

    It seems fairly obvious that he has a Personality Disorder, but does anyone know if it goes beyond that into a diagnosable mental illness? 

  10. 1 minute ago, RendHeaven said:

    I was born and raised Orange until around age 17.

    Around age 18, a lot of combined factors helped me see deep relativity in everything, and I shot straight up to Yellow.

    At this point I knew that I was at Yellow because I finally saw all of the limitations of my previous Orange world view, I stopped demonizing Green and accepted that different people have different points of view, and most importantly began seeing the interconnectedness and relativity of all perspectives.

    Leo's "SD Stage Yellow" video really spoke to my soul at that time. I didn't think much of the way I skimmed past Green since I knew in my heart that I had a general acceptance for its values.

    Around age 19, my girlfriend at the time opened me up to a flood of blind spots that forced me to re-investigate Green:

    - The way I would exude an embodied rationality (energetically) even though intellectually I would denounce it.

    - The way I would implicitly hold my wholistic perspective as superior despite telling myself that I was neutral.

    - The way I saw female rights issues from the lens of a male, despite claiming to have an eagle-eye view.

    - The way I saw animal rights issues from the lens of a human, despite claiming to have an eagle-eye view.

    - The way I saw politics from a "centrist" perspective without realizing that being a "centrist" is biasing the current status-quo (which harms the underprivileged).

    - The way that my modus operandi was to be understood by others as opposed to understanding others. For example, correcting people's opinions by constantly "going meta" on them was a way to pursue being understood without trying to understand.

    - The way that I considered "energy," "spirit," and "love" to be supplementary conditions (as opposed to being of utmost importance).

    Having turned 21, I've willingly become Green (as opposed to philosophizing about it as a bystander), and this has made my perspective even more meta.

    I would consider myself fully-Yellow (Yellow to the point that its limitations are weighing on me) after 4 years of inner work, starting at stage Orange.

    My next project is actually to deep-dive into Blue (hah, you thought I'd say Turquoise? ;)) in the same way that I did with Green.

    Based on my story, I would say that realization of each stage will take at least a minimum of 1 whole year, with embodiment taking an additional +1 year.

    I doubt that my case is representative of the average person: I've been blessed with a Yellow-ish intuition from a young age, and that has really helped guide me.

    I imagine that a person who's entire identity is entrenched in Blue, Orange, or Green for decades will have to go through 5+ years of work before they expand.

    Hey, exceptions will exist to most generalizations I suppose. Your situation sounds fairly unique. I would venture that the vast majority of people in thier early 20s claiming to be Yellow Systems Thinkers are actually stage Orange.

  11. I would think that it would be much quicker than that to reach the Stage that's Center of Gravity for the culture you happen to be living in, and progressively longer for each Stage beyond that.

    In America reaching a Blue / Orange level of development is basically the default, and where a majority of people will end up without putting any effort or work in. In our society it's also not too difficult to go beyond that and reach Green, and depending on how one is Socialized growing up it can be achieved relatively early in one's development (about a quarter of the US adult population is at Green).

    Going beyond that is going to take much longer and take much more work on your part, since the Tier 2 stages aren't part of the cultural zietgeist at this present moment. 10 plus years to go from Green to Yellow doesn't sound at all unreasonable.

    I could see someone being at Orange or Green in thier early twenties. No way is someone going to be a Yellow Systems Thinker at that age. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Lyubov said:

    Alex Jones passed the point of no return back in 2012 when Sandy Hook happened. I think people like him given such a wide platform is one of the reasons why we now have Trump in office. It was normalized enough so that it has clouded clear thinking. In hindsight there really wasn't much that could of been done since at the time it didn't seem as insidious or able to make it's way into the public zeitgeist but it did. Republicans made sure of that. 

    Agreed. From what I understand Rogan was friends with Alex Jones since back in either the 2000s or 90s, but the Sandy Hook hoax conspiracy theory probably would have been the cutoff point to stop giving this gut legitimacy by putting him on your platform. 

  13. 20 minutes ago, Lyubov said:


    Joe has gave a platform to many suspicious people. He doesn't particularly have the "highest morals."

    I could also see how someone like Alex Jones could have come across as more benign back before we had an Authoritarian demagogue using Conspiracy Theories to shape the course of US politics; hard to make that same argument now when the negative consequences of giving someone like that legitimacy and a platform are so obvious.

    Fair point though; might be worth keeping in mind that JRE started as a comedian's podcast that was sponsored by The FleshLight. I genuinely think Joe Rogan means well, but probably isn't cognizant of how impactful his show has become.

    'The Marketplace of Ideas' concept that he uses to rationalize this is definitely an SD stage Orange oversimplification, and hopefully something he can outgrow at some point.


  14. 1 hour ago, Bernardo Carleial said:

    @DocWatts it could be. I've just been recently introduced to his works and I already enjoyed the points that he makes! He also wrote a book about psychedelics, called "How to change your mind." Really good!???

    Funny you mention that, I finished reading that a few weeks ago. Would be very interested to see him explore more topics outside of Food and Nutrition.