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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. It is possible to waste time, more or less, but i dont know how far you are from where you should be. Love God and love each other and pursue the truth. The purer you get the less you'll be wasting time. (This is because acting with ill intent is one of the things which holds us back) Spend your time on what you feel you should, listen to what message the spirit is sending you. Yes things tend to line up, but one must act with love and wisdom. Sometimes we just mess up. Keep up with self inquiry, paying attention to ways in which you lack love.
  2. Of note is the Elevator of Enlightenment (you can read about it in the second link). It goes: Mah'zute -> Dar'yu -> Uther -> Fu'masta --> Shiny Baby -> Tribe of Humanity -> Gaia -> Cosmos -> Infinite Mystery This lines up with things like Jungian Archetypes, Maslow's Hierarchy and Spiral Dynamics. In other words, it is a variant of the Universal Meta-model. It's actually closest to the model that I use, although I am trying to discern what comes after Infinite Mystery. Would recommend!
  3. Pod'Lair is a spiritual/scientific system developed by Thomas Chenault. It is kinda like MBTI done right, but there's a lot more to it than that. This page is a nice overview of the system.
  4. In general, we'd be better off without a lot of the technologies we have. The technological revolution has been a failure and could cost us the planet.
  5. I'm less concerned with the use of grades, and more concerned with the lack of truly educational classes.
  6. So omniscience is a reference to what are seen as universal insights?
  7. Come on, you should know that a personality type isn't about specific kinds of actions (e.g. making a painting) but about thought processes (brainstorming, imagined scenes). Thinking doesnt mean thinking. In Jungian type, to Think roughly means to use logic, but colloquially, to think can refer to any internal cognition. So the businessman is more of a Thinker than the philosopher in my cases. Although philosophers can also be INTP. INTP are concerned with logic, such as maths and definitions. INFJ can do maths and definitions too, for example myself. INFP are good with reading people, thinking in terms of values and "humanistic reasoning" (my term). Both INxPs are brainstormers, pattern surfers. They pick up on trends unfolding around them. INXJs are more about more global trends that can be seen conceptually. I can type people by forum posts. I might have a go of that later if people are interested.
  8. Do you know about RTP? You can calculate your average losses. I know it's too late for that now. There's a plus to going through what you went through. See, as well as awakening being a lifelong process, it's also something that happens to us throughout the day. And one thing that often happens before a major awakening break through, is that we start focusing on previous losses and near misses, things of magnitudes that scare us. So, when you start dwelling on this incident, remember that a breakthrough is coming. Process your loss, and after each section of processing, you will notice the rewards in terms of heightened consciousness.
  9. Solipsism isn't true. Other people are real. Your experience may be limited to... well, your experience, but that doesn't mean there is nothing outside of you. When one feels solipsistic in the derealised sense, it is as if nothing around one were real, that one were the only being there. This can be a very lonely (harrowing) experience.
  10. Contacting spirits via thought is rather easy, but its difficult to know for sure if you arent just tricking yourself.
  11. Keep in mind the difference between your idealised self and your natural inclinations. Its quite normal at your age to want to be doing way better things with your time but lack the willpower to do it. Over time you will be more comfortable just being you.
  12. @tsuki surely there is the possibility of time being real as a something, isnt there? Its just that knowledge of the present precedes knowledge of time.
  13. Actually, for something to relate to itself, it has to be aware of itself, so perhaps awareness is the better starting piece. Awareness is aware of itself, so it is aware of being aware. This produces a different state of awareness, by becoming increasingly aware that it is aware. Awareness could be seen as a universal in existence, since it precedes the question ever being raised.
  14. The general formula applies to both. It starts with a single concept which then gets applied to itself, producing a different concept. One model produces unity first, the other produces nothingness and duality.
  15. @Anderz i did a similar universe construction from the principle of a relation. The relation has a certain relation to itself, and there is a relation between that relation and the initial one, ad infinitum. (The relation of something to itself is equality, so you start with a general relation, and then comes equals.
  16. In that case i would say that the snake is the deceiver. The owl can discern what creature it is and its behaviour. The owl itself may not represent deception. It may be a spirit guide for instance, in the form of an owl. The dream concerns dominance. The owl is asserting dominance, with some risk but not too much. This may suggest challenges in life that you will have to face, where some you need to back away from.
  17. A dream like that quite definitely has symbolic significance. How did the dream feel to you? When reflecting back on it, what meaning easily comes to your mind about it?
  18. This thread has nice synchronicity. I was looking through an old journal shortly before seeing the thread, and i had drawn owls in it. Then look at the post posted at the same time as my first post in this thread.
  19. Did the owl eat the locust? Perhaps it wanted to scare away the creatures, not kill them. Yes it can kill the snake for food, but it doesnt want to peck at it. I apologise if ive missed important details.
  20. Don't you know why the owl didn't peck the snake? The snake can kill the owl. Quickly. The dog can kill the owl as well, but will generally back off, or give a better chance of escape if they dont. Why, are you thinking of doing something dangerous? The owl says choose wisely.
  21. I was inspired by a convo, in the thread that I'll call Kanye 4 president, to do an outline of where i think i am in SD stages and other systems. The highest stage that i have a wide exposure to is about 2 above turquoise. I only spend a minority of time in the post integral stages. I can often tell when i move from turquoise to post integral, because there is an intermediate stage with clear markers. Its difficult to sustain "being on the other side", so generally im in the green yellow turquoise zone. In Maslow i operate generally in the realm of self transcendence. I have a lower physiological, security, belonging, and esteem needs than most people, however i feel that esteem focus will rise considerably if i work full time, and belonging will be increased if i start a family. However for now i am more in Self zone. Of course we are operating at i suppose all levels at any time, and we do elevation rituals starting from the ego, the "seat of consciousness", through to t shadow, anima/animus, wise old man/woman, and hopefully landing at Self. So its not that the level we are at is all we are doing, but its where the focus is.
  22. Hi, Some reasons why I am drawn to this site are the ideas like actualisation and awakening, and systems like spiral dynamics (SD). While I am not a user of SD per se, I do use a different but overlapping variants of the universal meta-model*. So, in lining up these notions so as to orient my "map" so to speak, would it be correct to assume that being "awake" corresponds to stages green and above? This would correspond also to the third-eye and crown chakras, and to self-actualisation and self-transcendence. The stages above green are increasing levels of self-transcendence, such as being cosmos-centric in turquoise. How would you line things up? I am aware that there are other aspects of awakening that are not covered by SD, and likewise aspects of SD that do not concern awakening, but I think the two are overlapping and approximate each other, with waking up being a process of uncovering stage green consciousness and above. Furthermore, there are post-integral levels of SD. These would be when one is fully awake. I don't know of any system that really talks much about these levels - they all seem to trail off around the same point and speak of "higher levels". One of my goals at the moment - and likely for a long time to come - is to try and map out these higher levels of consciousness. Well, that's all for now. I'm glad to be part of the community, and hope that my ideas will mix well with the discussions here. * note: I have identified systems not mentioned on the list, that are variants of the same thing. I use a system related to Jungian archetypes. 8 Circuits of Consciousness is another one.
  23. If I'm feeling solipsistic, I find it helpful to spend time with another person.
  24. Keep in mind that you are walking the path all throughout life. You dont need to use this or that resource, although resources can be useful. I would say perhaps the key ingredient is to have a mindset of wanting to advance higher and higher. Keep worry to a minimum, and dont be scared if things get weird. Acceptance of the changes that occur will help prevent you from getting stuck.
  25. You already know who you are, but you are only a small part of everything. Expand your scope, see through the eyes of humanity, earth and the cosmos.