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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. There is free will. If you think there isn't you are deluding yourself and this will impact you.
  2. We have inclinations and life trajectories from the time we are conceived, but we actually have to work at it through life to get good at it. There are different levels of spiritual ability a person could possess in the future depending on what they do. People with spiritual talent will generally have an easier time with psychedelics. It will be less foreign and easier to master. A person who is both spiritual and morally good can effect a great change in the world, without outwardly seeming like they are doing much at all. Think of the monk in the monastery who is simultaneously boosting up the consciousness of mankind. Those who are spiritually strong but morally bad also effect great change, but a lot of destruction and pain goes with it. Those who advance faster spiritually may keep the lead forever, but things do change. Don't be bleak if you're not spiritually talented. Use what you have to become better than you are now. What more can be asked of you? Edit: it's hard to say what causes it. Thats a deep question. Spiritual strength would be an indicator of someone's ability to learn spiritual material, such as what Leo discusses. It's like saying someone isn't good at maths. Factually, that could be completely true, but if they still want to learn maths, encouragement should go with it. I think everyone can learn great spiritual truth and ability, because we all have a spirit, and we all will become far more spiritual than we currently are. A lot comes down to overcoming your inner resistance to such things. (Post 707)
  3. Well yeah, because everything is new. Plus ties to imagination. Links into what I was saying about the connection between purple and yellow via sublimation of the magical in the intermediate stages.
  4. When you die, which way will have provided you with the most benefit for your afterlife? Which way helps other people most?
  5. Its not good that you did the things leading to this, but its good that youre going through this now. All sin must be atoned for at some point. You are realising your errors now, rather than continuing to let it spiral out of control, and i hope that this marks a lasting change in you. Keep up a repentent attitude. Make it stronger. One day you will see heaven.
  6. I told my friends a secret. The spirits said i shouldnt have done it. I dont know why i did, i should have known. Their reaction sucked too. It was like they didnt recognise what I was saying. They thought it was crazy talk. And now i have to adjust to the fact that i have told 2 more people about this. Edit: i usually feel bad in the mornings, they are tough to deal with
  7. The thing is other people fulfill many of our needs not just out belonging needs. Belonging is more of a youth thing but there are human needs associated with green and the oneness of coral, and it probably keeps going. We always desire company from what I understand.
  8. Things are not perfect, because of free will. But it is good for us to have free will. What is not good is people choosing to do wrong. This stops things from being perfect. Edit: you as an individual make your choices, but you can be influenced by outside entities without knowing it. All sorts of other factors go into why you do what you do. You will be judged by what you do freely. You are free to do what you want, but there are moral constraints to consider. You shouldnt ever break the 10 commandments for instance, although it is very rare that a person never does it.
  9. You probably have developed orange enough already, and then its about maintaining your needs based on the abilities it provides. So you dont have to go further into orange to develop. Actually, maintaining your focus at self actualisation would be better, and then moving into self transcendence. Focus on moving your consciousness upwards, and come down to recharge or handle needs.
  10. If you're moving up in the corporate world you're not moving up in the spirit world. I'm not saying you can't do both.
  11. It is silly. Take from orange the impetus to move forward.
  12. His purpose was to bring light to the divine love which he was the first to receive. Now the divine love is here, and i suppose millions have it. Since Jesus there have been other Christs. Jesus is not coming back. He is in the spirit world. Once the light shone, what else do we need a messiah for? But we have our own messiahs, our own Christs, following in his footsteps. More can be learnt at
  13. Things are going to get dark. Wars etc. Why fear karma? You pay back the bad you've done, get paid for the good you've done. People aren't going to all of a sudden pay for their karma. I don't see how that could happen. But eventually people will and will become morally pure. So people paying their karma is good, certainly better than continuing to accumulate bad karma. But i don't see why it would happen soon. People, as far as i know, pay their karma when they are ready. They need to let themselves feel remorse.
  14. Probably gonna withdraw from studies. Was having a bad day but accomplished something and now feeling good, onto the drinks. Also, you know who you are...
  15. Jealousy is sinful, anger may or may not be. Hatred is sinful, indignance is not.
  16. Shadow possession is a state of constant stress emotion, such as fear, anger, etc. That is my understanding. These emotions need to be resolved. The sadness may be longing, which is the entry way to the levels above shadow. Either the higher states are still there and can be turned up, or there is a system shut down with shadow giving way to ego, and then springing back up from the lowest level back to the frontier.
  17. Actually, more psychosis/journeying, and less anti-psychotics/tranquilisers would also make things much better. But nonetheless, i am currently living it up.
  18. Life is pretty much as good as it's gonna get. I have extra income due to covid, and I'm becoming more outgoing. I have the material that i ask for, including good living conditions. The main thing that would do me good i think is more companionship, but its not like i dont already have a lot of that. Of course, existence in the spirit world will be so much better, from almost the start.
  19. Social alchemy is fun. Lately I've become more social by hanging out with NTs, while simultaneously shifting to be more INFP. It sounds so contradictory and absurd, but it's what's happening. i love it.
  20. Its friday, time to do my homework. I dont wanna leave it till the sabbath like last time. That limits what i can do. Its more difficult because i have to do the homework while resting. Just gotta get around to it...
  21. Achieve resolution for your problems. Pursue inspiration, romance, challenge, belonging, union. Focus on greatness, mastery as well. Propel yourself forward. I experienced shadow possession or similar late last year, And on the other hand, maybe rather than moving upward, you should let yourself fall into ego posession. That will allow you to reset so that you can move yourself back up more effectively. So try to get a feel for whether you need to move up or down, and allow and help that to happen. Shadow is no place to stay.
  22. Revisit orange? And you're not yet past 20? I don't think you've left orange yet, given my understanding. For now, focus on success, but it will be less of a focus as you get a bit older, if you're an early actualiser.
  23. Well, align your energy. Say to yourself "i am going to align my energy", and then with your mind, do it.
  24. I think you are ENFJ and haven't let go of your ego. Don't worry, it would be rare to actualise by 19. You will discover a lot about yourself over the coming years.
  25. The tests are very inaccurate. Not that my accuracy is close to 100%, but it's hopefully better than most tests.