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Everything posted by tuckerwphotography

  1. Is Charles Eisenstein considered solidly Yellow? He seems to be verging into Turquoise at times but also has some Green aspects as well. https://charleseisenstein.org
  2. Lol, I did use to work in advertising, but that's not what this is. I was hoping to hear anyone's feedback on the Direct Awakening course before dropping $500 for it...
  3. @beastcookie Thanks for sharing! Interesting that you thought you were in the 500s but she assessed you at 734. That’s significantly higher and in a totally different place than the 500s. Curious to hear your thoughts about this and if you feel her reading is accurate. Thanks again for sharing your story!
  4. Maybe a purpose to live into is to help awaken others so they too can experience the wonderful love and bliss you’ve felt. In that way you’ll be doing “God’s work.”
  5. I get that God created life via The Big Bang so that God could experience itself as Creator. But who created God prior to The Big Bang? Was there ever any “nothing” before there was something?
  6. A friend asked me this question, and I didn’t have a good response: Why do you think modern enlightened beings like Eckart Tole, Byron Katie, Ram Dass (now deceased), etc live in big houses and have a lot of money when that seems to directly conflict with the wisdom tradition teachings of poverty, living amongst the poor, etc? Why aren’t they following in the footsteps of Jesus, Buddha, Ramana Maharishi, Peace Pilgrim, etc. ? And why do they still fly, drive cars, and use technology when those directly contribute to climate change, environmental destruction and other systemic issues? Wouldn’t an enlightened being see the harm being done to the planet as harm being done to them, since all are one? If nothing else, are they setting a poor example by living fairly extravagant lifestyles in the face of so much suffering? And if climate change and the rest is just “all an illusion” to some degree, why then do they talk about how it’s important for everyone else to protect the environment, help the poor, etc when they themselves seem to be benefiting from the very system that created the suffering? Thanks for any thoughts on this
  7. Thanks! This is helpful
  8. From what I understand, humans are here to experience ourselves as God. But what about plants, animals and other species? Are they too on an evolutionary journey to discover their true nature? If not, what’s their role in God’s plan?
  9. I’m currently apprenticing at an electricity-free ecovillage. The man who runs the community does not use the internet (at least not directly) and claims he simply cannot support the digital world given the amble studies of its harms on our mental health as well as its high carbon footprint and other issues, such as child mining to make our iPhones, computers, etc. A part of me deeply respects and resonates with his worldview, and another part of me feels denying the internet and digital technology or writing it all off as a cancer is shortsighted and denying some of the powerful positive impacts that its had, and more importantly, could have, once human consciousness further evolves. I myself have drastically reduced my digital technology usage (deleting social media, etc) but still use the internet as a tool for my own growth and education as well as practical things like online banking. My intuition says that he is missing the bigger picture of human evolution by writing off the internet entirely, neglecting to see how it has and can connect (maybe even one day unify) the global population especially as our consciousness evolves into the second tier, and yet I find his arguments at face value all hold merit and are backed by plenty of compelling evidence on the negative impacts of it all. And I respect his ability to walk the walk, a rarity in today’s world. Curious to hear what y’all think about the internet in general, its role in the evolution of human consciousness, and how we drastically reduce, redesign or rethink our relationship with it, if not get rid of it all-together (if that’s even possible). If so, what might that future, healthier version of the internet emerge into? Thanks