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  1. Oh. You reminded me laying in a bathtube and listening to Chopin. It was amazing to feel how it he was playing with my energy. I also like to trip in a forrest. You can hear that birds are trying to wake you up
  2. Bending back is extremly effective in releasing energy. Just be careful, once it lost connectedness for a split second and hit my head
  3. @Artsu People at at lower stages might have high intelligence (brainpower) but they use it to run around in circles. Higher brainpower is useful to reach higher stages of development but it's not enough if you are stuck. Good example of blue would be manual worker which mastered making boxes really fast. Orange person would rather try to make a machine which does it for him. Blue person would think that orange inventor is wasting time.
  4. @Gesundheit I also download things on my phone. Mostly I download only audio and treat it as podcasts. It saves space and time. I can listen to it while doing something. I recommend using account. This way you can subscribe to good channels and receive updates. Recomendations are also useful.
  5. Appearance reflects personality and correctives level. Just by looking at someone's photo I can often guess their MBTI type. I was always attracted to certain facial features which corresponded to some personality types. Low consciousness prople have also less symmetrical and very "stiff" faces. Even if they try to smile they look artificial. If you are feeling bad your face also looks bad and asymetrical. Nearly everyone is designed to look good.
  6. Are you dating your mother?
  7. No, it's just a supplement. 5-HTP increases the synthesis of serotonin. You should avoid using it before a trip because it creates tolerance for LSD. But if you take it 3-4 hours before a trip it increases it's strength. This trip report is quite useless. I was just hoping that 5-HTP can transform microdosing into microtripping 8) This would also mean shorter tolerance. Go for higher doses. My guess is that a good minimal dose for rectal administration and 5-HTP is 75 ug of LSD. 100 ug didn't feel "healthy" - it was so much, that it made me feel worn out for a whole week, but it was worth it.
  8. My previous trip and also most profound trip I ever experienced was a combination of rectally administered 100 ug of LSD and 400 mg of 5-HTP 3 hours before a trip. It was CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY strong. TodayI I tried the opposite thing. I combined ~33 g of LSD and 400 mg of 5-HTP. I will keep it short: it doesn't work on low doses or I didn't insert LSD properly (I strongly doubt it). My impression is that 5-HTP didn't make it any stronger. If there was any effect it just made peak less distinctive. I would be glad if someone has an explanation why it works this way.
  9. I feel like cutting hair short helps to disidentify with ego / personality and body. I always had cycles of growing my hair longer and that cutting them very short.
  10. People on lower stages are not dumb. Think about it. You have to be really smart to function using less efficient stage.
  11. @outlandish When I took 100 ug after 4 hours I felt only slightly trippy. After 5 hours I think I was fully back. It felt stronger then my 175 ug trip. My other trip lasted 12 hours (or even more - depends on how you define it) when I combined 100 ug of LSD with 400 ug of 5-HTP. Trip is not only shorter and more intense but also feels smoother and cleaner.
  12. Have you tried it? You can just stick your tab.. 100 ug acts like 200 ug in terms of intensity. It also decrease trip duration. I have a watch on my phone After 4 hours I was done.
  13. Dreams are as real as reality I think that during dreaming you are less connected to the body, because of that dreams are different than your waking state. When your body wakes up you are connected back to your body and karma. It's a similar situation to tripping. What you are imagine it's true. But it will not stick after substance had stopped affecting your body.
  14. Start with low doses. My recommendation would be 33 ug of LSD but PLUGGED. It will make your trip shorter (4 hours), much more intense and more pleasent. If you want serious trip go with 50 ug but not higher. Plugging is much better because during full time trip you can start panicking. 4 hours is very easy to handle.
  15. I was interested in theory which connects everything since I was 15 years old. It doesn't even mean that my green was fully developed. There are lines of development. You can be highly developed in one area and retarded in others. You can be more or less evenly developed. Good example: scientist who has a yellow theoretical model but his marriage is dysfunctional because he didn't pay attention how relationships work. Here is an interesting video partially related to the topic:
  16. @kireet I have been enlightened many times 8) You are constantly reincarnating. Your reality is made by your tendencies. Imagine that you are alcoholic, you are gathering certain karma. When you understand why you are addicted, you will stop drinking. Before quitting drinking you had less karma.
  17. I experienced same thing. You can't enjoy anything if you have unlimited access to that thing. It sounds like you consume too much carbohydrates, this creates food cravings and because you eat too much and too often. You should try lowering your carbohydrates intake and start intermittent fasting. I woke suggest try 16/8 fasting and two meals a day. This way you will appreciate your meals much more. Your will have less time to eat so it will force you to increase quality of your meals.
  18. I think it's not just a matter of quantity. If you gather more karma (experiences) it will become contradictory and lose its effect.
  19. @Carl-Richard @supremeyingyang I'm 31. I responded to: "You will never be able to truly advance past stage orange unless you are financially indepenent." It's not be entirely true because if you are good at orange and move be do a word third world country you might still struggle to get by. Why? Because skills your developed do not work that well anymore. I was developing orange during my prime school. Not so much chances to practice hands on in business environment and proper work ethic. Being depressed and suicidal for first 25 years of my life didn't help, because I didn't care about anything but understanding. Currently I'm using my torqoise insights from LSD trips. It helps to look at orange from higher perspective. I'm cleaning my room, diet and habits I also have more clarity and see which things are really important to reach my goals.
  20. @TripleFly already made a thread about it. Trip is shorter and smoother and it last around 4 hours (after that time you might still feel a little bit trippy). Potency is also affected, you should use halve of your normal dose.
  21. Blue light isn't good for eyes and can even cause a damage (especially in older people's eyes). I always use blue light filter on my PC and phone.
  22. I started evolving into second tier just before my 20s. It didn't help me financially because it made me lose my drive for a "success". I rememer that as a kid I had a desire to work and earn money but I wasn't able to do an that. Now my work ethic is screwed :?
  23. I think there are degrees of cheating. It is like involving third party into relationship without permission and you are outsourcing her competences. The other thing: do you think it helps the relationship in some way? As I said, there are degrees..
  24. LSD has perfect trip length if plugged. It lasts about 4 hours.