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Everything posted by Opo

  1. Inflammation from your diet could be causing a lot of it.
  2. I doubt anyone's argument is that the money completely controls the laws. It's just that you can tip the scale a bit in your favor.
  3. That's too complicated which means it would be too expensive for most people. What I don't get is where are the fast food robots? They seem simple to make.
  4. I have not researched this so I don't know what's true but I'll repeat Destiny's position because I think it's interesting. In 2016 he supported Bernie because he agreed that the money in politics was the biggest issue. Then he got an email saying that it isn't and when he tried to disprove it he couldn't. Now he still thinks that it's a problem but that it's not in the top 10.
  5. I would agree with Leo a year ago. But I've just seen too many examples of them acting idiotic lately to still hold that position.
  6. It has a cold aftertaste. Stevia has a bitter feeling in the back of the throat if you put too much of it in. I used a mix of both and if you find the right balance you don't get the negative effects.
  7. Nah this feels like a scarecrow. I never believed in sins and I still didn't kill anyone. If tomorrow someone proved that all that sin and God stuff was fake I bet you wouldn't go out raping and killing.
  8. Why can't he just walk home drunk like a real grandpa?
  9. Don't be afraid of naps. When I was going through the sugar withdrawals I would get the craving, tiredness and everything would be shit but then I would take the nap and wake up feeling great. I tried pushing through it and it was possible but life wasn't enjoyable. So if you don't have to work or something like that take a nap.
  10. Sry. If you have a big freezer you can buy a pig and process it. It's not that hard. Other than that you can look for discounts on the meat and then buy a lot and freeze it. It usually goes on the discount the day before it goes bad. Don't forget to look for small fish in the freezer. Where I live it's insanely cheap. Idn anything about that food that you posted but it looks like a scam. Be careful with "food for dogs" they know that we love them and that we will pay so they charge extra.
  11. I trust you more. Almost time. Thanks.
  12. How long after the second shot should I get the booster?
  13. I would have thought the same until I had my precognition.
  14. It would be ideal if you could buy the green ones.
  15. All i'm saying is it was worse a couple of years ago.
  16. I feel like he's improving. Probably Melina and mdma helped.
  17. Why don't you offer to go shopping? Explain to her that you want to eat healthy and ask her if she needs anything. She'll probably like that you're growing up and support it.