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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. More proof of the massive amounts of projection the Republican party does when it comes to their downright voter suppression anti-democracy tactics... setting up their own voter ballot box LMAOOOO... I await hearing that some of these scumbags went through and tampered with some of these ballots.
  2. yeah exactly. I think his suicide forest thing really shook him out of a really low conscious paradigm. He really felt the backlash from that and saw first hand the misery of someone taking their own life and it really shook him to grow. You can tell he is quite worried about his brother when he talks about him but knows he isn't in control of another person and can only let them live their own life and learn.
  3. Logan is actually growing as a person. For those that have followed him you can tell he really has matured and wants to make a positive difference in the world.
  4. Overpriced? Genius? Prefer Windows? I really like them but I sometimes miss being able to play video games and also they are quite expensive.
  5. Some people are mad about the new iPhone not shipping with a charger or earphones. Idk how to feel about this.
  6. Dude, just watch Leo’s video on conspiracies. You’ve been trying to make some sort of contrarian incoherent point on conspiracies since this topic became a thing here and everybody that is above this topic is just hand waving what you’re saying because you aren’t saying anything of substance. Almost all of your concerns are addressed in his video.
  7. This is such a tiny fringe group of people that I wouldn’t even take them seriously. Half of them probably don’t even vote in the first place lol
  8. Anything interesting happen during these? I didn't watch either.
  9. Destiny has some stage yellow to him but he is still very far from it and is firmly rooted in a more typical orange/green most american liberals are at.
  10. QAnon’s Obsession With #SaveTheChildren Is Making It Harder To Save Kids From Traffickers more examples of the problems a lot of these modern politically/racially charged conspiracy theories are causing.
  11. I get the sense Brian is going to regret going after Alex Jones' fanbase. He just doesn't seem like the type to keep doubling down but who knows.
  12. Because some of them are dangerous and incite actual violence and an erosion of political institutions which keep society and all the various groups that comprise it stable and safe. There is a reason why you can't wear the swastika and promote racial purity theory in modern day Germany. It's against the law there. You have the freedom to express yourself but that does not include the freedom to express yourself in ways that attacks the very institutions that allow for free speech and other groups of people with hate speech which what many of the big conspiracies are today. I couldn't care less about Roswell alien encounters and Tupac and Biggie perhaps still being alive somewhere in Nebraska or where ever. Those are silly and harmless and not the main reason behind Leo's recent video. A lot of the toxic conspiracies being addressed today are used to recruit dumb people and hateful people to unconsciously serve their bias towards giving exclusive rights to one ethnic group.
  13. You’re arguing with what is. It has never been about this anywhere and won’t be for centuries to come. One step we can take to get it there though is protecting people against conspiracy theory thinking and the toxicity that comes with it though
  14. Whenever I really get into a competitive online game I find myself feeling toxic and sort of grumpy and angry and thinking my opponent is stupid. For instance I play a lot of chess online and am very competitive when doing so. I love this game so much and it is really fun but I find my mood becoming kinda angry. I really don't like losing when I make a silly mistake or something happens in the game when I feel I was bested out of my own lack of skills vs the opponent being genuinely better. I'll sometimes use this to justify my own mistakes instead of using it as a learning opportunity to better my play. Does anyone else here find themselves becoming a bit ragey when it comes to online games? How did you learn to love this aspect of yourself and integrate it in a healthy way?
  15. there is a small portion of online psychonauts that have dmt'd their stupid asses into a q-anon hole
  16. you're saying a whole lot of nothing right now... you're aware of that right? I'm aware from a more absolute perspective it's a survival agenda. The entirety of politics is about building functional survival. You might as well be preaching to yourself when you hold your hand over a fire.
  17. your posts have been embarrassing in here since the conspiracy thread. why don't you actually articulate your beliefs.
  18. I just walked down a street where several hundred drunk college kids were partying and they seemed sort of aggressive. They didn’t insult me but they seemed stand offish and some of them asked why I was walking there. I didn’t bother to answer but I wonder what explains this? My causes this group mentality?
  19. I tried this once and just stayed in bed all day cause it felt better than getting my lazy ass over the initial hump of parting from my dear warm duvet
  20. op is getting cucked by his google image search
  21. For sure, but there are parameters which are more conscious and serve truth better than others. The equivalent would be a society that allows street lynchings vs one that doesn't. One environment will allow for more people to discover truth than others. I would say Facebooks step here is small but it is in the right direction in terms of raising the consciousness of society.
  22. I've made a living as a self employed person who was freelancing and supporting myself for 2 years doing this. Due to the current world situation and some relocating I am doing this less now (hope to start doing it again in 2021) and am back to working normal service jobs. The #1 thing when it comes to getting clients and freelancing as a self employed individual is that you have to obviously be offering something of value people want and that is in demand. That is literally 80-90% of it. The rest is just signing up to websites that match you with potential customers and then having them recommend you new ones so you aren't paying a commission to a website if they matched you. It really depends on what you are offering. Certain skills are in more demand that others. If you are a freelance web developer or graphic designer expect for it to take a while to find clients cause that field is super oversaturated. It basically all comes down to what you are offering.
  23. Sooo Zuck is sort of moving away from libertarian free speech