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Everything posted by eggopm3

  1. Listening to loud music on headphones. and playing drums. It's not too severe and doesn't bug me most of the time, but its definitely there.
  2. He's great but Religion of Tomorrow is probably the worst one to start with (and not one of his better books in general tbh, He rambles and repeats himself often, an editor could have cut the book in half and lost nothing). If I hadn't read a bunch of his others first RoT would have been impossible. If you want a big Wilber tome, read Sex Ecology Spirituality (and if you only want to read one of his books make it that one), otherwise just look at the page counts and start with some of the shorter more accessible ones.
  3. Take the acid first then take the mushrooms on the comedown. they'll blend better that way. lining up the peaks is too much.
  4. Looking in the mirror is a regular part of my psychedelic practice. Does wonders for the self-esteem, that's for sure.
  5. It does cause tolerance, but I kinda like taking an equal or smaller dose over halfway through or near the end of the trip. Usually I'll do this if I trip at night taking the redose in the morning to keep the good vibes going through the rest of the daytime. It doesn't boost it up to the same strength as the initial peak obviously (unless I smoke weed or mix in something else), but it really extends the tail end of the trip nicely, which for me is the part of the trip where I can do the most self-inquiry and integration.
  6. If you are having uncomfortable feelings on your microdoses then you're taking too high of a dose. I enjoy low doses just fine, but I dont think of them as micros, I think of them more like mini-trips.
  7. Lions mane tastes really good and is healthy to eat so I still like it and recommend it for that reason, but it didn't add anything to the microdosing experience for me.
  8. Check out his book "True Hallucinations", he tells the entire La Chorrera story in detail.
  9. If drugs was legalized the form most people use would likely change as well since the forms used currently are often the result of prohibition in the first place. Coca tea, which is significantly less potent and harmful than powdered cocaine intended for snorting, could become a viable alternative to caffeine for many people for example.
  10. I can definitely relate to LSD having a strong feminine energy to it. I theorize that because I'm attracted to women when psychedelics show me beautiful things there's a higher likelihood I'll interpret what I experience as being more female-oriented. You can explore your perceptions of gender and sexuality to whatever wild extent you want on psychedelics. Exploring fantasies and experimenting with possibilities and what ifs can be a great thing to do while on them, there's a lot to discover there. that doesnt necessarily need to imply anything about being trans or not though. we all have access to both masculine and feminine energies within us, and developing a healthy connection with both is a good thing you should strive for as you develop and mature in life.
  11. he has taken breaks from the forum before.
  12. "Reading a Poetic Description of God Consciousness" would probably be pretty great while tripping.
  13. Maybe next time you're tripping imagine being a woman and having sex with your penis visions. perhaps that might "use them up" so to speak.
  14. you storing your acid on top of the stove or something? keep it away from heat, light, and moisture and lsd lasts ages. people have found acid from the 60s that still works.
  15. At the very least ponder how everything is framed for the camera. Your real life perspective is not a camera lens.
  16. LSD can leave echoes of a trip clanking around your mind for a while. For example once i did a chant that brought me into a pleasurable state while tripping and then for the next week or so after the trip was long since over i'd feel oddly compelled to do that chant and it would bring me back to that zone again, but it faded after a while. I havent done a trip as strong as 600ug, but id think that those sorts of echoes could be much more intense. Like if you stare at a light for too long and then the afterimage is on your retina for a while. But instead its a quality of the trip that imprinted on you. It will most likely go away on it's own given time.
  17. I enjoy combining thc with acid, but IME thc increases my inner monologue significantly among other things (you mention fatigue and brain fog, the THC probably contributed to that more than the lsd did) , so if silencing the monkey mind is a goal of yours I'd hold off on using thc during the majority of your trip, your experience will likely have much more clarity.
  18. I've significantly slowed down time on LSD before, never quite stopped it though. I haven't tried to push it that far.
  19. This is one of my all time favorite pieces of music. Such an intense composition that you don't need any drugs for it to put you in an altered state. This was also the soundtrack to one of the most incredible scenes in Twin Peaks The Return (episode 8). Not one I'd likely choose to trip to but I think it would have played out much differently knowing what was coming than it being a surprise.
  20. This is irresponsible advice that could cause harm to someone who is more naive about using these substances. Someone says "I had a bad trip, and these are the mistakes i made that caused it" in a thread about making mistakes, and you basically say "no you didnt". If I wasn't already experienced with psychedelics and knew how to handle myself that could have been a traumatizing experience (and like I said, I *would* have stuck it out had other people not gotten involved). You don't know what I was experiencing or my circumstances. No awakening experience was possible on this occasion for all the reasons I listed and more I didn't because I'm not going to detail all the events of my personal life on this forum. My set and setting were poor, and I did learn from it.
  21. Hamilton Morris has said that he tried several of them years ago when they were initially gaining notoriety, including JWH, and while he had positive experiences he emphasizes that these substances are extremely difficult to dose properly, and very easy to overdose on. many are active in the microgram range. it's also very difficult, if not next to impossible, to confirm you are getting the cannabinoid you want because there is no regulation or any easy ways for casual users to confirm what the substance is. JWH seems to be regarded as the least harmful of these, but chances of you actually getting ahold of it and not some other more gnarly substance are slim to none. The side effects from repeated are severe. and unlike regular weed they hold little to no spiritual value. Basically there is no point in consuming them when normal cannabis already exists. Stay away.
  22. I was tweaking the fuck out like a crackhead that's not a "sit with your discomfort the trip will get better" type of thing. I've been tripping for years, I can tell the difference between a normal trip where things get uncomfortable and a "shit is going off the fucking rails" trip with cascading physical side effects and panic-attack-like reactions. it went off the rails for all the reasons I mentioned, hence why they were mistakes. and especially once family members who disapprove of tripping got involved I had no choice but to abort the experience (if it hadn't been for that I would have stuck it out).
  23. A few weeks ago I took 3.5g of mushrooms from a batch I was unfamiliar with (mistake #1, should have tested a low dose from this batch first), when I was already feeling sick with a cold (mistake #2, colds reduce your body's ability to feel pleasure). I had just had an exhausting day at work (mistake #3), and I took the dose after eating dinner (mistake #4 having a full stomach made the shrooms kick in more slowly and unpredictably). I was thinking the cold wouldn't make much difference to the trip, but my sick feelings became amplified and made me feel extremely terrible. I was completely couch-locked and my mind was really numbed out, so I drank some really strong caffeinated tea to try and get my energy up (mistake #5) and I smoked some weed hoping that would boost my mood (mistake #6. the weed was also a really mediocre strain which was mistake #6.5), but it just made me over-stimulated on top of being sick, and the bad feelings kept getting worse and worse. I felt like I was on a runaway train that kept speeding up and getting ripped out of my body (and definitely not in a good OBE kind of way). I felt horrible and was tweaking the fuck out. I suddenyl had a ludicrous amount of energy and mostly neutral to bad feelings, so I was just running around my house at full speed and kind of having a mini-freakout. I knew nothing I took would kill me or hurt me long term so I was able to not panic too much, but it was maybe about an hour or two after the effects had fully come on that I recognized that this trip was a complete failure and not only would there be no salvaging things but that the bad tweaked-out feelings were only rapidly getting worse. So for the first time ever I took a benzo to abort the trip (though I had to contact a family member who was ignorant and disapproving of my use of psychedelics to get ahold of one which was humiliating, and has now caused significant family drama in regards to my drug use which I would have really rather avoided), and even still it took almost an hour for the benzo to kick in so I still had to bear the bad trip for a while longer. So yeah on this occasion I made a lot of mistakes that I won't be making again that's for sure.
  24. why do people need their accounts deleted? just stop posting and leave.