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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. Yes! That is powerful. Hmm, the only time I feel acceptance and self-love is when I am being myself, open heart and not thinking much, being present in the moment, inner silence is like a gateway to that state for me, but I am not saying you are wrong about thoughts because I do not know. Also, my spiritual path, which is very unique, has given me special powers which are only usable when I have inner silence. And I know many spiritual paths value inner silence highly, some use it to empower certain practices, some just rest in it and recharge and heal.
  2. So we can improve our prana by putting thought into emotion? Can you give an example of how to do this? When you use the word "thought" here, do you mean like a word-thought that we hear in our mind like a sound? Or more like a silent idea? Visualization/imagination? Or something else, or all of those?
  3. Interesting! Is lifeforce the same thing as prana/qi? Is being alone too much bad, because then we don't get enough lifeforce? This state with no thoughts (inner silence), I don't think that it disconnects us from consciousness like you say, the ego resists it, because thinking is an addiction, once it's gone there is a great joy and love in that state, and one gets stronger intuition. Yogis go into deep, no-thought states, Samadhi, I read that it is one of the reasons why some yogis lived for hundreds of years. This is what I believe, but I try to not close my mind to new ideas, maybe thoughts are more important than I believe.
  4. Yes! In some yogic teachings it says that finding one's true teacher is the greatest joy. The teacher will be a great blessing for the student, but it can also be rare for the teacher to find a true student, so both can feel a great joy and love when they meet, and there is a soul connection because they agreed to meet before incarnating. Our intuition will guide us to our beloved teacher/guru.
  5. Basically kinesiology. But they also use intuition and asks questions. What about the people who became enlightened and are now enjoying their lives thanks to the RASA? Or does only your experience matter? There are many examples of things that works for some people and not for others, is it right to judge those things based on only 1 person's experience? And who knows what would have happened if you kept getting rasa and followed those teachings? Can you be 100% certain?
  6. Yes We are all in it together, everyone has something to work on, except for maybe some highly evolved yogi who has become completely free from inner distortions, but they must have worked hard for it. My favorite technique for shadow work is to be in complete inner silence, no thoughts, perfect oneness, but I still have some addiction to thinking so it's not always easy to do that.
  7. @The0Self I think the most conscious humans are very intuitive, able to meditate without thoughts, free from inner distortions like addictions, anger issues, etc. Have a strong energy/aura that other people can sense. Live in a simple and grounded way. If they are teaching, then they only have a few students and give them personal guidance, and usually work with some type of shaktipat. They also probably have siddhis/psychic abilities because that happens when you evolve to a certain level. Benthino does not seem to be very conscious or evolved. I remember googling him before and there is a lot of drama surrounding him, and I think he even admitted to being a narcissist. But I'm sure he has some good teachings that can help people, I did learn some thing from watching his videos before.
  8. Not everyone has the feeling of existing in the head, behind the eyes. That feeling actually disappears for good after a non-duality type of awakening. That feeling is created by the ego/I-thought, it's a distortion. Because the watcher/the knower/awareness is the Self, and the brain, thoughts, etc are a manifestation of the Self.
  9. @blackchair@BipolarGrowth Nice! One of Lucifer's human incarnations was my dad in a past life, he was a good guy. And he did have some great superpowers/siddhis, I got nothing bad to say about him. For anyone who wants a non-duality perspective of Lucifer check out Pamela Aaralyn's channeling of Lucifer, I thought it was very interesting and fun to listen to :
  10. Ramana Maharshi said "The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single though are the measure to gauge spiritual progress." Because when the I-thought is gone, there is no more addiction to thinking, one can meditate without thoughts effortlessly.
  11. @Waken Interesting. I guess it's not the same for everyone, and I have heard that some of the students who reached 1000 have complained and maybe been disappointed with it, they thought it was going to be a bigger change. Maybe the way they measure someone's level is unreliable, I know some people are sure about that.
  12. @Nahm You and the RASA-teachers appear to have different definitions of enlightenment, if I understand your words correctly. They believe in levels of consciousness because they have experienced the different levels and knows that it is a part of a seeker's path. You seem to have a more new-advaita perspective where everything is already enlightened and if one can just understand that then the quest is complete. They may criticize your belief and say that there is a big difference between thinking that everything is enlightened and actually seeing and feeling it all the time like they do in the higher levels of consciousness. And also, when the I-thought really stops, it is a big psychological change, it's very real and big difference from being in the seeking-state.
  13. Yes, but with the RASA they have found that if someone keeps getting RASA and follow the guidance of the teacher they will be successful, and most likely within a year. I think they haven't had any student who failed if they kept trying. So I do think that it is a very tested and finished product. However, they do say that the ideal recipient is one who is at the "end of seeking", basically one who is ready to surrender the fight and struggles of the ego/I-thought, but it's not about levels of consciousness because the RASA raises their level for them.
  14. You are not all those scary things, those things are the Self, you are a human, a small different part of the Self. And maybe it is helpful to know that there are ways for humans to strengthen themselves now so that they minimize the suffering if they ever end up in a painful situation like that: You can evolve and become like Ramana Maharshi, he didn't seem to be bothered by pain. Or learn how to enter trance-states in which you are separated from the body and don't feel its pain, some spiritual schools teach how to do that. Or you could develop mental strength like a soldier who uses the mind to escape the pain.
  15. I haven't been able to raise their level of consciousness permanently. They have only gotten temporary experiences of oneness or love when I have their attention and I speak and make them laugh and channel the energy of my higher self. I need to evolve further if I want to help them better, so that's what I'm working on! It's great that you have this pure intention, you will find the method of teaching that works best for you, follow your intuition and feeling.
  16. It's a short description but that does seem like a psychosis. An awakening can make it feel like everything is the Self, the absolute, but it won't change the thoughts in that way. One may get fewer thoughts and they may not be self-referential anymore like "I will do this" or in the form of words like "that looks nice" etc. But it won't feel like your individual thoughts have anything to do with other people and their thoughts, others aren't affected by or connected to your thoughts and they can't hear or see them. After an awakening and integration of it you will become more balanced and healthy, your relationships will improve, people will think that you are sane and a good role-model, your inner problems and addictions will disappear etc.
  17. Enlightened people don't have attachments, so they don't feel grief. The people who think enlightened people suffer have a different definition of enlightenment, one that is easier to attain. Maybe they had an awakening, and then they want to believe that it is the same thing that all enlightened masters from the past experienced. When someone close to us dies, we can still see them in the oneness everywhere, and feel their presence.
  18. The new non-duality teachings sure are convenient. By simply understanding the teachings you get to feel that you have become enlightened, just like the Buddha and other revered yogis and Buddhists from history. No need to meditate or work on clearing out your inner distortions, everything is already enlightened. And if you happen to come across a quote from someone like Ramana Maharshi that indicates that you have more work to do, then you can always find a good neo-advaita quote to counter it with! "The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge spiritual progress." If you are still addicted to thinking then the ego/I-thought is still alive, you are not done yet. If you still don't feel and see that everything is the Self/the absolute, then you are not enlightened yet. The no-self thing is usually the first of many awakenings that are available.
  19. Check out Pamela Aaralyn's channeling of Heylal/Lucifer. It's one of the best channelings I have heard and explains his purpose perfectly, aligned with non-duality.
  20. I'm sure our values are similar, we just have different opinions and beliefs, you believe in the mainstream narrative and I don't. @Carl-Richard Yes your arguments seem valid, but since I'm no expert and haven't done enough research about this topic I don't know if there are good counterarguments, I'm sure there are. We need to let the mainstream and the alternative health doctors debate this issue, then we can contemplate on their arguments and make a more informed decision. But no matter what, if I have a clear intuition I just have to follow it, because the intuition is our connection to our true self and we are meant to rely on it. It's rare to get a clear intuition isn't it?
  21. @intotheblack There are a lot of scientists and doctors who warn against taking the vaccine. I can't know for sure what is true, but everyone I trust and respect are refusing to take the vaccine. We should follow our intuition! <3
  22. The yogis call it the subtle breath, it happens when they go into deep samadhi states. They breathe very little or nothing at all but the breathing continues in their imagination/feeling. One cannot practice this, it just happens.
  23. @RMQualtrough But what about the type of awakening that makes it so that everything one sees is shining with this "I"- or me-feeling? If one sees and feels that everything is the Self always, then isn't that non-duality?
  24. I agree with Leo on this. Many non-duality teachers and seekers are still addicted to their mind and thinking. But yes there are some who have quit seeking for real and are liberated from the ego/I-thought. However, there are still higher levels that those people can reach when they clear away their emotional and mental distortions and become more pure. There is a difference between Ramana Maharshi's teachings and today's neo-advaita teachings, I believe that he had access to the hidden knowledge that some yogis talk about, you need to be very pure to access it, his teachings didn't just come from his direct experience but also from his inner knowledge. He was on another level and I think that if a non-duality teacher reaches that level their teachings will change and become more evolved and unique. The most evolved spiritual teachers I have found almost never talk about non-duality.
  25. I totally agree. I hope reality isn't infinite in that way, because there would be too much suffering.