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Everything posted by Tristan12

  1. That might work for you, but for a lot of people with more severe emotional issues those kinds of things will do nothing for them and they will continue to suffer. Also, regardless of whether that stuff makes you feel better or not, you are still missing out on SO much more you could have if you did the work to heal. By avoiding that deeper work you are just settling. Some people might be satisfied with that, but i'm not. You can't imagine how good you would feel and how good your life would be if you fully healed and released all of the emotional pain you store within yourself. Every little thing you do in your life would be incomparably better. Also, I haven't released this method yet on my channel because I haven't finished creating it yet, but I know this depth of healing is possible. I don't plan on ever putting any of my information or methods behind a paywall and it will all be on my channel for free.
  2. I'm an INFJ. I like the MBTI model. It has been very helpful for me with understanding myself and others and also helping me figure out how to set up my life to suit who I am.
  3. I know for a fact its possible. Your best bet out of what you listed for genuine healing is Teal's completion process. It's funny that you say you've been working on it for that long because that means you haven't gotten the depth of healing her process is intended for (which is something I have suspected for a lot of people). If her process was done properly it would trigger a huge emotional release, you would feel through all of your pain and you would be permanently healed. That's the intention behind that process.
  4. I listen to white noise with headphones when I sleep. It blocks out noise way better than ear plugs. I don't think it would have any effect on your brain, the only thing is you have to be careful when sleeping with headphones that if you lay on your side you could push it too far into your ear and damage it. I use apple headphones which don't go very far into the ear and I have been fine with them.
  5. @puporing I'm not sure. Either way, the therapy offered today has a lot of problems to it. No wonder there's so many people with unresolved emotional issues.
  6. wtf? what kind of therapist would side with the parent? when you are trying to process old emotional pain from something that happened years ago, whether the parents where right or not is irrelevant. Your child self needs love, that's it, end of story, and once everything is healed you will naturally move towards forgiveness and understanding of the parents. There's no need to take the parent's side in any way because it does nothing for healing
  7. The black border exists as nothingness, there is no such thing as non-existence. There can be no bubble of consciousness because everything outside the bubble is consciousness too. You're using the bubble and the border to distinguish between form and formlessness, but it is all consciousness and existence.
  8. Please do this I really want to see that episode
  9. That's great if that works for you. I have struggled with social anxiety too and practicing talking to people always gave me limited results. It got easier but I would always still have some degree of discomfort around people and not being able to fully let go and be myself and i've never been able to get past that point just by talking to people. That's because with social anxiety and pretty much any other emotional issue there is always a deeper cause to it that needs to be addressed and resolved which is why I keep talking about doing the deep emotional work. Without that, even if the issue seems to be resolved on the surface it will still exist deep down. It will have the possibility of coming up again later, plus you will still be dealing with all the other issues of being emotionally wounded and separated from yourself. You haven't really solved the problem at the root. Also, remember what I said about how the type of healing I am referring to is probably not something you've ever explored and few people know or talk about it. Most things that self help gurus or mental health professionals teach really isn't very good which is why you got limited results. That stuff never worked for me either. Doing this deep inner work to resolve the issue at the core is the wiser decision because its the only way you'll solve the issue at the core. Doing this inner work is the real work that you do to resolve your issues, and its not easy, so its certainly not a case of being lazy, not taking action or expecting everything to be handed to you. It's quite the opposite. You are facing your pain and trauma head on rather than running from it. But you do what works for you. That is just my opinion and perspective.
  10. PTSD and trauma are just blocked emotions that need to come out and be processed and released. Triggers occur because the hurt emotion still exists within you and you haven't released it yet. You certainly won't release and heal it by declaring war with it. It needs love and compassion. Going out and socializing makes you feel better because you're avoiding your emotions. It's the same as watching tv, playing video games, eating junk food, getting obsessed with work, working out. Anything other than directly facing your emotions is just an avoidance mechanism, even things that people usually see as being good for mental health like working out. You feel relieved when you go out because you're avoiding and distracting yourself from your emotions, but in reality they still exist within you and they always will until you deal with them properly. I totally get what you're saying about healing being so difficult, and wondering why doing trips and going to therapy hasn't done much for you. It's because healing can be very difficult, you're right about that, but it doesn't mean there is no solution in it at all. The mental health issues I have are very severe and pretty much no healing or trauma release technique i've tried has done much for me. I've been studying this stuff for years and I have discovered this area of healing that most people don't know about or cover. I am creating a healing technique based on these understandings, and it is intended to heal emotional issues at the very root. The understandings I have gained have felt more accurate than anything else I have found (in terms of explaining why I feel the way I do and why I have these issues) and I understand what needs to happen for me to actually heal, and I can see that barely any healing techniques out there provide that, so of course I haven't healed. My point being is that from everything i've learned over my years of study and research, I know 100% that there is a solution to these problems that involves facing them head on and not trying to escape them, and it will heal you completely, the problem is that most solutions to mental health issues today are so ineffective and will not provide this type of healing for you, so of course it seems like none of it works. if you are dealing with difficult negative emotions, then there is something within you that you need to face and heal. emotions are intelligent and will always be there for a good reason. If you decide to just cut yourself off from them and escape from them, nothing will get resolved, you will still have a huge part of yourself in your shadow, you will not be whole or authentic, and a part of you will always still be hurt so you will never truly be happy. Do not run from these emotions. It seems to me you are fed up with trying to face them and you just want to destroy them now because nothing has worked for you in the past. I promise you there is a root solution to this problem that is done by facing them that is much, much healthier than trying to avoid or destroy them. I don't think avoiding or destroying them would ever really work anyways, at least not long term. Either it would all come back up to the surface or you would be so extremely cut off from a part of yourself and so fragmented and inauthentic that you would never really be able to be happy no matter what you do.
  11. Why don't you get a job like being an uber driver or doing food delivery for a while until you've gotten it out of your system?
  12. No, you are the shadow and emotion. It appears to be against you, but it is really not. This idea of you on your own being free and alright but then having this shadowy monster coming over you is a textbook description of an unintegrated shadow. In that state you are not whole and your happiness and contentment is an illusion, because part of yourself is still deeply hurt, which you can see by negative thoughts and feelings. Based on how certain you seem that you need to destroy this thing and that healing is not an option, i'm not sure if we have the same idea of what this monster is that you're referring to, but if what you mean by it is trauma, memories, anxiety, negative beliefs (which you said in the beginning) then I stand by what I said and there is absolutely healing and integration that needs to occur. Where is it? You need to learn it. I could explain it to you or give you resources to learn it. I'm saying you need to learn how to work with your emotions more effectively and that will solve your problem, unless like I said we have a different idea of what this 'monster' is. I'm just surprised at how convinced you are that you need to destroy it. Everything I described lol. This attitude and perspective towards emotions.
  13. You keep putting yourself into these situations that lead to these warning points Why do you keep playing with fire lol
  14. Misc. RnB
  15. The Weeknd (RnB)
  16. Always Never (RnB)
  17. One of the things I value most in a woman is deep and genuine kindness and compassion. When a woman is a bitch, not just to me but to anyone, its such a huge turn off. She can be so beautiful but her bitchiness just ruins it. I think compassion and love is one of the most beautiful qualities of femininity, and its definitely something I value highly in a woman. I also value wisdom, intelligence and maturity. I guess its just so that she can see eye to eye with me, have good discussions with me and have the same kinds of high consciousness goals towards personal development and spirituality that I do. I don't want to feel like I am dating some child or like the girl only cares about shallow things when I couldn't care less about that stuff. Those would be the most important two for me. There are other things I would appreciate like having a good sense of humour, playfulness, good taste in music, enjoying the same kinds of activities as me, but those are just bonuses. Personality is more important to me overall but physical beauty is also still pretty important. There is just something about the radiant beauty of a beautiful woman and how well it compliments her femininity. I could just stare at her beauty and marvel at it for hours lol. I find that super attractive. The key components of that to me are just having long hair and taking good care of her body.
  18. I'm 21 and I haven't moved out yet (still working on building a career) but I personally think that most young people should try to move out as soon as they can, especially guys. I think its so crucial to develop strong independence, self-reliance and responsibility at a young age. Those are such crucial traits to develop and I think the earlier you develop them the better. Even if you are supporting yourself financially living with your parents and doing all of your own chores and everything, I still think its important to leave the nest and get out of your parents house asap once you become an adult. Its important for just developing yourself as a person and gaining maturity, and not having any attachment or dependancy on your parents, which makes you lazy and complacent. There are a lot of interesting videos from Jordan Peterson and others talking about the importance of moving out as soon as possible, and I definitely agree with them.
  19. Yes, femininity comes much more naturally as it is more of an open, receptive, being state. Masculinity is based on strength, leadership and doing, and as a result requires much more effort to learn and develop it. Long ago men would learn and develop their masculinity through the influence of other tribe members and other strong grounded men. That being said, when men don't get the masculine influence they need, which is especially common in today's society, they are left weak and out of alignment with their true essence, and of course that leads to toxicity. Men developing healthy masculinity will come from embracing and supporting masculinity, not demonizing it. Neither masculinity nor femininity are inherently bad or destructive. There are just healthy and unhealthy expressions of them.
  20. For a lot of men, their masculinity was destroyed and suppressed by mothers who were hurt by men and then taught their sons to not be dominant and to basically bow down to women. This destroys their masculine essence and makes them weak, and as a result a lot of men will lash out in toxic ways such as what you have described. A real man who has healthy masculinity, grounded in genuine self-love will not be toxic and destructive towards femininity. I don't think its fair to say that men have destroyed women, that men are to blame and women are the victims. I think both sides are at fault, and I can have compassion for the reasoning of both sides. Its important to note that a healthy masculinity and femininity will be supportive of each other and will compliment and synergize with each other well. This is the natural healthy state, how its meant to be. I can totally empathize with you and what you've been through, and i'm sure its harder than I can understand as a man to have been treated the way you have been by men, and i'm sorry you had to go through that, but I still don't think its fair to basically say that all men are inherently destructive towards women and to say that women are at no fault and play no piece in it themselves (such as what I described in the first paragraph).