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Everything posted by Demeter

  1. @Breakingthewall , beautifully written! But how do I translate this into my everyday existence? How do I make decisions that apply to me? What should they depend on - my goals to achieve better things, expand my knowledge and live a more useful life or should I simply savour living in the moment without any long term goals? Living in the moment may include over indulging in chocolate or fine wines or not striving for a better paying job.
  2. @Hojo , even better is to look at your astrology chart. It is believed that if you had a recent association with another star, it shows up in your astrology chart. You need to look at the placement of asteroids in your chart - many of which are named after stars.
  3. @OBEler , there is the whole alternate belief about star seeds. These are souls who've made a recent transition to life on Earth, their previous lives were on other planets. So they are human with recent alien lives.
  4. @Hojo , do you know which one? And to which star?
  5. @Hojo @Benton , I am now convinced I live among aliens!
  6. @Benton , these kind of utterances, while they may be true from the vantage point of a heavy psychedelic experience or a state of samadhi, make no sense to us mere mortals. I too am interested in how aliens if they are managing life on earth fits in with the notion of a god watching over us.
  7. @Javfly33 , a really inspiring experience! Could you say what your journey towards this experience was like? Did you meditate for many years and, if so, what kind of practices did you do?
  8. I had my second 300mcg Lsd session yesterday, and despite the fact that I had had a very positive glimpse on the previous occasion of the great universal being and oneness, I experienced the fear again of the great void. I wondered whether the Void was the actual reality - its vastness seemed so great the universe was a mere blip - a giggle, as it were, in the great expanse. The fear was this - I could not sense a conscious being - who was there taking note? - the vastness was so immense that nothing we are or do matters. That may be the case but that raises the question "Who cares what I do or who I am or we are?". Another question that emerges from this is "Could the experience of enlightenment and the beauty one sees be part of the illusion too? Would very much like to hear about your experiences of the void and where you think that fits in?
  9. @Breakingthewall could you say something about your practice/enlightenment journey. How long ago did you "realise that there are no limits" ? How did it come about? If you have ready written about this, please post a link. Thank you.
  10. @Breakingthewall , yes, agreed! Thanks for pointing that out. Perhaps I should have used the word 'void' as distinct from emptiness. I was conscious of an enormous, perhaps infinite space which appeared to be lifeless apart from the brief blip of creation. So, it was not empty. This great space was so vast that all life, planets, whatever, occupy a space which is infinitesimally small, in contrast. The importance or significance of creation as we know it appeared to shrink. If so, all our cogitations about our personal evolution seem rather pointless. What do they matter in the grand scheme of things, and who is taking note other than ourselves?
  11. Reviving this old thread. I am a slow thinker and have been grappling with an apparent contradiction related to the void. There seem to be two contradictions - one that our thinking and feelings evolve from one lifetime to another as we prepare ourselves for higher states of consciousness, such as we learn about compassion and becoming more tolerant of difference. Or we learn to develop a sense of self-worth and both expect and demand that partners value us. But where does this fit in with the notion that all life is transitory and is a mantle of illusion over the great reality of emptiness? So ,what is the worth of our lessons and learnings?
  12. @Fadious , could you please say how many seeds you took and how. @Vignan , could the nausea be lessened with fewer seeds? But would those be enough for a deep experience?
  13. The OP reeked of arrogance but this thread has become really interesting.
  14. It is on the Indian prime minister, Modi. (Ha, I misspelt the word 'minister' and it turned it into 'Monster'). I shudder at how fascist leaders all over the world undermine democracy while claiming to be its keepers.
  15. Why is it that many people don't experience enlightenment (in which ever shade it may present itself) even when they feel prepared and are yearning for it. Some people, I gather, take psychedelics for years without the great experience while for others it happens the first time. I am speaking of the great experience of being one with all, universal love etc. Of course people will say that you have to be ready for it, and maybe deserve it through preparation, i.e., many years of spiritual practice. That is an easily said and doesn't explain why some will get it if they are not looking for it. Could you say why you think it happened for you? Was there any particular trigger in your lives, such as years of meditation?
  16. @The Mystical Man Shouldn't this life count for something too? I hoped that if loads of people who've experienced God/non-duality thru psychedelics said what they thought worked for them, we might actually be able to make some sense out of it.
  17. @Hojo , it sounds as if you had a psychotic break induced by a mix of alcohol and drugs. What an awful experience to go through! Taking the mushroom years later was like a reset. Good that you came out the other end in such a positive way.
  18. I experienced the void and the great nothingness it represented. It was an annihilating experience. There was a feeling of loneliness which was unimaginable. That is what it is like if there is no creation - the most utterly dismal sense of being alone. Also stillness. Life however, is not still and, therefore, there is life. That is why there is creation for there to be more than nothingness. Ii also dawned on me that we too create life for ourselves. It is not the material things but the love and relationships we create that give our life meaning. That is all there is and that is our way to create a life of joy.. While these relationships exist, we can escape the void and being alone. So, there are individual souls each creating life in myriad forms. Through creation, God fills the void.
  19. @Hojo , I am a bit confused, could you please clarify. Why did the depression begin with the experience of nde in college which was accompanied by ecstatic states? If you also experienced these ecstatic states then why become depressed? Perhaps it was a Kundalini activation which usually brings a downside. Did you practise any kind of meditation which triggered these experiences?
  20. @Hojo , oh dear! A depression for 8 years! Did you experience the void through meditation alone? Have you tried psychedelics?
  21. @G_A_L_E_X_Y . amazing story! This is a really interesting thread. Would love to hear of other experiences. When I was very young, say six or seven years old, I would imagine that we were being observed by very tall people. The impression I got was that we were some sort of curiosity or an experiment for another race of people. This was well before the Internet, and I had never heard of aliens or Star Wars.
  22. @Eternal Unity , isn't it odd that one's experiences of enlightenment should partly depend on one's ability to navigate the dark web!
  23. @BlessedLion , yes, that too once you overcome the shock of encountering it.