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Posts posted by FlowerNote


    12 minutes ago, diamondpenguin said:

    @FlowerNote that's not racist man. You are carrying cultural baggage that alters the meaning of the question my friend. It seems that most enlightened people in history are white. They just wanted to know if black people have had the same experiences.

    First of all, throughout history, many enlightened people were Asian/South-Asian, not white. 

    I don’t agree, yes this could be the reason, but the question is so just stupid because asking if there are literally any enlightened black people presumes a huge quantitive difference in consciousness between races. If you are really interested in knowing whether black enlightened people exist, then you would just google it and quickly find that they exist.

    Making it seem like a genuine question is a classic trolling technique. 

    My point is that we don’t know whether it’s a genuine question, the same as we don’t know whether Nak Khids theory of God being finite is BS. But if we act on the bias of locking Nak Khid, we should also act on the bias to lock a racist troll. 

  2. @Leo Gura seems understandable if you put it that way. At least now you have admitted there are dogmatic biases attached to what is allowed on this forum and what is not. Not that its bad, your “biases” have helped me a lot. I’m just not a fan of censorship.

    But then also lock threads that are racist like that guy asking if there are enlightened black people in the world. If Nak Khid deserves it to have his thread locked then he as well.

  3. 2 hours ago, fridjonk said:

    Because he's stating it like it's fact, instead of asking and questioning with an open mind.  

    @fridjonk But thats also what Leo does when he explains God. Blatantly stating about the nature of God, what God is & what God isn’t. 

    Everyone should be able to make statements about God in this forum. otherwise the forum becomes a dogmatic mess.

    That of course doesn’t mean we should believe any of it but just take it as an interesting perspective. There are so many contradictory theories on this forum anyway. So why lock a particular thread if it isn’t hatespeech or blatant trolling?

    Leo also didn’t lock a thread asking whether there are enlightened black people in the world. Another moderator had to do that. 90% chance that that thread was just racist trolling. Why let that thread live but not Nam Khids thread about God?

  4. I see them as “gates of infinity” when you follow Stephen Hawkings theory. Since a black hole is a space-time singularity, and our big bang supposedly started from a singularity like this, then black hole = a new universe.

    So then our universe would be a black hole in another universe, and the black holes in our universe are also new universes. It probably goes on forever in both directions.

  5. If this is an openminded forum why block threads like these: 

    You just locked the thread and said “like you know what God is”

    Why do you get to explain God in many threads, saying the most radical things, but this guy gets his thread locked for his explanation of God? This goes against the Actualized.org principle of “no dogma of any kind”.

    The same reply, “Like you know what God is” could be commented in response to your explanations of God, but you don’t get your thread locked.

    I don’t even agree with @Nak Khid, I think God is infinite. But you locking his thread is kinda contradictory considering you’re such an advocate of openmindedness. 


  6. Since reality being inifinite/God experiencing infinite versions of himself, seems to be a popular concept on this forum,

    What do you guys think of dimension jumping? that it is actually possible to go to different timelines a.k.a. parallel universes? This seems way too far fetched.

    I mean it makes sense that reality is infinite, but it still seems this universe is bound by physical laws, even if "its all consciousness", I cant just walk on water or fly through the sky or something.

  7. Hello everybody, I’m new. I’ve been watching Leo’s content for some time now and got into spirituality a little bit. However this had led me to some confusion about my life purpose.

    My life purpose is to be a historian, I love it because of the grand feeling of knowing what happened 1000s of years ago. Researching sources and interpreting them is great for me.

    However now with Leo’s content and spirituality in general there are many remarks of the past being an illusion? Then how can history exist? It’s a noble purpose right, so why would it interfere with spirituality? Maybe this question is a bit strange but I really need to understand this because this is my life purpose.