The observer

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Posts posted by The observer

  1. saying it by others too

    just be careful dear @Leo Gura we want u to be safe. were all with u were all one in this. u may not realize how great u are but uve done so many great things and no matter what we say or do in return we will still be shy of giving back to u. this is NOT fear this is pure divine love sent for u from the deepest of us. take ur time to integrate tell us more about ur retreat let us be ur journal were all listening and we all love u. im sorry if i sound dumb or desperate but hey u its nothing for u

    blessings ?

  2. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    In practice bias distorts perception and leads to devilry. It disconnects you from Love.

    ok leo it looks like u could use some more time to integrate ur awakenings just dont rush into taking decisions early on. at the end of the day love wanted to disconnect for a good reason and its love so who is rejecting that? perhaps love too but that gives u the freedom to pick either options. love is free

  3. 15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    The only time you will ever become completely unbiased is when you're dead. Not enlightenment dead. Dead dead.

    I don't care how enlightened you are, if your body is alive, you will be biased. That is a requirement of life.

    You are biased for a very good reason. Without it you'd be dead.

    You are stuck in an existential bind. Either you choose bias and life, or you choose unbias and death. This choice itself is a bias!

    But there are also many degrees of bias. You can be much less biased without dying. You don't have to be like Fox News to survive.

    ok i see ur point leo but u make it sound like bias is a bad thing or like some thing we should get rid of. the traditional approach of spirituality is to transcend desire instead of bias b cuz obviously its not possible to transcend bias as long as were alive but it is possible to transcend desire. so bias is not the enemy neither the source of suffering even god in his purest form (formlessness) is biased towards himself b cuz he loves himself but the difference is that theres no other to contrast that love with but even here bias could go full circle and become infinite love for every one. really think about it. bias is not the enemy but desire is

  4. @Surfingthewave u dont have to make an official decision and create a boundary against the forum and leos teachings. of course its all up to u in the end but really if u would leave the videos dont leave the forum. here u have fellow travellers and even more experienced ppl to give u nuanced and specific advice and info. i had an awakening two days ago due to some other member commenting on my journal. this platform is way better than all them teachers and teachings altogether 

  5. 2 minutes ago, ShugendoRa said:

    @The observer Leo Gura said that they are both bad men.

    are u quoting leo? this does not sound like him. he never puts ppl in bad vs good categories but i havent watched his last video so i dont know if thats changed 

    4 minutes ago, ShugendoRa said:

    @The observer And I blindly agreed 

    haha why would u do that?

    5 minutes ago, ShugendoRa said:

    @The observer then I looked to their content there shit wasn’t so bad.

    every thing has innate value and all judgement is relative

    6 minutes ago, ShugendoRa said:

    @The observer So why are they bad ? Because they are not enlightened ?


  6. 20 hours ago, Forrest Adkins said:

    Was really let down by this.

    ask urself why? eventually u will find out that it is love. my guess is that u love knowing or being certain.

    20 hours ago, Forrest Adkins said:

    So many follow up questions.

    again ask urself why? the answer is love. its a must theres no other way around it.

    20 hours ago, Forrest Adkins said:

    Who created the Love, how did it came to be, why is it here at all, why is it love and not anything else.

    But I guess this is to be expected, rock bottom has to be somewhere. But why is all there exists a sentient being made out of love, makes me crazy thinking about it.

    ur guessing here is correct. and as for the question we could answer u but u probably wouldnt get it. it requires deep surrendering of the ego so unless ur already surrendered its not likely u will get it through communication u need direct experience through spiritual practices

  7. day #2

    today i experienced insane cravings but was able to resist the temptations for the most part

    offline voluntarily word count: less than 5 words

    offline involuntarily word count: 4 words with two different strangers asking me about the time in the span of five minutes and i answered them both ten thirty + 2 words in the grocery store + about 40-50 words minutia communication

    online word count (journals dismissed): 0 this one was extremely difficult i wrote a long post but didnt post it eventually 

    mind is getting calmer

    more presence and clarity in perception

    i will stop journaling i can take care of the rest on my own 

  8. day #1

    offline voluntarily word count: 40-50 words

    offline involuntarily word count: about 100-120 words for little chats with random acquaintances

    online word count (my journals dismissed): i wanted to comment on several topics on different platforms but i resisted so in total: 4 words on some topic here but deleted after 15 mins as i recalled the challenge + 10 words one comment on fb + one blue heart emoji on zeroISinfinity journal to show my love and gratitude

    its craaaazy how much time we waste with useless conversations every day

    off to sleep now

  9. silence is truly revealing! tons of huge insights are coming in. theres no such thing as delusion. wait what? YES! unless u think of it it doesnt exist u have to imagine the concept "delusion" for it to be true and either way with or without that concept its all truth and its all love. only u can create delusion just as much as u create ur suffering. no one else is deluded only u can delude urself hahahaha

  10. haha fuck my life i realized that i dont love my self wtf! hahaha zero was right its not about others its about me b cuz its all love and perfection some ppl will love u for no reason and some ppl will hate u for no reason theres no logic in love and attraction im imagining others and whether they love or hate me its just imagination its just thoughts its just desire for more its just ego haha how silly! what a cosmic joke!