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Posts posted by Cireeric

  1. How to up your value as a man?

    There too many ways to list them all:

    Grooming better

    Dressing better

    Having a strong sense of life purpose and direction

    Developing charisma

    Developing humor

    Developing confidence, leadership skills, speaking skills

    Earning money, becoming successful, reputable, famous

    Building a social circle of cool and positive friends

    Being more social

    Gaining experience with women

    Doing pickup & cold approach

    Developing flirting skills

    Improving your vocal tone and body posture

    Going to the gym and shaping up your body

    Improving your diet

    Building an amazing life for yourself

    Developing amazing sexual skills

    Developing emotional connection and your feminine side

    Meditation & consciousness work

    Self-love and self-acceptance

    Developing misc skills such at: cooking, home repair, home defense, sewing, arts & crafts, martial arts, yoga, photography, etc.

    Becoming a good human being

    Improving your communication skills

    Improving your relationship skills

    Learning, reading, knowledge

    Building an awesome bachelor pad/home that will make a girl wet just from walking in

    Traveling around the world


    This list was posted by Leo in the Forum one time. 

  2. Im also watching Your Wish Is Your Command at the moment. It made me understand the concept of Law of Attraction much better. On the one side it motivates me and on the other side it made me fear a bit and going a bit crazy, made me fear having bad thoughts and then attracting bad things into my life. For me it doesnt really feel right. But I think I need to make my own experiences and test it out. In Leos booklist is still a section on Law of Attraction, would like to hear his current thoughts on this.

  3. In my opinion you shouldnt havin sex with her not the first time on psychedelics, especially if its your first time. I had the same experience with a girl I was tripping with her in the woods on LSD and it got really weird and she wanted sex the whole time but in the woold on lsd doesnt felt right for me in this moment so it got a bit weird. But all depends on you and how you feel but I thinl it. ould get overwhelmimg especially if its your first time having sex

  4. When you are starting to doing it, and be aware of the process, you will see for yourself if you can continue to do this on a weekly basis. But in my opinion it will get too much and when you have deep/intense trips I think you dont want to continue trip again and again on a weekly basis. Often when I had an LSD trip I think like Im never doing this again and only after a few months I want to trip again. I think its not the right way with psychedelics to build an mechanical habit out of it, like it would work with other spiritual practices like meditation. But you need to test out for yourself and figure it out.

  5. I dont understand this massive prejudice and blame towards Jordan Peterson. I understand how he is wasting too much time and energy on gender debates, but the problem is also that this is the stuff what the media likes to show and gets the attention. I learned very much from his Maps of Meaning and Personality Lectures and much of the stuff correlates and works together very great with Leos Teachings. I can really recommend his personality lectures on Youtube, many insights.

  6. I recently bought the book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, because I heard many good things about it. In this discussion: 

    Yuval Noah Harari talks about very interesting topics like Religion vs. Spirituality, how Humans making sense of reality via storytelling and why philosophical and spiritual questions now are more important than ever in human history. What are your opinions on his books and his ideas?