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About mrzgraphics

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  1. Understanding is the key. Not only at the surface level but deeper or as Leo says "going meta". I think that once you fully grasp a concept or idea at different levels and from various perspectives then it becomes easier for you to express complexity.
  2. @Johnny5 Oh thanks Johnny for taking the time to explain this concept which is foreign to me. I'm a fresh member among you; joined yesterday. But I have been watching Leo's Youtube channel for more than two years. I will definitely watch the Content vs Structure/Pattern. Have a great day! (it's time for me to go to bed; it's midnight where I live :P)
  3. @Johnny5 Interesting! Coud you please elaborate more on what you mean by content vs. structure?
  4. @Johnny5 But I think this orange vs. blue reaction (or rather blue vs. blue) is so strong, in a negative way, to represent a danger to another person's life. I think such scenarios are unlikely to occur at higher stages, i.e. orange and beyond.
  5. @remember Well first of all I don't know this TV program but from that preview it looks like these TV shows where a Imam is invited to give lessons on various topics based on the islamic faith and respond to questions asked by audience. Of course, the guy declaring he's atheist and proud of being so (he seems pround and comfortable to say it loud even though it's really dangerous especially in countries like Egypt), it triggered the host to react to strongly opposing position. I suppose this TV show's audience is predominantly muslims (not only from Egypt but from other Arab countries watching via Nilesat). Therefore, the host himself probably holding islamic faith, he knew he had to react by completely rejecting the guy's statement. I would say that if he didn't react that way, maybe some of his audience would start questioning his (the host) faith, because remember there are christians in Egypt as well (but of course as minority compared to islam). But deep inside, I feel that so many people watching that show would feel uncomfortable for the poor guy being smashed so violently only for being so brave to say "I'm not believing in Islam".
  6. I absolutely share the same thought. I didn't mention this thought in my previous comment, but yeah it can be felt that he had to overeact at some point for the sake of his audience.
  7. Wow now the presenter's attitude is extremely savage !! He unfortunately couldn't even listen to the guy and understand his point of view. I'm from Morocco and atheist, I'm pretty sure most of people would react similarly in my home country.
  8. Hi Heaven, First of all I hope you're feeling much better now. Sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves at the expense of getting more work done or just totally surrendering to daily tasks without taking a break to actually breathe. This happens to me often these days as I am doing my full time scientific work plus part-time artistic freelance work. My advice to you is to allocate 20 minutes every day from your schedule to breathing exercises combined with meditation. Also, Wim Hof's method might be a good idea to try out. Have a fantastic day everybody Regards, PS. This is my first contribution to this forum. I love you Leo. I watch all your videos and they bring so much value to my life. Thanks million times!!!!