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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotARobot

  1. That is what makes people so tricky. Even someone like Hitler had the capacity to love Jewish people, but it was so incredibly limited that there is only a handful he actually cared about in any meaningful way. So what exactly was it that was limiting him to be so selfish? And how can understanding his selfishness help you love yourself on a deeper level and vic versa?
  2. Is there an inherent difference between the limitation of a car being unable to fly to the moon and the limitation of Hitler being unable to love the Jewish people? Similarly, is there a difference between Hitler being unable to love the Jewish people and you being unable to love selfish people?
  3. Try and observe your own limitations. Sit with them. High expectations have to do with how you relate to the limitations within reality. You wouldn't expect a car to fly you to the moon. It's not a realistic expectations, because it completely ignores the physical limitations of the car. People are much more tricky though, since their limitations aren't always super obvious. But once you start to get a better understanding of these limitations, they will start to bother you less and less. It's similar to how you're not angry at the car for being unable to fly to the moon, but you might get angry should it break down. It's unreasonable to expect it to be able to fly to the moon, but it's far more reasonable to expect it to work. One thing is impossible (feel free to prove me wrong lol, I'd love to see a car that can do that), the other thing isn't. My point is that there are different levels of limitation, you might want to focus on the more tangible ones to begin with and work your way down to the deeper layers of this construct.
  4. For example: They're blocking your way because they fear your potential. They dress horribly because they don't want to stand out in a crowd.
  5. Learning to love yourself is crucial. You can't love people for the things you don't love within yourself, since they are you.
  6. Here is a comparison between DALL-E 2 and 3: DALL-E 2: DALL-E 3: This is incredible process! A lot of the images still have a sort of "stock photo-ish" vibe, but they've certainly improved significantly in the past year. It's crazy! Image how long it would take a human to go from the first image to the second within a year. That person would be called a prodigy.
  7. If you've got trouble generating images after your points ran out, you can also use Bing's chat bot and ask it to generate images for you
  8. If you meet the Buddha Leo on the road, kill him.
  9. That's how it goes sometimes. You exhaust the capacity of your current belief systems and run into their limitations, which forces you to transcend these limitation. Oh, but you do see the path! Your heart is telling you precisely what to do. The mind can help fill out the details, through strategic planning, contemplation and self-reflection, but your heart already knows in which direction you want to move. All you have to figure out is what is keeping your from taking these steps right now. What is limiting you right NOW? What steps could you take right NOW and why aren't you taking them right NOW?! It doesn't have to be anything life-changing. It could be as simple as cleaning up your apartment. You want to start with the most immediate problems and then you want to work your way up to more abstract stuff. So start by observing yourself in silence. Observe your mind and all of its thought patterns. There are probably certain patterns, programmed into you by your upbringing, that are keeping your from accepting the gift of pure love that your heart is offering to you at any given moment. You've got to reconnect with that love. You've got to allow yourself to recognize it in your everyday life, especially during stressful times. That will take some deconditioning. You start with what appears to be limiting you right now and then you make that the point of your mediation. Just observe it with curiosity.
  10. Everybody has the capacity for some level of narcissism (talking about it more in terms of a personalty trait here rather than a personality disorder, the people with a narcissism disorder simply have a much more dysfunctional level of narcissism). When you catch yourself slapping the lable of narcissist onto others, chances are that you are projecting that aspect of your own personality on them. I can relate to that, I do that sometimes. It doesn't mean that you've got a disorder, but it's probably worth to inspect this facet of your personality closer for answers on why others act in such ways. This will give you some peace of mind regarding other people's narcissistic tendencies, because you can relate to it on a human level, not a conceptual level of "narcissism = bad".
  11. You never had any past lives, because all life is occurring right now, it just doesn't seem that way. You're looking at the world through the perception of time, but time is of no meaning in any absolute sense. All lives are occurring within this moment. Think about it like a movie reel. As the movie is playing, there appears to be a sense of motion, it appears to flow through time. At one moment there is one image, at the next moment there in another image. But when you stop the movie and look at the entire reel, you'll notice that all the frames already exist right next to each other. The movie simply switches between these frames very quickly that it appears to be moving. Life is similar. All lives exist as frames right next to each other, being lived simultaneously, at least from the perspective of the absolute. The absolute is the guy in the back of the cinema who puts the movie reels into the beamer thingy. The ego (you) are the person in the theater. You lack the big picture view of the entire movie reel. So you could say that there are no past or future lives. There is only life itself. That's only one perspective. Another perspective is that there could be a reality, with individual life forms that have the capacity to be reincarnated. I don't see a reason for why infinity shouldn't be capable of such a thing. However, there is a difference between infinity having the capacity to imagine such a reality, and this being said reality.
  12. It's interesting now that you bring that up. You can categorize most narcissist into two categories: Grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism. Grandiose is what narcissism looks like in the masculine, vulnerable is the feminine. Grandiose narcissism is basically the cliche of the person that thinks they're better than everyone around them and wants everyone to know and acknowledge it, vulnerable narcissists are more manipulative and covert in how they get their validation. Basically the classic "nice guy" who kisses everyone ass and gets mad when he doesn't get back any validation. Here is a good video on the latter, it might be worth-while to watch it and figure out whether it resonates with you. @Butters Not judging btw. Even if you were to find out that it does resonate with you, there is nothing wrong with it. It's just the way you were conditioned.
  13. He looks like he came straight out the gay bar lol. But kinda proves the point. This is what his clothes may convey to another man (me in this example), but he might come off entirely different in an interaction with a woman.
  14. It for got the second tiny, slightly funnier top hat, it also spelled peels wrong, but the text seems to have gotten much better! The person also looks much better than in DALL-E 2 (though DALL-E 3 didn't seem to agree with my artistic vision of having arms for legs and legs for arms). It got kind of confused in this one lol. It didn't stand a chance against my stupid prompts. I will start asking it for simpler things now to see how it does in that area.
  15. Another way to imagine this is that your style is a form of sub-communication, which can be used for psychological tactics. I can claim that my diversity of style points towards my diversity of character, but that doesn't mean that my character is actually diverse, it can also simply mean that I'm trying to paint myself as a diverse character. Similarly, dressing in a masculine way only signifies masculinity, but it's doesn't inherently point towards any authentic masculinity. Just dress whichever way resonates with you at any given moment. The most important part is to be comfortable with yourself and your choices. That will be much more attractive.
  16. It depends. Some women like when a man can wear whatever he wants and still make it look good through the way he carries himself. Being comfortable with yourself can be much more important in how masculine you appear than what you wear, but that of course depends on the individual woman and what her values are. I think it's better to have a capacity for diversity. To be able to be comfortable standing out, but also blending in. Yin and yang. Sometimes I go out looking like a hippie, sometimes I go out looking like I sell drugs. Sometimes I don't put any thought into it. I did notice that I get looks from different types of women depending on how I'm dressed, so you're right when it comes to merely getting looks from women, but when it comes to attraction in general, I don't think your clothes pose much of a problem.
  17. And they probably didn't lynch you for it.
  18. Wear whatever you want. It's about how you wear it. I've got plenty of fairly normal clothes, but I also have some psychedelic and colorful shit. I like to switch it up and give it a little spice. I've gotten a lot of compliments for my style, probably because I just wear whatever I feel looks good on me. Do other men on the street think that I'm masculine when I walk around in a purple sweater with psychedelic patterns on it? Maybe, maybe not. I don't give a shit about what they think. That is my definition of a masculine approach.
  19. I've been experiencing the same thing ever since the servers crashed the other day.
  20. @at_anchor That's a good start. Just keep doing it and you'll become more comfortable in front of the camera. Rewatch the videos and take notes on what you could've done better.
  21. @at_anchor Notice that these are beliefs. You are being held by what you believe to be true about yourself. Also notice that following your passion is something that starts right now. You lack equipment? So what? Just start recording yourself on your phone, for yourself. It's like wanting to start a business. You need money for that. But don't turn that into an excuse of "Oh, there is nothing to do right now because I'm broke", because that's not true! There are a lot of skills that are relevant in creating a business that don't rely on money. You can watch YouTube videos and read tons of free information online. You can try to make connections and find like minded people who might help you once you actually have the money. Think about how many people want to create a business once they have the money for it, but once they do actually have the money they don't know what to do with it. Your beliefs are holding you back from taking the actions you must take right now in order to step closer to your goals. You already know what must be done right now. You just have to be honest with yourself. Chances are that you know what to do, you just don't understand what's keeping you from pursuing it. So sit down and confront that voice that tells you that you can't do it. And don't just nod your head at everything it says. Actually question it.
  22. I'd rather define that as caution. Caution is to worry, what pain is to suffering.
  23. In the example I gave with the plane, it makes sense to worry before you board the plane. If you worry that the plane will crash, then don't get on the plane. That's fair, that's the amount of control you have over the situation, but it will probably keep you from having certain experiences that you couldn't otherwise have. Once you actually are on the plane. worrying becomes practically useless. If you die you die, if you don't you don't. So why worry about something outside of your control? So if it comes to something like, for example, artificial intelligence, it makes sense to worry if you plan to do something about it. If you're not in the field of AI and you have no impact on it, then worrying isn't particularly productive. It will just distract you from those things that you can control.
  24. When you're already on a plane, what is the point of worrying about it crashing? If it's going to crash it's going to crash. There is no stopping it. You can worry, but if it crashes you will simply have spent the last few minutes of your life worrying about something that came to be true anyways. If you stopped worrying, it may still crash, but at least you'd have enjoyed the last bit of your life. So why not enjoy the flight as long as it lasts? It's not like there is any choice you have at this point.