
I'm losing ground

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On the one hand, these past two years I've been focused inwards, healing trauma and reflecting a lot. I've made massive inner spiritual growth and my understanding and love for the world has increased so much. 

On the other hand, these past two years I've not focused much outward. The result? My small online business has steadily declined to a point where I now have massive debt and little income. It feels like I could lose my life at any moment. 

I've also lost my tribe and stopped pursuing certain passions. Now that I know myself better I can reboot those things with 10x the confidence and 10x the awareness. I'm so excited about this! 

I've never felt so alive and so confident. My self respect is through the roof and it radiates. You could say I'm at my worse rationally, but my awareness is higher than ever before. Part of me feels like massive changes are coming, all for the better. 

At this point all I can do is to do the right thing, so I try to follow my intuition as much as possible. I don't have a choice unless I wanna be homeless. I'm forced into consiousness and making heart based decisions.

I'm working on new business ventures but it's kinda tough. I fall into black and white thinking often. 

Like really chaotic thinking, hard to give an example. Like one day I'm all excited and the next I'm so down and unmotivated. There's many projects in my future, maybe I should focus on one at a time. 

Any advice for tough times? Specifically tough times where you are consious and aware that massive loving changes are just around the corner but you can't see exactly the path yet. 

Edited by Butters

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I don't have any big advice on that but I'm curious, what business are you in. What is your online business.

One Love....

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7 minutes ago, Butters said:

I don't have a choice unless I wanna be homeless. I'm forced into consiousness and making heart based decisions.

That's how it goes sometimes. You exhaust the capacity of your current belief systems and run into their limitations, which forces you to transcend these limitation. 

8 minutes ago, Butters said:

Any advice for tough times? Specifically tough times where you are consious and aware that massive loving changes are just around the corner but you can't see exactly the path yet. 

Oh, but you do see the path! Your heart is telling you precisely what to do. The mind can help fill out the details, through strategic planning, contemplation and self-reflection, but your heart already knows in which direction you want to move. All you have to figure out is what is keeping your from taking these steps right now. What is limiting you right NOW? What steps could you take right NOW and why aren't you taking them right NOW?! It doesn't have to be anything life-changing. It could be as simple as cleaning up your apartment. You want to start with the most immediate problems and then you want to work your way up to more abstract stuff. So start by observing yourself in silence. Observe your mind and all of its thought patterns. There are probably certain patterns, programmed into you by your upbringing, that are keeping your from accepting the gift of pure love that your heart is offering to you at any given moment. You've got to reconnect with that love. You've got to allow yourself to recognize it in your everyday life, especially during stressful times. That will take some deconditioning. You start with what appears to be limiting you right now and then you make that the point of your mediation. Just observe it with curiosity. 

beep boop

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16 hours ago, Butters said:

Any advice for tough times? Specifically tough times where you are consious and aware that massive loving changes are just around the corner but you can't see exactly the path yet. 

The only real advice that one can give to someone in your position is to simply trust the process. Have faith that it will all pan out exactly the way it is supposed to.

One thing that I really like about the English language is that it distinguishes between 'belief' and 'faith' (in German we only have one word for it: Glaube). Belief is attachment to a certain story; faith one the other hand is the unconditional trust in life that is your only guiding light once you have let go of all stories and find yourself in a state of free fall.

But it sounds like you already have this faith, so I guess I am preaching to the choir here. ;)


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Are you contemplating, setting clear goals and planning?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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