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Posts posted by Dryas

  1. @Gregory1 I suppose we’re just different that way. Big picture stuff probably doesn’t mention specific techniques (spaced repetition, active recall and using productivity apps like notion or managing calendars with time blocking etc etc) and I feel like that stuff is pretty important.

    But I suppose it’s possible for the big picture to indirectly help by convincing one to research the aforementioned. 

    Idk, just explore all of it i guess. 

  2. Leo’s older videos can be helpful but they don’t usually give specific steps. It’s mostly big picture, which is important, but probably won’t get you good grades tbh (doesn’t mean you shouldn’t watch em cuz like why not.)

    Meditate, exercise and research studying techniques on YouTube. You might end up wasting all your time if you don’t have the right technique so experiment and see what works for you. 

    There are like a million productivity channels that talk about this stuff. Active recall and spaced repetition is what I’ve heard many talk about so that should probably be a good place to start. 

  3. 9 hours ago, impulse9 said:

    Find the joy in it. You can find joy in any subject. Perspective is all.

    Sure one can find joy in anything. Of course programming languages and AI and all that is interesting and all but studying in uni for it is a whole new ball game..



    it's pure fucking jungle and you get paid like cents literally 

    Yea, that's a big fear of mine. Thanks for your input.

  4. This is about my college major. I live in a third world country and a top priority of mine right now is to get the hell out. 

    To do that, I’ll need a degree (or at least that’ll help.) The thing is that all the high paying and high demand stuff like CS and engineering isn’t all that interesting to me. But it’s what makes money. It’s what might get me a job offer abroad. I know I might be suffer a bit and perhaps it will be a miserable couple years. But even so, leaving this place is too important.. right? 

     Also, not going to college isn’t an option. 

    I’m kinda stressing over this now tbh. I mean it’s a simple logical calculation in my head but I’m anxious at the same time. 

    Just posting to seek some additional perspective.


  5. 1 minute ago, Scholar said:

    Nonsense, Hasan is employing people himself, he wants to literally change the entire framework of our economy, and yet he himself will not create a cooperative?

    I don't know enough to comment on this, but I'd imagine it's because his kind of work isn't really suited for cooperatives? Do you know of anyone specifically complaining about terrible work conditions under his employment?

    3 minutes ago, Scholar said:

    he could so much more

    Like what? He says he donates to charity and.. well, I guess he could donate to politicians or something (though maybe he already does?). I mean the guy has probably had a decent influence. He's got over a million followers on twitch. He could always do more, but like..

    5 minutes ago, Scholar said:

    aspouses individualsitic virtues

    Huh? His audience is full of socialists, not libertarian types. I don't see it.

  6. 2 hours ago, Scholar said:

    "You can't expect a socialist to enslave himself to the system! We all live under capitalism therefore anything goes!"

    Socialists arguments are directed towards people who own the means of production, not every rich person ever. I think Hassan would be classified as an artist under the socialist philosophy.. or something like that.

    2 hours ago, Scholar said:

    But he is not interested in doing that whatsoever

    Simply because he bought a big house? He believes he's doing everything he can through his political commentary and promoting progressive values. What else do you think he should do?


    6 hours ago, Opo said:

    There are people here who blindly follow him. That's why I posted it. 

    I wouldn’t know any but okay. I still think you’d be much better off posting it in his subreddit or discord. They will either ban you or talk in good faith, but I believe Vaush has said that he doesn’t want an audience full of cock-sucking fanboys so I reckon at least a few will be happy to address your concerns (although I can’t say how regularly he emphasizes this point so..).