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Posts posted by Dryas

  1. Art is self expression. The AI doesn’t have a self the way humans do and therefore will never produce art of quality comparable to humans. 

    But then again, I don’t think there’s anything in the universe that disallows the possibility of AI gaining a self. We could then program it to be the most productive and self expressive artist ever. 

    It could create the most precise, detailed and technically flawless pieces without sacrificing any of the more emotional and intuitive elements.

    If this happens, I believe that humans really will be only the experiencers rather than creators. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Random witch said:

    This is why it's so important to practice gratitude, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Just in order to remind to yourself about the things that work in your life, that are good, that you value and grateful for.

    4 hours ago, BlackMaze said:

    When you are grateful you can't be negative. You are grounded in possitive emotions and stop focusing on the 'bad' things. This is extremely important to create the things you want in your life. It's a cheat code that you can use. The more you practice the better you feel. That said it's not easy. 

    This sounds terrible to me. It's like you're emotionally devastated by those comparisons and thus are dependent on this exercise in order

    to not feel totally miserable about your existence. A major coping mechanism basically. I don't know, it just feels very twisted.

    I'd rather deconstruct and eliminate the process of comparison altogether.


    5 hours ago, mandyjw said:

    Take the time and idea of ownership out of it and it's much more enjoyable and naturally arises. Today I went to a really nice place someone else owns and appreciated a lot that isn't mine. Appreciated stuff that is "mine." Same thing in the moment. Then got home and got out of the car and the stars tonight... ? took my breath away. (And that's not mine either.)

    You were grateful for someone else owning a nice place? How does that work?

    I mean, you can't really apply the idea of ownership to stars anyway. That's just weird lol.

    9 hours ago, blankisomeone said:

    go 40 days without food and then eat again and you'll naturally feel grateful for the food.

    or experience a hellish bad trip and then come out the other end and you will feel grateful for the relief

    Fair enough

    2 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

    Gratitude is the ultimate blessing. Those who don't have it are the most unfortunate.

    Is that because they have the lowest place in society or?

    5 hours ago, Gili Trawangan said:

    Gratitude is a return to the truth, a dispelling of the illusion that there are any problems.

    How so? Aren't you creating dualities in this process and thus kinda reinforcing the illusion of separation?

  3. Well, since it’s thanksgiving. 

    I don’t understand how being grateful works. If I am grateful for something today, there’s always the possibility that I loose that thing tomorrow. If I try to recount my blessings, I can always look to compare myself with someone who’s had greater luck with the genetic and socio economic lottery. Also, what do the most unfortunate and unlucky people in history have to be grateful for? The idea seems almost offensive when we look at it from their perspective. 

    Honestly, this idea seems like it stems from religious bs although I also see it in self help and some spiritual teachings. I remember my (religious) parents talking to me about this stuff and it never quite made sense to me. So yea, how does this work (if it works at all)? 

  4. I went from despising extroverts as uninteresting and boring to admiring them for how good they are at navigating social circles and virtually all of life.

    Being introverted is a big disadvantage in many ways and most introverts aren’t very conscious or smart anyways. Maybe if we’re just taking averages or something. 

    Basically, I regret not socializing enough in school. Big mistake honestly. Don’t recommend it. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tim R said:


    4 minutes ago, Dryas said:

    Maybe hold the cup in its place, remove the table and put it on top. Then turn your head upside down and it makes its we have the cup in the desired orientation (I think)

    4 minutes ago, captainamerica said:

    If covering is allowed then by covering it and making it airtight before turning it upside down on a smooth surface, and then simply slide the covering material (paper, sheet, plastic) out. 

    goes against the 3rd rule tho, you're only allowed to use


    I’m not though. The cup must be resting on something like a table.. well it could be the floor in which case this doesn’t work. 

  6. Drink the water using a straw 


    Maybe hold the cup in its place, remove the table and put it on top. Then turn your head upside down and it makes its we have the cup in the desired orientation (I think)


    Or, I guess if we are thinking about non duality then literally what is the difference between upside and non upside